A representation of whether the era supports transaction metadata. Transaction metadata is supported from the Shelley era onwards.
-- | A representation of whether the era supports transaction metadata.
-- Transaction metadata is supported from the Shelley era onwards.
data TxMetadataSupportedInEra era where
TxMetadataInShelleyEra :: TxMetadataSupportedInEra ShelleyEra
TxMetadataInAllegraEra :: TxMetadataSupportedInEra AllegraEra
TxMetadataInMaryEra :: TxMetadataSupportedInEra MaryEra
TxMetadataInAlonzoEra :: TxMetadataSupportedInEra AlonzoEra
TxMetadataInBabbageEra :: TxMetadataSupportedInEra BabbageEra
deriving instance Eq (TxMetadataSupportedInEra era)
deriving instance Show (TxMetadataSupportedInEra era)
txMetadataSupportedInEra :: CardanoEra era
-> Maybe (TxMetadataSupportedInEra era)
txMetadataSupportedInEra ByronEra = Nothing
txMetadataSupportedInEra ShelleyEra = Just TxMetadataInShelleyEra
txMetadataSupportedInEra AllegraEra = Just TxMetadataInAllegraEra
txMetadataSupportedInEra MaryEra = Just TxMetadataInMaryEra
txMetadataSupportedInEra AlonzoEra = Just TxMetadataInAlonzoEra
txMetadataSupportedInEra BabbageEra = Just TxMetadataInBabbageEra
-- | A representation of whether the era supports auxiliary scripts in
-- transactions.
-- Auxiliary scripts are supported from the Allegra era onwards.
data AuxScriptsSupportedInEra era where
AuxScriptsInAllegraEra :: AuxScriptsSupportedInEra AllegraEra
AuxScriptsInMaryEra :: AuxScriptsSupportedInEra MaryEra
AuxScriptsInAlonzoEra :: AuxScriptsSupportedInEra AlonzoEra
AuxScriptsInBabbageEra :: AuxScriptsSupportedInEra BabbageEra
deriving instance Eq (AuxScriptsSupportedInEra era)
deriving instance Show (AuxScriptsSupportedInEra era)
auxScriptsSupportedInEra :: CardanoEra era
-> Maybe (AuxScriptsSupportedInEra era)
auxScriptsSupportedInEra ByronEra = Nothing
auxScriptsSupportedInEra ShelleyEra = Nothing
auxScriptsSupportedInEra AllegraEra = Just AuxScriptsInAllegraEra
auxScriptsSupportedInEra MaryEra = Just AuxScriptsInMaryEra
auxScriptsSupportedInEra AlonzoEra = Just AuxScriptsInAlonzoEra
auxScriptsSupportedInEra BabbageEra = Just AuxScriptsInBabbageEra