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peter edited this page Oct 23, 2018 · 1 revision

I'd like to recommend your "Live (GitHub-Flavored) Markdown Editor" for learning markdown language.


Zum Üben empfehle ich Euch folgende GitHub-Page, aber denkt daran. daß dieser Editor mehr kann als auf dem Wiki zu zeigen ist.

Live (GitHub-Flavored) Markdown Editor

* Usage

Use it here
The live markdown reader will display a preview as you type.

View GitHub Flavoured Markdown guide here

* License

This software is released under the ISC License. ISC License is:

A permissive license lets people do anything with your code with proper attribution and without warranty. The ISC license is functionally equivalent to the BSD 2-Clause and MIT licenses, removing some language that is no longer necessary.

Refer to the LICENSE file for the complete text.

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