The code blocks in this file use mdx to run integration tests of the Apalache CLI interface.
To run these tests, execute the ../ script with no arguments.
Any sh
code block will be run as a test.
The test executes the command following a $
. The command is expected to
produce the output on the subsequent lines of the code block.
Some tips:
- Use
to omit irrelevant lines in output. This is useful for nondeterministic output or to hide noise. - Specify a non-zero return code
by adding[n]
on a line by itself after the output. - Pipe into filters to get arbitrary control of the expected output.
The usual flow is:
- Write a failing test that executes the command to be run.
- Run the test (see below).
- Check that the corrected output is what you expect, then run
make promote
, to copy the output back into this file. - Replace any non-essential lines with
See the documentation on mdx
for more features and flexibility.
(From the project root.)
Each section, demarcated by headings, can be run selectively by supplying an argument that matches the heading.
E.g., to run just the test for the version
command, run
test/ "executable prints version"
NOTE: This only runs code blocks directly in the named section, and will not include execution of blocks in nested subsections.
The matching is based on (perl) pattern matching. E.g., you can run all the
tests in sections that include the string "executable"
in their headings with
test/ executable
$ pwd | grep -o test/tla
$ apalache-mc version
$ apalache-mc help
This command parses a TLA+ specification with the SANY parser.
$ apalache-mc parse Rec12.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
$ apalache-mc check --length=1 --init=Init --next=Next --inv=Inv Bug20190118.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check --length=5 --inv=IsIndependent mis.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check --length=5 --inv=IsIndependent mis_bug.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: Error
Checker has found an error
$ apalache-mc check --length=5 ast.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check --length=2 pr.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check --length=5 --inv=Inv EWD840.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check --length=5 --inv=Inv Paxos.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check --length=1 Bug20190118.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check --length=5 --cinit=CInit Bug20190921.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check --length=10 --inv=Inv Counter.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: Error
Checker has found an error
$ apalache-mc check --length=20 --inv=Safety --cinit=ConstInit y2k_cinit.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: Error
Checker has found an error
$ apalache-mc check --length=19 --inv=Safety y2k_instance.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check --length=30 --inv=Safety y2k_instance.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: Error
Checker has found an error
$ apalache-mc check --length=10 --inv=Inv Counter.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: Error
Checker has found an error
$ apalache-mc check --length=10 --inv=Inv NatCounter.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: Error
$ apalache-mc check --length=10 --cinit=ConstInit --inv=Inv NeedForTypesWithTypes.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check --length=4 --inv=Inv HandshakeWithTypes.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check --length=5 --inv=Inv HandshakeWithTypes.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: Deadlock
$ apalache-mc check --length=2 --inv=Inv Bug20200306.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: Error
$ apalache-mc check --length=1 --inv=Inv Assignments20200309.tla
$ apalache-mc check --length=5 Inline.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check --length=5 --inv=Inv Rec1.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check --length=10 --inv=Inv Rec3.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: NoError
Unfolding Fibonacci numbers
$ apalache-mc check --length=10 --inv=Inv Rec4.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check --length=10 --inv=Inv Rec8.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check --length=5 --inv=Inv Rec9.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check Rec10.tla | sed 's/[IEW]@.*//'
Input error (see the manual): Recursive operator Fact requires an annotation UNROLL_DEFAULT_Fact. See:
$ apalache-mc check Rec11.tla | sed 's/[IEW]@.*//'
Input error (see the manual): Recursive operator Fact requires an annotation UNROLL_TIMES_Fact. See:
$ apalache-mc check --inv=Inv Rec12.tla | sed 's/[IEW]@.*//'
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check --init=Init2 --inv=Inv Rec12.tla | sed 's/[IEW]@.*//'
The outcome is: Error
$ apalache-mc check --inv=Inv ExistsAsValue.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check Empty.tla
$ apalache-mc check --init=NonExistantInit HourClock.tla
$ apalache-mc check --next=NonExistantNext HourClock.tla
$ apalache-mc check --inv=NonExistantInv HourClock.tla
demonstrates that one can implement non-determinism with
the existential operator and use a callback to do an assignment to a variable.
As it requires tricky operator inlining, here is the test.
$ apalache-mc check Callback.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: NoError
$ TLA_PATH=./tla-path-tests apalache-mc check ./tla-path-tests/ImportingModule.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
The outcome is: NoError
Testing various flags that are set via command-line options and the TLC configuration file. The CLI has priority over the TLC config. So we have to test that it all works together.
