All services for this demo scenario are pre-configured and supposed to be run using the provided docker compose environment.
NOTE: Make sure you are in the use_case_1/
directory of this repository before running any of the following commands.
Running docker compose up
starts the following services:
- Zookeeper
- Kafka Broker
- Kafka Connect
- MongoDB
docker compose exec mysql mysql -u mysqluser -pmysqlpw -e "use inventory; SELECT * FROM addresses;"
This should result in displaying the data rows contained in the corresponding MySQL table inventory.addresses
| id | customer_id | street | city | state | zip | type |
| 10 | 1001 | 3183 Moore Avenue | Euless | Texas | 76036 | SHIPPING |
| 11 | 1001 | 2389 Hidden Valley Road | Harrisburg | Pennsylvania | 17116 | BILLING |
| 12 | 1002 | 281 Riverside Drive | Augusta | Georgia | 30901 | BILLING |
| 13 | 1003 | 3787 Brownton Road | Columbus | Mississippi | 39701 | SHIPPING |
| 14 | 1003 | 2458 Lost Creek Road | Bethlehem | Pennsylvania | 18018 | SHIPPING |
| 15 | 1003 | 4800 Simpson Square | Hillsdale | Oklahoma | 73743 | BILLING |
| 16 | 1004 | 1289 University Hill Road | Canehill | Arkansas | 72717 | LIVING |
Debezium's MySQL source connector is configured together with the CipherField
SMT to perform log-based change data capture against the MySQL table inventory.addressess
. The table's street
column values get encrypted due to the SMT settings.
Run the following command in your host terminal to start the debezium tools container and enter an interactive bash session.
docker run -it --rm \
--network uc1-network \
-v ${PWD}/:/home \
debezium/tooling:1.2 \
NOTE: All of the following commands are supposed to be executed in the container's bash.
kcctl - a CLI for Apache Kafka Connect - is used to perform any Kafka Connect related operations. First the connect cluster address is set and used as the CLI tool's context. Then the MySQL source connector is created.
kcctl config set-context default --cluster=http://connect:8083
kcctl apply -f /home/register_mysql_source_connector_enc.json
To verify the resulting records in the Kafka topic mysqlhost.inventory.addresses
kafkacat -b kafka:9092 -C -t mysqlhost.inventory.addresses -o beginning -q
This should show JSON records for all addresses with their street
field being encrypted. Here is one example:
Afterwards, hit CTRL + C
to stop the kafkacat consumer process.
The MongoDB sink connector is configured together with the CipherField
SMT to store address records as documents into a MongoDB collection mysqlhost.inventory.addresses
. The street
field values of the documents get decrypted due to the SMT settings.
Again kcctl is used to create this sink connector instance.
kcctl apply -f /home/register_mongodb_sink_connector_dec.json
In the container's bash type exit
to get back to your host terminal.
To verify the resulting documents in the MongoDB collection mysqlhost.inventory.addresses
docker run -it --rm \
--network uc1-network \
mongo:5.0.6 \
mongo mongodb:27017/kryptonite --eval "db.getCollection('mysqlhost.inventory.addresses').find()"
This should show a JSON representation of all address documents with their street
field being decrypted. Here is one example:
{ "_id" : NumberLong(13), "zip" : "39701", "state" : "Mississippi", "customer_id" : NumberLong(1003), "type" : "SHIPPING", "city" : "Columbus", "street" : "3787 Brownton Road" }
Running docker compose down
stops all services.