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Summer Training 2019 |
Welcome to Compete McGill's 2019 Summer Training!
Over the course of the Summer, we hope to teach you some of the Core Algorithms used in Competitive Programming. In particular, how to implement them in code!
Due to limited resources, we can only support McGill University students or alumni 😢, but if that describes you, don't hesitate to take part!
Every week, we'll assign a section of Competitive Programming 3 (a.k.a CP3) - the mother of all Competitive Programming books for you to read up on your own, as well as Problem Sets for you to practice on. These problems will be hosted on CodeForces, Kattis and UVa - some great Competitive Programming sites!
Obviously, we're also here to provide you with some support on your Competitive Programming Journey. Join us weekly on Wednesdays from 7PM - 8:30PM Montreal Time on our Discord Server for a Discussion Session where we'll walk you through any problems you struggled with!
Please also join our Facebook Group and ask any questions that you may have during the week!
{% for session in %} {% assign settitle = "Problem Set " | append: session.number %} {% assign matchingsets = site.categories.problemsets | where: "title", settitle %} {% assign set = matchingsets.first.url %} {% assign setnumber = matchingsets | size %} {% assign matchingsolns = | where: "title", settitle %} {% assign solnumber = matchingsolns | size %} {% assign soln = matchingsolns.first.url %} {% endfor %}Week Number | Start Date | End Date | Sections | Problem Set |
{{ session.number }} | {{ session.start }} | {{ session.end }} |