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Datatypes and typeclasses

Complete the exercises below in a new Haskell script, Peano.hs, which begins with the following declaration:

  module Peano where

In the lecture on algebraic data types, the type of natural numbers based on a successor function was introduced. In this system, every number is either zero (Z) or the successor of another number. Thus, the number one, (S Z), is the successor of (is one greater than) zero. This number system is known as Peano (pronounced pee-ah-no) numbers.

So we have an ADT called Nat with two constructors, one of which is recursive:

data Nat = Z | S Nat deriving (Show, Eq)

Definitions for adding and subtracting Nats were given in the lecture notes.

Make a Nat instance of Num

We also discussed typeclasses such as Show (the class of all ADTs that can be converted to strings), Eq (those ADTs that can be comparted for equality) and Num (the numeric types). If we make Nat an instance of Num, we can use Nat values wherever a numeric type is expected. In order to do this we have to provide definitions for the following functions:

  • Addition and subtraction (given in the lecture notes).
  • Multiplication (*): we can define this using addition. To multiply two Nats, n and m, add m to itself n times.
  • negate, which negates a Nat. The negation of Z is Z. There are no negative Peano numbers, so negating anything other than Z should return an error.
  • signum, which returns the sign of a number. For "ordinary" numbers, i.e. ones which may be positive or negative, signum returns -1 for negative numbers, 0 for zero and 1 for positive numbers. Yours should do the same, except that you only need to consider zero and positive numbers.
  • abs, which returns the absolute value of a number. Since there are no negative Peano numbers, you should just return the number itself.
  • fromInteger, which converts an Integer value to a Nat.

To make Nat an instance of Num, copy its definition and those of add and sub into your script then complete the following code snippet:

instance Num Nat where
  n + m = ...
  n - m = ...
  n * m = ...
  negate n = ...
  signum n = ...
  abs n = ...
  fromInteger i = ...

Note that you can use pattern matching in this code, so you may end up with several definitions for some functions. For example, the most convenient way to define fromInteger may be

instance Num Nat where
  fromInteger 0 = ...
  fromInteger n = ...

Once you have made Nat an instance of Num, experiment with using the standard numeric operations on its values in ghci:

> (S (S Z)) + (S (S Z))
(S (S (S (S Z))))
> (S (S Z)) * (S Z)
(S (S Z))
-- and so on...

Make a Nat instance of Integral

As an extension, add the Nat datatype to the Integral typeclass, which provides whole-number division and remainder operations.

There is a hierarchy of typeclasses at work here -- to make a type into an instance of Integral, it must already be an instance of Enum, Ord and Real.

Make a Nat instance of Ord

The Ord typeclass is for those types that can be ordered (i.e. values can be less than or greater than each other). The typeclass includes the (<), (>), (<=) and compare functions. Actually, all you need to do is define compare, then the compiler can infer the others for you. A definition of compare is the "minimal definition" for this typeclass. The compare function should take two Nats, say n and m, and return an Ordering, which is the value LT if n is less than m, EQ if they are equal, or GT if n is greater than m. Your code will look like something this:

instance Ord Nat where 
  compare n m = ...

but using pattern matching on n and m may be the neatest way to write it.

Make a Nat instance of Enum

To declare Nat as an Enum you need to define the functions toEnum and fromEnum (there are other functions in the typeclass, but this is the minimal definition). The toEnum function takes an Integer, n, and returns a Nat. If n is less than zero throw an error, if it is zero return Z, and so on. The fromEnum function takes a Nat and returns an Integer.

instance Enum Nat where
  toEnum n = ...
  fromEnum n = 0

Make a Nat instance of Real

Real is rather confusingly named -- rather than being the typeclass of real numbers (those with a decimal fraction) it is the type class of numbers that aren't irrational (like e or pi).

The typeclass requires a single function, toRational, which takes a Nat and returns a Rational. You can use the fromEnum function to get an Integer based on your Nat, then use the built-in function fromIntegral to convert this to a Rational.

instance Real Nat where
  toRational n = ...

The Nat instance of Integral`

Finally, you can create the Integral instance for Nat. This requires you to define the following functions:

instance Integral Nat where
  toInteger n = ...
  quotRem n d = ...

The toInteger function is easy, and will be identical to toRational.

The quotRem function is a bit trickier. The type of quotRem is

quotRem :: Integral a => a -> a -> (a, a)

Calling quotRem n m divides n by m then returns the pair of the result of the division and the remainder. There are two cases:

  1. If m is bigger than n it goes into it zero times with n left over so the answer is (Z, n).
  2. Otherwise, we can count the number of times m goes into n by recursively subtracting m from n and adding one to the first element of the pair that forms the result each time. So in this case you will make a recursive call to quotRem passing in (n-m) as the first argument and m (unchanged) as the second. If the result of this recursive call is the pair (n', m') then the result of the whole function is the pair of the successor of n' (S n' -- this is the way we are "counting" how many time the function has been called, i.e. how many times m goes into n) and the remainder m'. Eventually, n will be less than m and the recursion will end.