What is concurrency in Swift?
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What are synchronous and asynchronous tasks?
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How do you perform background tasks in iOS?
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What is DispatchQueue?
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How do you create and use a serial queue?
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What is the main thread, and why is it important?
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How do you dispatch tasks on the main thread?
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What is the async keyword in Swift concurrency?
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How do you create and use concurrent queues?
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What is the sleep function in Swift?
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What is concurrency in Swift, and how does it differ from parallelism?
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What is a thread in the context of iOS programming?
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How do you create a new thread in Swift?
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What is the purpose of DispatchQueue in Swift?
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What is the main queue, and when should you use it?
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How do you perform a task on a background queue in Swift?
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What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous tasks?
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How do you handle UI updates after a background task is completed?
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What are DispatchGroup and its use cases?
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What is a Semaphore, and how does it work in Swift?
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What are DispatchGroup and DispatchSemaphore, and when do you use them?
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How does the async/await model work in Swift?
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What are Task and TaskGroup in Swift concurrency?
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How do you handle thread synchronization using NSLock?
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How do you ensure thread safety in Swift?
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What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous tasks?
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What is a deadlock, and how do you avoid it?
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How do you use DispatchWorkItem for dispatching tasks?
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How do you implement a cancellation in Task?
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How does Swift handle concurrency using OperationQueue?
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What is OperationQueue, and how does it differ from DispatchQueue?
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How do you create and add operations to an OperationQueue?
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What is an Operation in Swift, and how do you subclass it?
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How do you manage dependencies between operations in OperationQueue?
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How do you cancel operations in an OperationQueue?
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What is the role of OperationQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount?
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How do you set the quality of service for an OperationQueue?
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How can you use BlockOperation in Swift?
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How do you handle completion callbacks in operations?
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How do you ensure thread safety when accessing shared resources in multithreading?
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How do you create custom concurrent operations?
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How does GCD manage task prioritization?
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How do you implement concurrent data structures in Swift?
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How do you manage memory with concurrent tasks?
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What is actor, and how does it help with data race issues in concurrency?
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How do you implement parallel tasks using Swift's concurrency model?
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How do you handle race conditions, and what tools does Swift provide?
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How do you manage multiple tasks with dependencies in concurrency?
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How do you monitor performance of concurrent code in iOS?
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How does the Swift Concurrency model (async/await) differ from GCD?
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What are NSOperation and NSOperationQueue, and how do they relate to Operation and OperationQueue?
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How do you implement a custom operation with a completion block?
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What is the addDependency(_:) method, and how is it used?
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How do you use DispatchSemaphore for synchronization?
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How do you handle deadlock situations in multithreading?
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What is the Thread class in Swift, and how do you use it?
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How do you implement a thread-safe singleton in Swift?
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How do you perform background tasks while respecting app lifecycle events?
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How does Swift handle memory management with respect to threads?
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What is DispatchWorkItem, and how is it useful in multithreading?
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What is a race condition, and how can you prevent it?
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How do you use DispatchBarrier for thread-safe writing?
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What is DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform?
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How do you use DispatchQueue.asyncAfter for delayed execution?
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How do you handle thread priority in Swift?
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What are the advantages of using OperationQueue over DispatchQueue?
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How do you use performSelector(onMainThread:with:waitUntilDone:)?
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How do you implement a producer-consumer pattern using OperationQueue?
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How can you manage the lifecycle of background threads in your app?
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How do you prevent blocking the main thread in a UIKit application?
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How do you use @synchronized in Swift?
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What is a ReadWriteLock, and how can you implement it in Swift?
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How do you use OperationQueue for dependency chaining?
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How can you handle long-running operations with NSOperation?
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What is DispatchQueue.global() and its importance?
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How do you integrate Combine with threading for asynchronous tasks?
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How do you manage UI updates on the main thread after a background task?
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What is Thread.isMainThread, and how do you use it?
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How do you debug multithreading issues in Swift applications?
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How do you use DispatchQueue to ensure that a piece of code is executed only once?
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