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Apalache manual

Version 0.7.1 (unstable) 🎆

Authors: Igor Konnov, Jure Kukovec, Andrey Kuprianov, Shon Feder

Contact: {igor,andrey,shon} at, jkukovec at


Apalache is a symbolic model checker for TLA+. (Still looking for a better tool name.) Our model checker is a recent alternative to TLC. Whereas TLC enumerates the states produced by the behaviors of a TLA+ specification, Apalache translates the verification problem to a set of logical constraints. These constraints are solved by an SMT solver, for instance, by Microsoft's Z3. That is, Apalache operates on formulas (i.e., symbolicly), not by enumerating states one by one (i.e., state enumeration).

Apalache is working under the following assumptions:

  1. As in TLC, all specification parameters are fixed and finite, i.e., the system state is initialized with integers, finite sets, and functions of finite domains and co-domains.

  2. As in TLC, all data structures evaluated during an execution are finite, e.g., a system specification cannot operate on the set of all integers.

  3. Only finite executions of bounded length are analyzed.

Table of Contents

  1. Shall I use Apalache or TLC?
  2. System requirements
  3. Installation
  4. An example of a TLA+ specification
  5. Setting up specification parameters
  6. Running the tool
  7. Principles of symbolic model checking with Apalache
    1. Assignments and symbolic transitions
    2. Type annotations
    3. Recursive operators and functions
  8. The Apalache module
  9. Profiling your specification
  10. Five minutes of theory
  11. Supported language features

1. Shall I use Apalache or TLC?

We recommend starting with TLC. It is mature, well-documented, and well-integrated into TLA+ Toolbox. Once you have debugged your TLA+ specification, and TLC is still producing too many reachable states, switch to Apalache. We are using this approach at Informal Systems.

2. System requirements

Every commit to master and unstable is built with Travis CI on MacOS (xcode9.3 and JDK 1.8.0) and Linux (OpenJDK8). If you would like to run Apalache in Windows, use a docker image. Check the Docker manual and the section on Using a docker image for details.

As Apalache is using Microsoft Z3 as a backend SMT solver, the required memory largely depends on Z3. We recommend to allocate at least 4GB of memory for the tool.

3. Installation

There are two ways to run Apalache: (1) Download and run a docker image, or (2) Build Apalache from sources and run the compiled package. If you just want to try the tool, we recommend using the docker image. If you would like to run the tool on a daily basis or to contribute to the project, we recommend building the project from the source.

3.1. Using a docker image

Starting with release 0.6.0, we will publish Docker images for every release 😎

To get the latest Apalache image, issue the command:

docker pull apalache/mc

Running the docker image

To run an Apalache image, issue the command:

$ docker run --rm -v <your-spec-directory>:/var/apalache apalache/mc <args>

The following docker parameters are used:

  • --rm to remove the container on exit

  • -v <your-spec-directory>:/var/apalache bind-mounts <your-spec-directory> into /var/apalache in the container. This is necessary for Apalache to access your specification and the modules it extends. From the user perspective, it works as if Apalache was executing in <your-spec-directory>. In particular the tool logs are written in that directory.

    When using SELinux, you might have to use the modified form of -v option: -v <your-spec-directory>:/var/apalache:z

  • apalache/mc is the APALACHE docker image name. By default, the latest stable version is used; you can also refer to a specific tool version, e.g., apalache/mc:0.6.0 or apalache/mc:unstable

  • <args> are the tool arguments as described in Running the tool.

We provide a convenience wrapper for this docker command in script/ To run the latest image using the script, execute

$ $APALACHE_HOME/script/ <args>

To specify a different image, set APALACHE_TAG like so:

$ APALACHE_TAG=foo $APALACHE_HOME/script/ <args>

Setting an alias

If you are running Apalache on Linux 🐧 or MacOS 🍏, you can define this handy alias in your rc file, which runs Apalache in docker while sharing the working directory:

$ alias apalache="docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/var/apalache apalache/mc"

Using the unstable version of Apalache

The development of Apalache proceeds at a high pace, and we introduce a substantial number of improvements in the unstable branch before the next stable release. Please refer to the change log and manual on the unstable branch for the description of the newest features. We recommend using the unstable version if you want to try all the exciting new features of Apalache. But be warned: It is called "unstable" for a reason. To use unstable, just type apalache/mc:unstable instead of apalache/mc everywhere.

Do not forget to pull the docker image from time to time:

docker pull apalache/mc:unstable

Run it with the following command:

$ docker run --rm -v <your-spec-directory>:/var/apalache apalache/mc:unstable <args>

To create an alias pointing to the unstable version:

$ alias apalache="docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/var/apalache apalache/mc:unstable"

Building an image

For an end user there is no need to build an Apalache image. If you like to produce a modified docker image, take into account that it will take about 30 minutes for the image to get built, due to compilation times of Microsoft Z3. To build a docker image of Apalache, issue the following command in $APALACHE_HOME:

$ docker image build -t apalache:0.7.0 .

