What is Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)?
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What is CoreBluetooth framework in iOS?
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How do you scan for nearby Bluetooth devices using CoreBluetooth?
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What are central and peripheral roles in CoreBluetooth?
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How do you establish a connection with a BLE device?
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How do you retrieve available Bluetooth services on a device?
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How do you read characteristic values from a BLE device?
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What is GATT in Bluetooth?
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How do you enable notifications for a BLE characteristic?
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How do you handle Bluetooth permission prompts in iOS?
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How do you write data to a Bluetooth characteristic in iOS?
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What is a Bluetooth characteristic UUID, and how is it used?
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How do you monitor the connection state of a Bluetooth peripheral?
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How do you handle Bluetooth background mode in iOS?
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What is MTU in Bluetooth, and how does it affect data transfer?
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How do you implement a reconnect logic for Bluetooth devices?
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How do you handle multiple BLE connections at the same time?
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How do you pair a BLE device programmatically in iOS?
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How do you use CBCentralManager and CBPeripheral delegates?
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What is the difference between BLE and classic Bluetooth?
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How do you implement custom BLE protocols for data communication?
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How do you handle long-running Bluetooth tasks in the background?
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How do you manage BLE device security and encryption in iOS?
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How do you implement over-the-air (OTA) firmware updates using BLE?
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How do you handle BLE device scanning for low-power mode?
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How do you optimize BLE connection intervals and data transfer rates?
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How do you parse and interpret manufacturer-specific BLE data?
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How do you implement custom BLE services and characteristics?
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How do you handle BLE communication failures and retries?
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How do you handle proximity-based interactions using BLE beacons?
Answer coming soon...