Releases: ietf-tools/datatracker
Release Date: Fri, January 28, 2011 at 12:15 PM UTC
Release Author: Henrik Levkowetz
Fixed a bug in the IPR Search, where searches against the IPR notice
content would fail (Only try to open a legacy url if it leads to a
file; not if it leads to a directory). -
For a new IESG tracker document, only add a history comment about
previous history if some previous history exists (i.e., if the replaced
document also existed in the IESG tracker). -
Show status of Dead Expired documents appropriately; just
insufficient. -
Restore, for the secretariat only, the re-scheduling functionality of
the /iesg/agenda/documents/ page which was removed in [2366] as the ADs
felt that it made the page too busy. -
Propagate all extra fields on to the final email sending function, not
only the Cc and Bcc fields. Restores previously missing Reply-To: headers. -
Turn autoescaping off for everything in text/plain email templates. Fixes
multiple problems with<
in emails showing up as<
, and related problems. -
The liaison tool is deployed. Show the links to the new tool.
Prevent things from crashing if some of the email fields are null for a
liaison. -
It should be possible to edit the area of a draft even if it's been set
before. Re-enabled the area list box on the document/edit/info/ page. -
Corrected spelling error in list_display specification for the
PersonOrOrgInfo Admin page. -
Corrected the path to the draft archive in the settings file.
(Some of the fixes above has been deployed already before this release
by patching the previous release on the server.)
Release Date: Tue, December 7, 2010 at 8:39 PM UTC
Release Author: Henrik Levkowetz
Fix css for IPR header (status column was included by mistake). Fixes
issue #546. -
Tweak some GUI strings in the Liaison Manager
- Added week-at-a-time view to agenda page when viewing selected areas
and/or groups. If no groups are selected, the week view is hidden, leaving the
base-level functionality unchanged.
- 548# Link in IPR column should use an absolute, not relative URL. This
fixes issue #546.
- Added new setting to the /cookies page which enables always showing
full document text instead of showing beginning of the document. This
fixes issue #551.
- Refined the email sent when an position changes.
Summary: IETF 79 Code Sprint
Release Date: Tue, November 9, 2010 at 9:42 AM UTC
Release Author: Henrik Levkowetz
Added the last call e-mail event to the draft history page.
Added a search function for drafts on their respective mailing lists.
Fixes issue #458.
- Added tarfile and pdf-composite links and functionality to download
working group documents from the agenda page. Fixes #539
- Added column
to documnet table for WG docs and by AD docs, and also
in search results. Fixes issue #497.
- Make the idea of what is
in the I-D and RFC lists
Fix for #467: History tab: Avoid HTTP/HTTPS warning for the diff tool form
submission. -
Fix for #456: Make it possible for an IESG member to add a comment (for
the document history) in thechange document state
dialog -
Fix for #537: Remove redundant "by" info from doc history text.
Fix for #525. Adds more information to the document history tab,
specifically changes to writeup, announcement and last-call text. -
Fix for #372. Makes the position editing form display the name of the
document being edited. -
Fix for #526 and #530: Change the format of the notification email sent
out when an AD posts a ballot position on a draft, it by default CCs that
email to the authors and chairs, and adds some explanatory text to the body
of those messages.
Changed the language used in the last call email to be closer to the
language the tracker uses when no IPR declarations are found directly on the
draft. Fixes #506 -
Retained search results on login. Fixes #482.
Added filename to the subject of Protocol Action and Document Action email
messages (and fixed a bug that was preventing CC/BCC from being honored).
Fixes issue #528.
Split the /doc/ tabs into separate pages. This fixes #533. (Eventually,
this will use to ask the tabs to be prefetched when the
first tab is loaded, as documented at, but as there is some
issues with this which haven't been fully resolved, the prefetch part is not
part of this release.) -
Fill in the X-IETF-IDTracker header with the I-D Tracker version number.
This fixes #513 -
Added support for admin site documentation
Updated IESG Agenda Section 3.3 title
Added fix for announcement email multipart bug, in part contributed
by and -
Other minor fixes
Release Date: Wed, October 27, 2010 at 11:52 AM UTC
Release Author: Henrik Levkowetz
Ported scripts for expiration of drafts and last-calls, and sending
scheduled announcements.The command-line front-ends are in bin/ as expire-ids, expire-last-calls
and send-scheduled-mail. The last one already existed with some code, but
it's not certain it actually worked. The new one accepts the same arguments
as the Perl script (there's a little bit of help if you run it).All three log to syslog. They need to be started from cron with
PYTHONPATH=/a/www/ietf-datatracker/web , in the same manner as other
scripts which use the django models to interact with the database.
Release Date: Tue, October 26, 2010 at 2:11 PM UTC
Release Author: Henrik Levkowetz
- Merged in Yaco's Liaison Management Tool Port & Rewrite. Enjoy!
