LDAP tree needs to be migrated as a result of georchestra#91 :
- ldif export: ldapsearch -xLLL -D "cn=admin,dc=georchestra,dc=org" -W > dump.ldif
- migration: sed 's/(memberUid: uid=)(.*)(,ou=users,dc=georchestra,dc=org)/memberUid: \2/' dump.ldif > new.ldif
- ldif import
mapfishapp config changes:
- the print config folder should be moved from YOUR_CONFIG/mapfishapp/print to YOUR_CONFIG/mapfishapp/WEB-INF/print for security reasons, see georchestra#82
- client side (see GEOR_config.js or GEOR_custom.js for more information):
- MAP_POS_SRS1 and MAP_POS_SRS2 options have been replaced with POINTER_POSITION_SRS_LIST
- DEFAULT_WMC option has been replaced with CONTEXTS
- PRINT_LAYOUTS_ACL allows to fine-tune available printing layouts based on user roles
- DEACCENTUATE_REFERENTIALS_QUERYSTRING option added (controls whether to deaccentuate the referentials widget query string or not)
- server side:
- There is a new maven filter for mapfishapp temporary documents: shared.mapfishapp.docTempDir (defaults to /tmp/mapfishapp)
- don't forget to edit your WMCs to activate back buffers on base layers, see georchestra#42
In GeoNetwork, it is now recommended to use OGC:WMS protocol rather than OGC:WMS-1.1.1-http-get-map (or any other WMS tagged with a version) to declare WMS layers, see georchestra#4