3.2. Building from source

  1. Install git.
  2. Install OpenJDK8 or Zulu JDK8.
    • Apalache currently requires Scala 12.0 so you must install version 8 of Java, otherwise Scala will not compile! See the compatibility table.
  3. Install Apache Maven.
    • On Debian Linux or Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install maven.
    • On Arch: sudo pacman -Syu maven
  4. Clone the git repository: git clone
  5. Change into the project directory: cd apalache.
  6. Run make.
  7. Optionally install direnv and run direnv allow
  8. Confirm you can run the executable. It should print the inline CLI help message.
    • If you used direnv, then apalache-mc will be in your path.
    • Otherwise, run ./bin/apalache-mc.

4. An example of a TLA+ specification

To illustrate the features of Apalache, we use the following TLA+ specification, which can be found in test/tla/y2k.tla:

-------------------------------- MODULE y2k --------------------------------
 * A simple specification of a year counter that is subject to the Y2K problem.
 * In this specification, a registration office keeps records of birthdays and
 * issues driver's licenses. As usual, a person may get a license, if they
 * reached a certain age, e.g., age of 18. The software engineers never thought
 * of their program being used until the next century, so they stored the year
 * of birth using only two digits (who would blame them, the magnetic tapes
 * were expensive!). The new millennium came with new bugs.
 * This is a made up example, not reflecting any real code.
 * To learn more about Y2K, check:
 * Igor Konnov, January 2020
EXTENDS Integers

CONSTANT BIRTH_YEAR,    \* the year to start with, between 0 and 99
         LICENSE_AGE    \* the minimum age to obtain a license


VARIABLE year, hasLicense

Age == year - BIRTH_YEAR

Init ==
    /\ year = BIRTH_YEAR
    /\ hasLicense = FALSE

NewYear ==
    /\ year' = (year + 1) % 100 \* the programmers decided to use two digits
    /\ UNCHANGED hasLicense

IssueLicense ==
    /\ Age >= LICENSE_AGE
    /\ hasLicense' = TRUE
    /\ UNCHANGED year

Next ==
    \/ NewYear
    \/ IssueLicense

\* The somewhat "obvious" invariant, which is violated
Safety ==
    hasLicense => (Age >= LICENSE_AGE)

\* This is probably the only invariant we can formulate, usually, it is called TypeOK
Inv ==
    /\ year \in 0..99
    /\ hasLicense \in BOOLEAN

5. Setting up specification parameters

Similar to TLC, Apalache requires the specification parameters to be restricted to finite values. In contrast to TLC, there is a way to initialize parameters by writing a symbolic constraint, see Section 5.3.

5.1. Using INSTANCE

You can set the specification parameters, using the standard INSTANCE expression of TLA+. For instance, below is the example test/tla/y2k_instance.tla, which instantiates y2k.tla:

---------------------------- MODULE y2k_instance ----------------------------
VARIABLE year, hasLicense


The downside of this approach is that you have to declare the variables of the extended specification. This is easy with only two variables, but can quickly become unwieldy.

5.2. Convention over configuration

Alternatively, you can extend the base module and use overrides:

---------------------------- MODULE y2k_override ----------------------------


5.3. ConstInit predicate

This approach is similar to the Init operator, but applied to the constants. We define a special operator, e.g., called ConstInit. For instance, below is the example test/tla/y2k_cinit.tla:

---------------------------- MODULE y2k_cinit ----------------------------

ConstInit ==
    /\ BIRTH_YEAR \in 0..99
    /\ LICENSE_AGE \in 10..99

To use ConstInit, pass it as the argument to apalache. For instance, for y2k_cinit, we would run the model checker as follows:

$ cd $APALACHE_HOME/test/tla
$ apalache check --inv=Safety \
  --length=20 --cinit=ConstInit y2k_cinit.tla

Parameterized initialization

As a bonus of this approach, Apalache allows one to check a specification over a bounded set of parameters. For example:


ConstInit ==
  /\ N \in 3..10
  /\ Values \in SUBSET 0..4
  /\ Values /= {}

The model checker will try the instances for all the combinations of the parameters specified in ConstInit, that is, in our example, it will consider N \in 3..10 and all non-empty value sets that are subsets of 0..4.


ConstInit should be a conjunction of assignments and possibly of additional constraints on the constants. For instance, you should not write N = 10 \/ N = 20. However, you can write N \in {10, 20}.

5.4. TLC configuration file

We support configuring Apalache via TLC configuration files; these files are produced automatically by TLA Toolbox, for example. TLC configuration files allow one to specify which initialization predicate and transition predicate to employ, which invariants to check, as well as to initialize specification parameters. A limited syntax of TLC configuration files is supported at the moment, which should be nevertheless enough for most uses.