$ apalache-mc check Config.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
> Command line option --init is not set. Using Init
> Command line option --next is not set. Using Next
> Set the initialization predicate to Init
> Set the transition predicate to Next
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check --inv=Inv Config.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
> Set an invariant to Inv
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check --init=Init1 --next=Next1 --inv=Inv Config.tla | sed 's/I@.*//'
> Set the initialization predicate to Init1
> Set the transition predicate to Next1
> Set an invariant to Inv
The outcome is: Error
$ apalache-mc check --config=Config1.cfg Config.tla | sed 's/[IEW]@.*//'
> Config1.cfg: Loading TLC configuration
> Config1.cfg: PROPERTY AwesomeLiveness is ignored. Only INVARIANTS are supported.
> Set the initialization predicate to Init1
> Set the transition predicate to Next1
> Set an invariant to Inv1
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check --config=Config1.cfg --init=Init2 --next=Next2 Config.tla | sed 's/[IEW]@.*//'
> Config1.cfg: Loading TLC configuration
> Set the initialization predicate to Init2
> Set the transition predicate to Next2
> Set an invariant to Inv1
The outcome is: Error
$ apalache-mc check --config=Config3.cfg Config.tla | sed 's/[IE]@.*//'
> Config3.cfg: Loading TLC configuration
Configuration error (see the manual): Operator NoLiveness not found (used as a temporal property)
$ apalache-mc check --config=Config2.cfg Config.tla | sed 's/[IEW]@.*//'
> Config2.cfg: Loading TLC configuration
> Config2.cfg: Using SPECIFICATION Spec2
> Set the initialization predicate to Init2
> Set the transition predicate to Next2
> Set an invariant to Inv2
The outcome is: NoError
$ apalache-mc check ConfigUnsorted.tla | sed 's/[IEW]@.*//'
Configuration error (see the manual): Circular definition dependency detected
$ apalache-mc typecheck CarTalkPuzzleTyped.tla | sed 's/[IEW]@.*//'
PASS #1: TypeChecker
> running ETC: Embarrassingly simple Type Checker
PASS #2: Terminal
Type checker [OK]
$ apalache-mc typecheck CigaretteSmokersTyped.tla | sed 's/[IEW]@.*//'
PASS #1: TypeChecker
> running ETC: Embarrassingly simple Type Checker
PASS #2: Terminal
Type checker [OK]
$ apalache-mc typecheck GameOfLifeTyped.tla | sed 's/[IEW]@.*//'
PASS #1: TypeChecker
> running ETC: Embarrassingly simple Type Checker
PASS #2: Terminal
Type checker [OK]
$ apalache-mc typecheck MissionariesAndCannibalsTyped.tla | sed 's/[IEW]@.*//'
PASS #1: TypeChecker
> running ETC: Embarrassingly simple Type Checker
PASS #2: Terminal
Type checker [OK]
$ apalache-mc typecheck PrisonersTyped.tla | sed 's/[IEW]@.*//'
PASS #1: TypeChecker
> running ETC: Embarrassingly simple Type Checker
PASS #2: Terminal
Type checker [OK]
We are not currently able to typecheck this spec, since we need a way of coercing functions on integers into sequences, or a way to recognize the former as subtypes of the latter. This failing test is added to document the current limitation of the Etc type checkers, and we expect it will be changed into a passing test once the desired functionality and added.
$ apalache-mc typecheck QueensTyped.tla | sed 's/[IEW]@.*//'
PASS #1: TypeChecker
> running ETC: Embarrassingly simple Type Checker
[QueensTyped.tla:41:44-41:61]: Mismatch in argument types. Expected: (Seq(Int)) => Bool
[QueensTyped.tla:41:14-41:63]: Error when computing the type of Solutions
Type checker [FAILED]
$ apalache-mc typecheck SlidingPuzzlesTyped.tla | sed 's/[IEW]@.*//'
PASS #1: TypeChecker
> running ETC: Embarrassingly simple Type Checker
PASS #2: Terminal
Type checker [OK]
$ apalache-mc typecheck TwoPhaseTyped.tla | sed 's/[IEW]@.*//'
PASS #1: TypeChecker
> running ETC: Embarrassingly simple Type Checker
PASS #2: Terminal
Type checker [OK]