- ThemeManager have to set View::theme before render
- [1b52083] 2022-06-29 ThemeManager have to set View::theme before render @SilverFire
- [8cf602a] 2022-06-28 Released 0.4.0 [@SilverFire]
- Do not initialize a session connect unless required
- [a01e793] 2022-06-28 Do not initialize a session connect unless required @SilverFire
- Added
- [2ba8f11] 2020-03-26 Added
@tafid - [4676742] 2019-10-30 Merge pull request #5 from strorch/feature/captcha @SilverFire
- [2ba8f11] 2020-03-26 Added
- LoginForm::getBoolAttributes() will be retrun scenario active only
- [424d425] 2019-07-19 LoginForm::getBoolAttributes() will be retrun scenario active only @tafid
- Other minor changes
- [7822e7e] 2021-02-18 typo [smy980807@ukr.net]
- [91d3d3f] 2020-10-02 removed small image from LogoLink view [smy980807@ukr.net]
- [c8603a0] 2020-07-15 DANGEROUS: Fix (hopefully) theme compile path map @hiqsol
- [b3ad004] 2020-07-07 fixed aliased paths to real [smy980807@ukr.net]
- [3ccd8e5] 2020-03-26 Merge pull request #7 from tafid/alert_widget @SilverFire
- [f557e68] 2019-10-25 created captcha field in LoginForm [smy980807@ukr.net]
- [63ce3b1] 2019-08-29 Fixed for Yii 2 @hiqsol
- [0817fdd] 2019-03-08 Moved config to root dir @hiqsol
- [6137867] 2018-07-11 removed use of
0.3.2 - 2022-06-29
- Fixed minor issues
- Added
- Moved theme tuning views to
<- src/themes - Improved docs
- Added
widget - Fixed configs
0.3.1 - 2022-06-29
- Renamed poweredBy params to dot style
- Added
- Added
parameter - Added Faq, FancyPanel widgets
- Added in-site theming
- Added LogoLink widget
- 2c072a4 2017-03-29 Changed logo param names @tafid
- 34a0321 2017-03-29 Improved LogoLink::getImage() method, now it can works with urls @tafid
- 12fb0c3 2017-03-29 Changed marckup in LogoLink widget view file @tafid
- d7f1dd5 2017-03-11 added imageOptions param @hiqsol
- a591721 2017-02-02 Moved obaju LogoLink to thememanager LogoLink @tafid
- a812c8a 2017-02-02 fixed enabling debug with
constant @hiqsol
- Added
class- 051f14d 2017-01-30 Added new attribute DetailedTheme::licenseText @tafid
- 660e3eb 2017-01-30 Specified the path to the DetailedTheme files @tafid
- dc48a87 2017-01-26 Shortened getDetailedTheme method @tafid
- ae44253 2017-01-25 Added base DetailedTheme class @tafid
- 4dc0217 2017-01-25 Added getDetailedTheme method @tafid
- 47b0aba 2017-01-24 Added linkOptions attribute @tafid
- 489beb1 2017-01-19 Improved isHomePage, used getRoute() @tafid
- 8040d38 2017-01-19 Fixed isHomePage method @tafid
0.3.0 - 2022-06-29
- Fixed minor issues
- 645bac7 2017-01-12 csfixed @hiqsol
- ea1c1cd 2016-12-30 Translations updated @SilverFire
- f300ba3 2016-12-30 Added a unified method for producing an image from a theme asset @tafid
- 43a4ccb 2016-12-30 Improved collect data @tafid
- 77dac5b 2016-12-29 Use
constant instead ofYII_DEBUG
to add thememanager panel @SilverFire - 37941a7 2016-12-23 doc @hiqsol
- 5b2a1a3 2016-12-19 redone translation category to
@hiqsol - 466ba7d 2016-12-19 redone translation category to
- Added Faq and TextPage widgets
- Added abstract menus
- Removed widget, hasWidget and callStatic from ThemeManager, redone creating widgets to straight yii DI
- b59dfe6 2016-12-21 redone Menu::render -> widget @hiqsol