If you are checking a file <myspec>.tla, and the file <myspec>.cfg exists in the same directory, it will be picked up by Apalache automatically. You can also explicitly specify which configuration file to use via the --config option.

6. Running the tool

6.1. Model checker command-line parameters

The model checker can be run as follows:

$ apalache check [--config=filename] [--init=Init] [--cinit=ConstInit] \
    [--next=Next] [--inv=Inv] [--length=10] [--tuning=filename] <myspec>.tla

The arguments are as follows:

  • --config specifies the TLC configuration file, the default name is <myspec>.cfg
  • --init specifies the initialization predicate, the default name is Init
  • --next specifies the transition predicate, the default name is Next
  • --cinit specifies the constant initialization predicate, optional
  • --inv specifies the invariant to check, optional
  • --length specifies the upper bound on the length of the finite executions to explore
  • --tuning specifies the properties file that stores the options for fine tuning

If an initialization predicate, transition predicate, or invariant is specified both in the configuration file, and on the command line, the command line parameters take precedence over those in the configuration file.

Bounded model checking

By default, Apalache performs bounded model checking, that is, it encodes a symbolic execution of length k and an invariant violation in SMT:

/\ Init[v_0/v]
/\ Next[v_0/v, v_1/v'] /\ Next[v_1/v, v_2/v'] /\ ... /\ Next[v_{k-1}/v, v_k/v']
/\ ~Inv[v_0/v] \/ ~Inv[v_1/v] \/ ... \/ ~Inv[v_k/v]

Here an expression Inv[v_i/v] means that the state variables v are replaced with their copies v_i for the state i. Likewise, Next[v_i/v,v_{i+1}/v'] means that the state variables v are replaced with their copies v_i for the state i, whereas the state variables v' are replaced with their copies v_{i+1} for the state i+1.

Bounded model checking is an incomplete technique

If Apalache finds a bug in this symbolic execution (by querying z3), then it reports a counterexample. Otherwise, it reports that no bug was found up to the given length. If a bug needs a long execution to get revealed, bounded model checking may miss it!

Checking an inductive invariant

To check executions of arbitrary lengths, one usually finds a formula that satisfies the two following properties:

/\ Init => TypeOK /\ IndInv
/\ TypeOK /\ IndInv /\ Next => Inv'

In normal words: (1) The initial states satisfy the constraint TypeOK /\ IndInv, and (2) whenever the specification makes a step when starting in a state that satisfies TypeOK /\ IndInv, it ends up in a state that again satisfies TypeOK /\ IndInv.

Note that we usually check IndInv in conjunction with TypeOK, as we have to constrain the variable values. In the y2k example, our inductive invariant is actually constraing the variables. In fact, such an inductive invariant is usually called TypeOK.

To check an inductive invariant IndInv in Apalache, you run two commands that check the above two formulas:

$ apalache check --init=Init --inv=IndInv --length=0 <myspec>.tla


$ apalache check --init=IndInv --inv=IndInv --length=1 <myspec>.tla

6.2. Examples

Checking safety up to 20 steps

$ cd test/tla
$ apalache check --length=20 --inv=Safety y2k_override.tla

This command checks, whether Safety can be violated in 20 specification steps. If Safety is not violated, your spec might still have a bug that requires a computation longer than 20 steps to manifest.

Checking an inductive invariant:

$ cd test/tla
$ apalache check --length=0 --init=Init --inv=Inv y2k_override.tla
$ apalache check --length=1 --init=Inv  --inv=Inv y2k_override.tla

The first call to apalache checks, whether the initial states satisfy the invariant. The second call to apalache checks, whether a single specification step satisfies the invariant, when starting in a state that satisfies the invariant. (That is why these invariants are called inductive.)

Using a constant initializer:

$ cd test/tla
apalache check --cinit=ConstInit --length=20 --inv=Safety y2k_cinit.tla

This command checks, whether Safety can be violated in 20 specification steps. The constants are initialized with the predicate ConstInit, defined in y2k_cinit.tla as:

ConstInit == BIRTH_YEAR \in 0..99 /\ LICENSE_AGE \in 10..99

In this case, Apalache finds a safety violation, e.g., for BIRTH_YEAR=89 and LICENSE_AGE=10. A complete counterexample is printed in counterexample.tla.

The final lines in the file clearly indicate the state that violates the invariant:

State14 ==
/\ BIRTH_YEAR = 89
/\ hasLicense = TRUE
/\ year = 0

(* The following formula holds true in the last state and violates the invariant *)

InvariantViolation == hasLicense /\ year - BIRTH_YEAR < LICENSE_AGE

6.3. Module lookup

Apalache uses the SANY parser, which is the standard parser of TLC and TLA+ Toolbox. By default, SANY is looking for the modules in the current working directory and in the Java package tla2sany.StandardModules, which is usually provided by the tla2tools.jar that is included in the Java classpath.

