This addon allows users to draw features with custom styles (color, stroke width, etc...) to annotate the map. authors: @pgiraud
The addon config should look like this:
"id": "annotation",
"name": "Annotation",
"title": {
"en": "Drawing tools",
"es": "Herramientas de dibujo",
"fr": "Outils de dessin",
"de": "Zeichenwerkzeug"
"description": {
"en": "A bunch of tools to annotate the map by drawing different kind of shapes.",
"es": "Una serie de herramientas para anotar el mapa dibujando diferentes formas.",
"fr": "Une série d'outils pour annoter la carte en dessinant différentes formes.",
"de": "Utensilienauswahl zur Kartenmarkierung mittels unterschiedlicher Formen"