pub(crate) struct Task<S: 'static> {
raw: RawTask,
_p: PhantomData<S>,
pub(crate) struct RawTask {
ptr: NonNull<Header>,
impl RawTask {
pub(super) fn new<T, S>(task: T, scheduler: S, id: Id) -> RawTask
T: Future,
S: Schedule,
let ptr = Box::into_raw(Cell::<_, S>::new(task, scheduler, State::new(), id));
let ptr = unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr as *mut Header) };
RawTask { ptr }
pub(super) struct Cell<T: Future, S> {
/// Hot task state data
pub(super) header: Header,
/// Either the future or output, depending on the execution stage.
pub(super) core: Core<T, S>,
/// Cold data
pub(super) trailer: Trailer,
impl<T: Future, S: Schedule> Cell<T, S> {
/// Allocates a new task cell, containing the header, trailer, and core
/// structures.
pub(super) fn new(future: T, scheduler: S, state: State, task_id: Id) -> Box<Cell<T, S>> {
#[cfg(all(tokio_unstable, feature = "tracing"))]
let tracing_id = future.id();
let result = Box::new(Cell {
header: Header {
queue_next: UnsafeCell::new(None),
vtable: raw::vtable::<T, S>(),
owner_id: UnsafeCell::new(0),
#[cfg(all(tokio_unstable, feature = "tracing"))]
core: Core {
stage: CoreStage {
stage: UnsafeCell::new(Stage::Running(future)),
trailer: Trailer {
waker: UnsafeCell::new(None),
owned: linked_list::Pointers::new(),
pub(crate) struct Header {
/// Task state.
pub(super) state: State,
/// Pointer to next task, used with the injection queue.
pub(super) queue_next: UnsafeCell<Option<NonNull<Header>>>,
/// Table of function pointers for executing actions on the task.
pub(super) vtable: &'static Vtable,
/// This integer contains the id of the OwnedTasks or LocalOwnedTasks that
/// this task is stored in. If the task is not in any list, should be the
/// id of the list that it was previously in, or zero if it has never been
/// in any list.
/// Once a task has been bound to a list, it can never be bound to another
/// list, even if removed from the first list.
/// The id is not unset when removed from a list because we want to be able
/// to read the id without synchronization, even if it is concurrently being
/// removed from the list.
pub(super) owner_id: UnsafeCell<u64>,
/// The tracing ID for this instrumented task.
#[cfg(all(tokio_unstable, feature = "tracing"))]
pub(super) tracing_id: Option<tracing::Id>,
pub(super) struct CoreStage<T: Future> {
stage: UnsafeCell<Stage<T>>,
/// Either the future or the output.
pub(super) enum Stage<T: Future> {