In addition to the modules in the current working directory, Appalache provides

  • a small standard library (located in $APALACHE_HOME/src/tla), and
  • support for additional source directories specified in the environment variable TLA_PATH. TLA_PATH should be a list of paths to directories separated by :.

(Directories in the TLA_PATH are provided to SANY via the TLA-Library Java system variable.)

So the module lookup order in Apalache is as follows:

  1. The current working directory.
  2. The directory $APALACHE_HOME/src/tla.
  3. The directories specified in the environment variable TLA_PATH.
  4. The Java package tla2sany.StandardModules.

Note: To let TLA+ Toolbox and TLC know about the Apalache modules, include $APALACHE_HOME/src/tla in the lookup directories, as explained by Markus Kuppe for the TLA+ Community Modules.

6.4. Detailed output

The tool will display only important messages on stdout, but a detailed log can be found in detailed.log.

Additionally, each pass of the model checker produces an intermediate TLA+ file in the run-specific directory x/<id>:

  • File out-parser.tla is produced as a result of parsing and importing into the intermediate representation, Apalache TLA IR.
  • File out-parser.json is produced as a result of converting the Apalache TLA IR representation of the input into JSON format.
  • File out-config.tla is produced as a result of substituting CONSTANTS, as described in Section 5.
  • File out-inline.tla is produced as a result of inlining operator definitions and LET-IN definitions.
  • File out-priming.tla is produced as a result of replacing constants and variables in ConstInit and Init with their primed versions.
  • File out-vcgen.tla is produced as a result of extracting verification conditions, e.g., invariants to check.
  • File out-prepro.tla is produced as a result of running all preprocessing steps.
  • File out-transition.tla is produced as a result of finding assignments and symbolic transitions.
  • File out-opt.tla is produced as a result of expression optimizations.
  • File out-analysis.tla is produced as a result of analysis, e.g., marking Skolemizable expressions and expressions to be expanded.

6.5. Parsing and pretty-printing

If you'd like to check that your TLA+ specification is syntactically correct, without running the model checker, you can run the following command:

$ apalache parse <myspec>.tla

In this case, Apalache performs the following steps:

  1. It parses the specification with SANY.

  2. It translates SANY semantic nodes into Apalache IR.

  3. It pretty-prints the IR into out-parser.tla, see Section 6.3.

7. Principles of symbolic model checking with Apalache

In order to take advantage of Apalache's symbolic model checking, there are a few principles one must bear in mind when writing TLA.

7.1 Assignments and symbolic transitions

Let us go back to the example test/tla/y2k.tla and run apalache against test/tla/y2k_override.tla:

$ apalache check y2k_override.tla

We can check the detailed output of the TransitionFinderPass in the file x/<timestamp>/out-transition.tla, where <timestamp> looks like 09.03-10.03.2020-508266549191958257:

----- MODULE y2k_override -----
VARIABLE hasLicense
ASSUME(80 \in 0 .. 99)
ASSUME(18 \in 1 .. 99)

Init$0 == year' := 80 /\ hasLicense' := FALSE
Next$0 == year' := ((year + 1) % 100) /\ (hasLicense' := hasLicense)
Next$1 == year - 80 >= 18 /\ hasLicense' := TRUE /\ (year' := year)

As you can see, the model checker did two things:

  1. It has translated several expressions that look like x' = e into x' := e. For instance, you can see year' := 80 and hasLicense' := FALSE in Init$0. We call these expressions assignments.
  2. It has factored the operator Next into two operators Next$0 and Next$1. We call these operators symbolic transitions.

Pure TLA+ does not have the notions of assignments and symbolic transitions. However, TLC sometimes treats expressions x' = e and x' \in S as if they were assigning a value to the variable x'. TLC does so dynamically, during the breadth-first search. Apalache looks statically for assignments among the expressions x' = e and x' \in S.

When factoring out operators into symbolic transitions, Apalache splits the action operators Init and Next into disjunctions (e.g., A_0 \/ ... \/ A_n), represented in the concrete syntax as a sequence of operator definitions of the form

A$0 == ...
A$n == ...

The main contract between the assignments and symbolic transitions is as follows:

For every variable x declared with VARIABLE, there is exactly one assignment of the form x' := e in every symbolic transition A_n.

If Apalache cannot find expressions with the above properties, it fails. Consider the example test/tla/Assignments20200309.tla:

----- MODULE Assignments20200309 -----
\* this specification fails, as it has no expression
\* that can be treated as an assignment
Init == TRUE
Next == a' = a
Inv == FALSE

Running the checker with

apalache check Assignments20200309.tla

Apalache reports an error as follows:

PASS #6: TransitionFinderPass                                     I@09:39:33.527
To understand the error, check the manual:
Assignment error: Failed to find assignments and symbolic transitions in InitPrimed E@09:39:33.676
It took me 0 days  0 hours  0 min  1 sec                          I@09:39:33.678
Total time: 1.88 sec                                              I@09:39:33.678

This error is cryptic. It does not indicate which parts of the specification have caused the problem. In the future, we will add better diagnostic in the assignment finder, see the open issue. Our current approach is to debug assignments by running TLC first. If running TLC takes too long, you may try to comment out parts of the specification to find the problematic action. Although this is tedious, it allows one to find missing assignments rather quickly.