Note: Deploying this release requires additional steps; to verify
that liaison related settings in are correct, and to create
new tables and update existing tables and table content. The latter
is done as South migrations (see for more
info on the South app). More extensiive documentation about the actions
needed are provided in the user manual (doc/LSMT_user_manual.pdf in
the release). The brief version follows::
# 8<----------
# First the regular checkout and prepare:
cd /a/www/ietf-datatracker
svn co
cp web/ietf/ 3.07/ietf/
cd 3.07
# Verify that the new variables in are correct; if not,
# add the correct settings in and inform the release
# manager of the correct settings so they can be incorporated in the
# next release. The variables in question are (as set in the release):
# # The email address from wich all liaison emails come:
# LIAISON_UNIVERSAL_FROM = `Liaison Statement Management Tool <lsmt@` + IETF_DOMAIN + `>`
# # The filesystem path where the liaison attachments will be saved:
# LIAISON_ATTACH_PATH = `/a/www/ietf-datatracker/documents/LIAISON/`
# # The url from where the webserver serves the liaison attachments
# Next, the changes to the MySQL tables will be done.
# You can list the table migrations which will be applied if desired,
# this should list migrations from 0001_... to 0009_... under liaisons:
PYTHONPATH=$PWD ietf/ migrate --list
# Apply the migrations:
PYTHONPATH=$PWD ietf/ migrate
# Add the static/doc location as statically served files to the apache
# configuration. Fix line 6 in etc/apache2/vhoosts.d/ietf-datatracker.common
# to read:
# <LocationMatch "^/(?!(cgi-bin|css|documents|error|idst|images|js|media|doc|private)/|robots.txt).*$">
# (i.e., add `|doc` to the exception list).
# Then carry on with the usual actions:
cd ../
rm ./web; ln -s 3.07 web
sudo /etc/init.d/apache restart
# 8<----------
Once the datatracker is up and running with the new liaison tool in
place, liaison role assignments have to be done as described in
the LSMT user manual (in doc/LSMT_user_manual.pdf) page 14, summarized
by Patrik on the yaco-liaison-tool mailing list:
1. Add the IAB and IETF chairs, wg chairs, area directors etc as
apropriate (as described in the document).
2. Add the liaisons in the IETF assigned and named on the IAB list of
Release Date: Mon, September 20, 2010 at 2:45 PM UTC
Release Author: Henrik Levkowetz
Changed the navigation round editing ballots and sending discuss/email so
that the user comes back to the page the edit started from. -
Fix for ticket #374 (all in base.js) and removal of a vestigial 'save all
changes' button from the iesg/agenda/documents page. -
Split the ballot writeups page into three pages, for a more
understandable user interface.
- Fix a presentation bug in /iesg/agenda/documents.txt
Release Date: Tue, August 24, 2010 at 1:42 PM UTC
Release Author: Henrik Levkowetz
Bugfix release. Fixes the following issues (for more details, see the
release page
#354 Document State Change Edit lacks dropdowns in IE 8
#359 Test cases fail in fresh checkout from iesg-tracker branch
#364 Impossible to move back to No-Position
#366 The popup view of current positions when you left click on the
grids needs to be smarter when it doesn't fit on the display. -
#369 IDInternal entry with missing information generated
#370 Documents marked for telechat not on the web agenda
From Henrik:
Summary: IETF 78 Code Sprint
Release Date: Wed, July 28, 2010 at 2:13 PM UTC
Release Author: Henrik Levkowetz
From Adam Roach: Make the selectable WG agenda feature of the datatracker
IETF Agenda less resource intensive by not preloading all WG agendas. -
From Peter Musgrave: Improve the selection of listed
related documents
on the WG document pages. -
From Fix for issue #351 which caused server error when
editing the state of a document (as IESG user).
The following features were included already in v3.03, but by mistake
weren't listed in the changelog for that revision:
IETF 78 Sprint code from Peter Musgrave: Add related documents section to
the wg documents page (e.g., /wg/sipclf/). -
IETF 78 Sprint code from Robert Sparks: Relabel the
Issue Ballot
(for AD use, on the draft info page). -
IETF 78 Sprint code from Robert Sparks: provide a downloadable tarball of
the documents on the IESG agenda of a given date.
Release Date: Tue, July 27, 2010 at 1:09 PM UTC
Release Author: Henrik Levkowetz
IETF 78 Sprint code from Adam Roach: Make the IETF agenda page view
user-modifiable, providing a custom bookmarkable agenda view for each user. -
Make WG agendas available trough datatracker URLs; this will avoid
problems when the text from these pages are incorporated in frames in other
datatracker pages. Example: /meeting/78/agenda/sipcore