Expected audience of this document is developer who develops plug-in of Filter, Source, Sink and Codec. This is common documentation of the plug-in.
Since audio framework is framework, the actual implementations of Filter, Source, Sink and Codec are separated as plug-in.
Those plug-in is based on common mechanism therefore the plug-in should satisfy with common requirements.
You can refer to actual codec implementations under example_codec/, example_filter/, example_sink/ and example_source.
You can see some of interfaces are defined as pure virtual ( = 0 ). Therefore you must implement the pure virtual interfaces on your plug-in as common requirement of plug-in.
class IPlugIn
virtual ~IPlugIn();
// for PlugIn Developer
virtual void onLoad(void) = 0;
virtual void onUnload(void) = 0;
virtual std::string getId(void) = 0;
virtual std::shared_ptr<IPlugIn> newInstance(void) = 0;
- onLoad() is an event handler of loading the plug-in. If you need to do anything at loading timining, you do it in the implementation.
virtual void onLoad(void){
std::cout << "onLoad" << std::endl;
- onUnload() is an event handler of loading the plug-in. This is an event handler of pair of onLoad().
virtual void onUnload(void){
std::cout << "onUnload" << std::endl;
- getId() is to return your the plug-in ID. This must be unique.
virtual std::string getId(void){
return std::string("FilterExampleReverb");
- newInstance() should do new instance for your implementation class and should be cast to IPlugIn.
virtual std::shared_ptr<IPlugIn> newInstance(void){
return std::make_shared<FilterExampleReverb>();
And also you need to export the common method void* getPlugInInstance(void)
as "C" from your plug-in shared object.
extern "C"
void* getPlugInInstance(void)
FilterExampleReverb* pFilter = new FilterExampleReverb();
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(dynamic_cast<IPlugIn*>(pFilter));
Your implementation must instantiate your plug-in class and reinterpret_cast to void* after cast to IPlugIn* as the above example.
- For Filter plug-in develop, your plug-in class should be derived from FilterPlugIn class.
- For Source plug-in develop, your plug-in class should be derived from SourcePlugIn class.
- For Sink plug-in develop, your plug-in class should be derived from SinkPlugIn class.
- For Codec plug-in develop, your plug-in class should be derived from IDecoder class.