If you are interested in the technique for finding the assignments and symbolic transitions implemented in Apalache, check our paper at ABZ'18. The journal version is unfortunately behind the Elsevier paywall, which will be lifted after the two-year embargo period.

7.2 Type annotations

NOTE 1: Jure Kukovec is developing a completely automatic type inference engine. As soon as it is ready, type annotations will no longer be required. Until that happy day, refer to type annotations.

NOTE 2: We are currently working on a better syntax for type annotations and a better type checker. Hence, the syntax will change in the future.

Apalache requires two kinds of type annotations:

  • type annotations for empty sets and sequences, and
  • type annotations for records and sets of records.

7.2.1 Empty sets and sequences

Consider the following example test/tla/NeedForTypes.tla:

------------------------ MODULE NeedForTypes ------------------------------
 * This simple example transforms a set into a sequence.
EXTENDS Integers, Sequences, FiniteSets

CONSTANTS InSet     \* an input set
VARIABLES Left,     \* a storage for the yet untransformed elements
          OutSeq    \* the output sequence

ConstInit == InSet = 1..4

Init ==
    /\ OutSeq = << >>
    /\ Left = InSet

Next ==
    IF Left = {}
    THEN UNCHANGED <<Left, OutSeq>>
    ELSE \E x \in Left:
          /\ OutSeq' = Append(OutSeq, x)
          /\ Left' = Left \ {x}

Inv == InSet = Left \union { OutSeq[i]: i \in DOMAIN OutSeq }

While this example is perfectly fine for TLC, Apalache has to assign types to the variables, in order to construct SMT constraints. In some cases, Apalache can infer types completely automatically, e.g., as in the y2k example (see Section 4). However, if you run apalache check --cinit=ConstInit NeedForTypes.tla, the tool will complain:

Step 0, level 0: checking if 1 transition(s) are enabled and violate the invariant I@15:17:14.313
Step 0, level 1: collecting 1 enabled transition(s)               I@15:17:14.360
Step 1, level 1: checking if 2 transition(s) are enabled and violate the invariant I@15:17:14.374
NeedForTypes.tla:18:8-18:16, =(...), type error: Expected equal types: FinSet[Int] and FinSet[Unknown] E@15:17:14.379
The outcome is: Error                                             I@15:17:14.388

In a somewhat obfuscated way, Apalache tells us the following. It has inferred that Left is a set of integers, that is, FinSet[Int]. First, it found that InSet is a set of integers, by applying ConstInit. Second, as Left = InSet in Init, it inferred that Left is also a set of integers. Third, when applying Next, it processed {}, which is an empty set of any kind of objects. Hence, {} was assigned the type FinSet[Unknown], that is, a set of some type. Finally, it found the expression Left = {}, and here the type checker has failed.

To help the type checker, we have to introduce a few type annotations. But before doing that, we introduce the notation for type annotations in the specification.

Syntax for type annotations

Apalache reads any expression formed with the <: operator as an annotation of the value of the left hand side with the type on the right. E.g.,

v <: T

means "value v has type T".

However, other tools (such as TLC and TLAPS) have no support for these annotations. To tell them to ignore type annotations, we maintain the convention that any file using Apalache type annotations begins with the following definition:

v <: T == v

With this in place, Apalache can parse out the type annotations in the rest of the file, but other tools are told to simply read any occurrence of v <: T as v, effectively erasing the type ascription.

Now we can help the type checker by rewriting the condition in Next as follows:

Example of using type annotations

Next ==
    IF Left = {} <: {Int}
    THEN ...
    ELSE ...

Now the type checker treats the expression {} as a set of integers. However, it complains about another line:

Step 0, level 0: checking if 1 transition(s) are enabled and violate the invariant I@15:43:35.932
Step 0, level 1: collecting 1 enabled transition(s)               I@15:43:35.977
Step 1, level 1: checking if 2 transition(s) are enabled and violate the invariant I@15:43:35.992
NeedForTypes.tla:23:24-23:40, x$1, type error: Expected type Unknown, found Int E@15:43:36.012
NeedForTypes.tla:23:24-23:40, Append(...), type error: Expected a type, found: None E@15:43:36.018
NeedForTypes.tla:23:11-24:31, /\(...), type error: Expected a Boolean, found: None E@15:43:36.020
The outcome is: Error

Here the type checker stumbles upon the sequence operator Append(OutSeq, x) and complains about the type mismatch. Similar to {}, it has treated the expression << >> as a sequence of an unknown type. (In case of <<1, 2>> it would be even worse, as the type checker would not know, whether <<1, 2>> should be treated as a sequence or a tuple). Again, we help the type checker by modifying Init as follows:

Init ==
    /\ OutSeq = << >> <: Seq(Int)

Having these two annotations, the type checker stops complaining. You can find the annotated specification in test/tla/NeedForTypesWithTypes.tla.