- 7356b05 2016-12-21 removed widget, hasWidget and callStatic from ThemeManager @hiqsol
- 407d4b8 2016-12-21 + abstract menus @hiqsol
- f92ab1d 2016-12-21 + Flashes widget (empty) @hiqsol
- 65ed824 2016-12-21 improved UserMenu widget @hiqsol
- c2fb625 2016-12-20 redone config for straight DI @hiqsol
0.2.0 - 2022-06-29
- Added UserMenu, FancyPanel
- f7761a3 2016-12-03 csfixed: changed header comment to phpdoc @hiqsol
- 86eeff5 2016-12-03 csfixed @hiqsol
- 6a56a9e 2016-12-03 used hidev-hiqdev instead of hidev-vendor @hiqsol
- 143104e 2016-12-02 used proper container definitions setting @hiqsol
- 28c0c5e 2016-11-29 translation @tafid
- ac24ec6 2016-11-16 redone dependencies to definitions @hiqsol
- db5f0d8 2016-11-16 added UserMenu widget @hiqsol
- c793f5f 2016-11-16 redone widgets to yii dependency injection @hiqsol
- add8772 2016-11-03 improved debug config @hiqsol
- 6e0afba 2016-10-25 csfixed @hiqsol
- f8c6d00 2016-10-25 translations @hiqsol
- 1f54379 2016-10-20 Added php doc, added options to Html::img @tafid
- fdf724a 2016-10-20 Removed NotSupported exception, publish logo @tafid
- 34f2fe3 2016-10-20 Fixed wrong message source @SilverFire
- 46259ef 2016-10-19 Fixed Settings::load() to work with defaults @SilverFire
- d09a08b 2016-10-19 fixed for PHP 7.0 compatibility @hiqsol
- 8dfae0a 2016-10-06 Added FancyPanel widget @tafid
- Fixed many widgets
- 8c23df8 2016-10-23 redone SocialLinks widget @hiqsol
- 65d6081 2016-10-21 fixed LogoLink widget when no image given @hiqsol
- 5d526c9 2016-10-14 simplified LoginForm pages, shows, texts, disables @hiqsol
- f489bcd 2016-10-14 + get text/bool attributes, init options and detectIcons @hiqsol
- 6b68562 2016-10-13 greatly improved LoginForm to be suitable for any login-like pages: signup, restore-password, reset-password @hiqsol
- f5b4445 2016-10-12 * LoginForm: + signup & restore password page options @hiqsol
- 9d8d39c 2016-10-11 fixed CopyrightYears widget @hiqsol
- Added SessionSettingsStorage
- 5b1b174 2016-10-19 Implemented SettingsStorage usage @SilverFire
- 1e32601 2016-10-19 Added SessionSettingsStorage @SilverFire
- bed82dc 2016-10-17 added detectInputType in LoginForm widget @hiqsol
- Added Themes debug panel
- Changed building pathMap
0.1.0 - 2022-06-29
- Changed: redone building theme pathMap with vars substituting
- Changed: redone widgets to pass params through config
0.0.2 - 2022-06-29
- Added widgets: OrganizationLink, SocialLinks, PoweredBy, LoginForm, Breadcrumbs
- d675571 2016-09-02 added LoginForm widget @hiqsol
- 40907ee 2016-09-01 + PoweredBy widget @hiqsol
- a3dbaec 2016-09-01 + widget path to pathMap @hiqsol
- f497ed7 2016-08-26 added Breadcrumbs widget @hiqsol
- 4ca3a60 2016-08-26 + hasWidget() @hiqsol
- e2a5674 2016-08-26 added Flash for Theme changed @hiqsol
- 4eeb955 2016-08-25 Fixed OrganizationLink from trim(variable) to trim(variable) !== "" @tafid
- ce60121 2016-08-25 fixed OrganizationLink widget to use organizationName/Url @hiqsol
- 97b9234 2016-08-25 fixed typo @hiqsol
- f834412 2016-08-25 Added SocialLinks widget, complemented OrganizationLink widget @tafid
- 7d19283 2016-08-25 added widgets @hiqsol
- a26edd8 2016-08-25 + ThemeManager::widget() @hiqsol
