This addon allows users to query layer objects across different services using "typeahead" search. author: @fvanderbiest
Compatibility: geOrchestra >= 14.12
Example addon config:
"id": "quicksearch_0", // unique & stable string identifier for this addon instance
"name": "Quicksearch",
"options": {
"field": "label", // [mandatory] field common to all layers for query and display
"tip": { // [mandatory] tooltip displayed on field hover
"fr": "<b>Recherche rapide d'une référence</b><br>Tapez \"d numero_de_dossier\" pour obtenir l'affichage du dossier",
"en": "...",
"es": "...",
"de": "..."
"searches": [{ // [mandatory] "searches" lists the patterns and related layers to query
"pattern": "d ([0-9]+)", // example: "d 145896" for document n° 145896
"service": "",
"featureNS": "",
"featureType": "dossier"
}, {
"pattern": "([0-9]+ .+)", // example: "45 rue Droite"
"service": "",
"featureNS": "",
"featureType": "geo_adresse"
// search with no pattern means that it catches all requests which do not match any of the above patterns
"service": "",
"featureNS": "",
"featureType": "geo_voie"
"target": "tbar_11", // [optional] field is placed at eleventh position in top toolbar
"minChars": 4, // [optional] minimum number of characters to type before request is fired
"maxResults": 10, // [optional] maximum number of query results
"graphicStyle": { // [optional] graphic style for the geographical features
"graphicName": "cross",
"pointRadius": 16,
"strokeColor": "fuchsia",
"strokeWidth": 2,
"fillOpacity": 0
"title": {
"en": "Quick Search",
"fr": "Recherche rapide",
"es": "Búsqueda rápida",
"de": "Schnellsuche"
"description": {
"en": "Quick search your favorite objects",
"fr": "Trouvez en quelques secondes vos objets",
"de": "Finden Sie Ihre Artikel innerhalb von Sekunden",
"es": "Encuentra tus artículos en segundos"
The only constraint is that all layers must share the same query field name.