7.2.2 Records and sets of records

Consider the following example in test/tla/Handshake.tla:

------------------------ MODULE Handshake ------------------------
 * A TCP-like handshake protocol:
 * Igor Konnov, 2020
EXTENDS Integers

VARIABLES msgs,     \* the set of all messages
          iseqno,   \* Initiator's sequence number
          rseqno,   \* Receiver's sequence number
          istate,   \* Initiator's state
          rstate    \* Receiver's state

a <: b == a

Init ==
    /\ msgs = {}
    /\ iseqno = 0
    /\ rseqno = 0
    /\ istate = "INIT"
    /\ rstate = "LISTEN"

SendSyn ==
    /\ istate = "INIT"
    /\ \E no \in Nat:
        /\ msgs' = msgs \union {[syn |-> TRUE,
                                 ack |-> FALSE, seqno |-> no]}
        /\ iseqno' = no + 1
        /\ istate' = "SYN-SENT"
        /\ UNCHANGED <<rseqno, rstate>>

SendSynAck ==
    /\ rstate = "LISTEN"
    /\ \E seqno, ackno \in Nat:
        /\ [syn |-> TRUE, ack |-> FALSE, seqno |-> seqno] \in msgs
        /\ msgs' = msgs \union {[syn |-> TRUE, ack |-> TRUE,
                                 seqno |-> seqno + 1,
                                 ackno |-> ackno]}
        /\ rseqno' = ackno + 1
        /\ rstate' = "SYN-RECEIVED"
        /\ UNCHANGED <<iseqno, istate>>

SendAck ==
    /\ istate = "SYN-SENT"
    /\ \E ackno \in Nat:
        /\ [syn |-> TRUE, ack |-> TRUE,
            seqno |-> iseqno, ackno |-> ackno] \in msgs
        /\ istate' = "ESTABLISHED"
        /\ msgs' = msgs \union {[syn |-> FALSE, ack |-> TRUE,
                                 seqno |-> iseqno,
                                 ackno |-> ackno + 1]}
        /\ UNCHANGED <<iseqno, rseqno, rstate>>

RcvAck ==
    /\ rstate = "SYN-RECEIVED"
    /\ \E seqno \in Nat:
        /\ ([syn |-> FALSE, ack |-> TRUE,
             seqno |-> seqno, ackno |-> rseqno]) \in msgs
        /\ rstate' = "ESTABLISHED"
        /\ UNCHANGED <<msgs, iseqno, rseqno, istate>>

Next == SendSyn \/ SendSynAck \/ SendAck \/ RcvAck

Inv == (rstate = "ESTABLISHED" => istate = "ESTABLISHED")

As we have seen before, the type checker complains about the set msgs, which is initialized as {}. So we have to specify the type of {}. But which type shall we use for the empty set?

In our example, the set msgs may contain records of three kinds:

  • a SYN request that is modeled as a record [ack |-> FALSE, syn |-> TRUE, seqno |-> i] for some number i,
  • a SYN-ACK reply that is modeled as a record [ack |-> TRUE, syn |-> TRUE, seqno |-> i, ackno |-> j] for some numbers i and j,
  • an ACK reply that is modeled as a record [ack |-> TRUE, syn |-> FALSE, seqno |-> i, ackno |-> j] for some numbers i and j.

From the perspective of the type checker, the three records shown above have three different types. Although we would love to reject this example as an ill-typed one, mixing records of different types is a widely-accepted idiom in TLA+, for instance, see Lamport's specification of Paxos. Think of records as of C unions, rather than C structs!

To help the type checker, we first introduce a handy operator for the type that contains the fields of the three records:

MT == [syn |-> BOOLEAN, ack |-> BOOLEAN, seqno |-> Int, ackno |-> Int]

Then we add annotations as follows:

Init ==
  /\ msgs = {} <: {MT}

SendSyn ==
  /\ \E no \in Nat:
    /\ msgs' = msgs \union {[syn |-> TRUE, ack |-> FALSE, seqno |-> no] <: MT}

SendSynAck ==
  /\ \E seqno, ackno \in Nat:
    /\ ([syn |-> TRUE, ack |-> FALSE, seqno |-> seqno] <: MT) \in msgs

SendAck ==
  /\ \E ackno \in Nat:

As you can see, we have to annotate only those records that do not have all four fields of MT. As soon as we have added the annotations, the type checker stopped complaining and let the model checker to run. The annotated code can be found in test/tla/HandshakeWithTypes.tla.