- 4730098 2016-08-23 Grammar fix @tafid
- Added viewPaths parameter
- Removed View, AssetConverter and AssetManager
0.0.1 - 2022-06-29
- Changed bootstrapping
- Changed: redone to
- 46bc352 2016-05-20 fixed module adding, removed Plugin.php @hiqsol
- 14ed956 2016-05-19 redone to composer-config-plugin @hiqsol
- 0b8316a 2016-05-04 inited tests @hiqsol
- 95a5da1 2016-05-04 changed ThemeManager to be more lazy in setting theme @hiqsol
- 2b63cdc 2016-05-04 added views and widgets path parametrizing @hiqsol
- 5a428dc 2016-04-29 csfixed @hiqsol
- c440e44 2016-04-29 rehideved @hiqsol
- 9c06c71 2016-04-29 redone
@hiqsol - 91f43e8 2016-02-29 + require yii2-collection @hiqsol
- 94faceb 2016-02-29 removing bootstrapping @hiqsol
- a0e282c 2016-02-29 + yii-extraconfig @hiqsol
- cbb82cb 2016-02-24 - require plugin manager @hiqsol
- Fixed minor issues
- 7f5d47f 2016-02-24 phpcsfixed @hiqsol
- 650863d 2016-02-24 rehideved @hiqsol
- c85f4dd 2016-02-17 fixed PHP notice @hiqsol
- 3898f12 2016-01-27 Add renderAjax if request isAjax @tafid
- 219c4e1 2015-12-09 Fixed Settings::load() signature @SilverFire
- 108f84d 2015-11-23 Changed namespace to yii2-collection @SilverFire
- 479f995 2015-11-05 Chaching placeholders removed @SilverFire
- Fixed getting current theme
- Changed: moved to src
- Added AssetManager and AssetConverter
- Added basics
- 765ff2a 2015-06-10 hideved @hiqsol
- 7c492ea 2015-06-10 + proper finding settings class at Theme @hiqsol
- a95617b 2015-06-02 fixed theme saving @hiqsol
- b0d0772 2015-05-29 simplified access to current theme settings @hiqsol
- 874899d 2015-05-28 Added missing use for InvalidConfigException @SilverFire
- 0ee7e85 2015-05-27 + Settings @hiqsol
- 42d384c 2015-05-26 hideved @hiqsol
- 73b4ea1 2015-05-20 + real Manager and Theme @hiqsol
- 3d9e1b3 2015-04-18 doc @hiqsol
- 40e739b 2015-04-18 doc @hiqsol
- 67527f2 2015-04-18 inited @hiqsol
[Development started]: https://github.com/hiqdev/yii2-thememanager/compare/dev...Development started [a01e793]: https://github.com/hiqdev/yii2-thememanager/commit/a01e793 [7822e7e]: https://github.com/hiqdev/yii2-thememanager/commit/7822e7e [91d3d3f]: https://github.com/hiqdev/yii2-thememanager/commit/91d3d3f [c8603a0]: https://github.com/hiqdev/yii2-thememanager/commit/c8603a0 [b3ad004]: https://github.com/hiqdev/yii2-thememanager/commit/b3ad004 [3ccd8e5]: https://github.com/hiqdev/yii2-thememanager/commit/3ccd8e5 [2ba8f11]: https://github.com/hiqdev/yii2-thememanager/commit/2ba8f11 [4676742]: https://github.com/hiqdev/yii2-thememanager/commit/4676742 [f557e68]: https://github.com/hiqdev/yii2-thememanager/commit/f557e68 [63ce3b1]: https://github.com/hiqdev/yii2-thememanager/commit/63ce3b1 [424d425]: https://github.com/hiqdev/yii2-thememanager/commit/424d425 [0817fdd]: https://github.com/hiqdev/yii2-thememanager/commit/0817fdd [6137867]: https://github.com/hiqdev/yii2-thememanager/commit/6137867 [0.4.0]: https://github.com/hiqdev/yii2-thememanager/compare/0.3.2...0.4.0 [1b52083]: https://github.com/hiqdev/yii2-thememanager/commit/1b52083 [8cf602a]: https://github.com/hiqdev/yii2-thememanager/commit/8cf602a [0.4.1]: https://github.com/hiqdev/yii2-thememanager/compare/0.4.0...0.4.1