Type annotations can be also applied to sets of records. For example:

[syn |-> BOOLEAN, ack |-> BOOLEAN, seqno |-> Int] <: {MT}

You can find more details on the simple type inference algorithm and the type annotations in type annotations.

7.2.3 Naturals

If you look carefully at the type annotations, you will find that there is no designated type for naturals. Indeed, one can just use the type Int, whenever a natural number is required. If we introduced a special type for naturals, that would cause a lot of confusion for the type checker. What would be the type of the literal 42? That depends on, whether you extend Naturals or Integers. And if you extend Naturals and later somebody else extends your module and also Integers, should be the type of 42 be an integer?

Apalache still allows you to extend Naturals. However, it will treat all number-like literals as integers. This is consistent with the view that the naturals are a subset of the integers, and the integers are a subset of the reals. Classically, one would not define subtraction for naturals. However, the module Naturals defines binary minus, which can easily drive a variable outside of Nat. For instance, see the following example:

----------------------------- MODULE NatCounter ------------------------        
EXTENDS Naturals


Init == x = 3

\* a natural counter can go below zero, and this is expected behavior
Next == x' = x - 1

Inv == x >= 0

Given that you will need the value Int for a type annotation, it probably does not make a lot of sense to extend Naturals in your own specifications, as you will have to extend Integers for the type annotation too. We are currently working on a different kind of type annotations, which would not require Int.

7.3 Recursive operators and functions

7.3.1 Recursive operators

In the preprocessing phase, Apalache replaces every application of a user operator with its body. We call this process "operator inlining". This cannot be done for recursive operators, for two reasons:

  1. A recursive operator may be non-terminating (although a non-terminating operator is useless in TLA+);

  2. A terminating call to an operator may take an unpredicted number of iterations.

However, in practice, when one fixes specification parameters (that is, CONSTANTS), it is usually easy to find a bound on the number of operator iterations. For instance, consider the following specification:

--------- MODULE Rec6 -----------------
VARIABLES set, count


Sum(S) ==
  IF S = {}
  THEN 0
    x + Sum(S \ {x})

Init ==
  /\ set = {}
  /\ count = 0

Next ==
  \E x \in (1..N) \ set:
    /\ count' = count + x
    /\ set' = set \union {x}

Inv == count = Sum(set)

It is clear that the expression Sum(S) requires the number of iterations that is equal to Cardinality(S) + 1. Moreover, the expression set \subseteq 1..N is an invariant, and thus every call Sum(set) requires up to N+1 iterations.

When we can find an upper bound on the number of iterations, Apalache can unroll the recursive operator up to this bound. To this end, we define two additional operators. For instance:

--------- MC_Rec6 ----------
VARIABLES set, count



In this case, Apalache unrolls every call to Sum exactly UNROLL_TIMES_Sum times, that is, four times. On the default branch, Apalache places UNROLL_DEFAULT_Sum, that is, 0.

All recursively defined operators should follow this convention where, for every such operator Oper, the user defines both UNROLL_TIMES_Oper, which expands to a positive integer value, and UNROLL_DEFAULT_Oper, which expands to some default value Oper(args*) should take, if the computation would require more than UNROLL_TIMES_Oper recursive calls. At present, we only support literals (e.g. 4) or primitive arithmetic expressions (e.g. 2 + 2) in the body of UNROLL_TIMES_Oper.

7.3.2 Recursive functions

Apalache offers limited support for recursive functions. However, read the warning below on why you should not use recursive functions. The restrictions are as follows:

  1. Apalache supports recursive functions that return an integer or a Boolean.

  2. As Apalache's simple type checker is not able to find the type of a recursive function, all uses of a recursive function should come with a type annotation.

  3. As in TLC, the function domain must be a finite set.

The example below shows a recursive function that computes the factorial of n.

------------------------------ MODULE Rec8 ------------------------------------
EXTENDS Integers

VARIABLES n, factSpec, factComp

\* the syntax for type annotations
a <: b == a

\* the type of the factorial function
FactT == [Int -> Int]

 Defining a recursive function on a finite domain. Although it is rather
 unnatural to define factorial on a finite set, both Apalache and TLC
 require finite domains. As is usual for function application, the result
 of the application is not defined on the elements outside of the function
Fact[k \in 1..20] ==
    IF k <= 1
    THEN 1
    ELSE k * (Fact <: FactT)[k - 1]

Init ==
    /\ n = 1
    /\ factSpec = Fact[n]
    /\ factComp = 1

Next ==
    /\ n' = n + 1
    /\ factSpec' = Fact[n']
    /\ factComp' = n' * factComp

Inv ==
    factComp = factSpec

Check other examples in test/tla that start with the prefix Rec.

Why you should avoid recursive functions. Sometimes, recursive functions concisely describe the function that you need. The nice examples are the factorial function (see above) and Fibonacci numbers (see Rec3). However, when you define a recursive function over sets, the complexity gets ugly really fast.

Consider the example Rec9, which computes set cardinality. Here is a fragment of the spec:

\* the type of the function Card
CardT == [{Int} -> Int]

\* The set cardinality function
Card[S \in SUBSET NUMS] ==
    IF S = IntSet({})
    THEN 0
    ELSE LET i == CHOOSE j \in S: TRUE IN
        1 + (Card <: CardT)[S \ {i}]

Since we cannot fix the order, in which the set elements are evaluated, we define function Card over SUBSET NUMS, that is, all possible subsets of NUMS. Apalache translates the function in a quantifier-free theory of SMT. Hence, in this case, Apalache expands SUBSET NUMS, so it introduces 2^|NUMS| sets! Further, Apalache writes down the SMT constraints for the domain of Card. As a result, it produces NUMS * 2^|NUMS| constraints. As you can see, recursive functions over sets explode quite fast.

It is usually a good idea to use recursive operators over sets rather than recursive functions. The downside is that you have to provide an upper bound on the number of the operator iterations. The upside is that recursive operators are usually unrolled more efficiently. (If they contain only constant expressions, they are even computed by the translator!) For instance, set cardinality does not require 2^|NUMS| constraints, when using a recursive operator.

9. The Apalache module

Similar to the TLC module, we provide the module called Apalache, which can be found in src/tla. Most of the operators in that modules are introduced internally by Apalache, when it is rewriting a TLA+ specification. It is useful to read the comments to the operators defined in Apalache.tla, as they will help you in understanding the detailed output produced by the tool, see. Perhaps, the most interesting operator in Apalache is the type assignment operator that is defined as follows:

x := e == x = e

See the discussion on the role of assignments in Apalache.

10. Profiling your specification

As Apalache translates the TLA+ specification to SMT, it often defeats our intuition about the standard bottlenecks that one learns about when running TLC. For instance, whereas TLC needs a lot of time to compute the initial states for the following specification, Apalache can check the executions of length up to ten steps in seconds:

---------------------------- MODULE powerset ----------------------------
EXTENDS Integers

Init ==
    /\ S \in SUBSET (1..50)
    /\ 3 \notin S

Next ==
    \/ \E x \in S:
        S' = S \ {x}

Inv ==
    3 \notin S

Apalache has its own bottlenecks. As it's using the SMT solver z3, we cannot precisely profile your TLA+ specification. However, we can profile the number of SMT variables and constraints that Apalache produces for different parts of your specification. To activate this profiling mode, use the option --smtprof:

apalache check --smtprof powerset.tla

The profiling data is written in the file profiler.csv:

# weight,nCells,nConsts,nSmtExprs,location                                      

The meaning of the columns is as follows:

  • weight is the weight of the expression. Currently it is computed as nCells + nConsts + sqrt(nSmtExprs). We may change this formula in the future.

  • nCells is the number of arena cells that are created during the translation. Intuitively, the cells are used to keep the potential shapes of the data structures that are captured by the expression.

  • nConsts is the number of SMT constants that are produced by the translator.

  • nSmtExprs is the number of SMT expressions that are produced by the translator. We also include all subexpressions, when counting this metric.

  • location is the location in the source code where the expression was found, indicated by the file name correlated with a range of line:column pairs.

To visualize the profiling data, you can use the script script/

$APALACHE_HOME/script/ profile.csv heatmap.html

The produced file heatmap.html looks as follows:

Here you should see a heatmap

The heatmap may give you an idea about the expression that are hard for Apalache. The following picture highlights one part of the Raft specification that produces a lot of constraints:

Here you should see a heatmap

11. Five minutes of theory

You can safely skip this section

Given a TLA+ specification, with all parameters fixed, our model checker performs the following steps:

  1. It automatically extracts symbolic transitions from the specification. This allows us to partition the action Next into a disjunction of simpler actions A_1, ..., A_n.

  2. Apalache translates operators Init and A_1, ..., A_n to SMT formulas. This allows us to explore bounded executions with an SMT solver (we are using Microsoft's Z3). For instance, a sequence of k steps s_0, s_1, ..., s_k, all of which execute action A_1, is encoded as a formula Run(k) that looks as follows:

[[Init(s_0)]] /\ [[A_1(s_0, s_1)]] /\ ... /\ [[A_1(s_(k-1), s_k)]]

To find an execution of length k that violates an invariant Inv, the tool adds the following constraint to the formula Run(k):

[[~Inv(s_0)]] \/ ... \/ [[~Inv(s_k)]]

Here, [[_]] is the translator from TLA+ to SMT. Importantly, the values for the states s_0, ..., s_k are not enumerated as in TLC, but have to be found by the SMT solver.

If you would like to learn more about theory behind Apalache, check the paper delivered at OOPSLA19.

12. Supported language features

Check the supported features, KerA+, and preprocessing steps.