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--- a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/README.md
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@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ authorized to make the RPC.
* An explanation of
[SGX local attestation](https://software.intel.com/en-us/node/702983).
-* See [A Formal Analysis of EKEP](/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/README.md)
+* See [A Formal Analysis of EKEP](https://github.com/google/ekep-analysis/)
for a ProVerif-based security analysis of the EKEP protocol.
diff --git a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/README.md b/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/README.md
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# A Formal Analysis of EKEP
-## Introduction
-Trustworthy Computing requires trustworthy connections between remote parties.
-Normally, remote parties base symmetric trust on public-key infrastructure
-(PKI): certificates attest to the provenance of private keys held by each party
-and key-exchange protocols bootstrap from that trust to establish a private
-session key to use for communication. However, Trustworthy Computing supports a
-stronger notion of trust: remote attestation, by which a party may demonstrate
-not only that their key is trusted, but that the software using the key matches
-known properties and is running on known hardware.
-Key exchange and remote attestation compose naturally in sequence: a protocol
-may require remote attestation as the first communication on a secure channel
-and close the connection if attestation fails. However, this adds unnecessary
-complexity and requires an external PKI to certify the original keys for the
-exchange. Instead, the [Enclave Key Exchange
-Protocol](https://asylo.dev/docs/concepts/ekep.html) (EKEP) integrates remote
-attestation with key exchange to establish a channel with trust based entirely
-on Trustworthy Computing.
-Participants in EKEP create ephemeral public/private key pairs, attest to those
-pairs using remote attestation technology like Intel's Software Guard
-Extensions (SGX), and use those attestations to establish a session key for
-To gain confidence in EKEP, we modeled it in
-[ProVerif](https://bblanche.gitlabpages.inria.fr/proverif/), a tool for formal
-verification in the [applied](https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.03003)
-[π-calculus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CE%A0-calculus). We used this model
-to prove security properties of EKEP, including perfect forward secrecy (PFS).
-As part of this work, we used the C preprocessor to implement macros for
-modularization and convenient tuple data types and operations. We also added a
-simple test framework that allows us to check library models independently of
-the main protocol.
-We chose ProVerif because there was an existing ProVerif analysis of the [ALTS
-by Bruno Blanchet; we started by working through this analysis to understand
-the properties that it verified. Our analysis was initially inspired by that
-analysis, though our final ProVerif model shares little with Blanchet's.
-## An overview of EKEP
-EKEP performs a handshake with 6 messages in (conceptually[^1]) 3 rounds:
-1. Precommit: agree on attestation and session-key requirements.
-2. Attestation: attest to identities and the keys used to establish the channel.
-3. Finish: compute the session key.
-The handshake may halt at any message due to inconsistencies or cryptographic
-failures. The following sequence diagram (from the EKEP documentation) shows the
-full handshake.
-![EKEP Handshake](ekep-handshake.svg "The EKEP Handshake")
-This protocol is originally based on the ALTS handshake with the
-addition of attestation to ephemeral keys.
-The derivation of record protocol secrets computes an `HMAC-SHA256` using a
-derived key over input that includes a full transcript of the handshake through
-the `CLIENT_FINISH` message. Our EKEP model includes a step that uses the
-record key to send a fresh message.
-## EKEP Events and Queries
-ProVerif analysis is based on events that label points in a protocol.
-Properties of protocols are modeled as relations between these events.
-We define the following events in the protocol, where `G` is the group used for
-Diffie-Hellman key exchange, and `Name` represents the identity of a party in
-the protocol. `Transcript5` is a typed bitstring that represents the last
-transcript sent in the protocol, and `bitstring` is the ProVerif built-in type
-for uninterpreted strings.
-(** The server says that its Transcript5 is |transcript| in a session with
-the Diffie-Hellman shared key |dh|. *)
-event serverTranscript5((*dh=*)G, Transcript5).
-(** The client says that its Transcript5 is |transcript| in a session with
-the Diffie-Hellman shared key |dh|. *)
-event clientTranscript5((*dh=*)G, Transcript5).
-(** The |client| says that it agreed on a |sharedSecret| with the |server|. *)
-event clientBoundIdentity(
- (*server=*)Name, (*client=*)Name, (*sharedSecret=*)G).
-(** The |server| says that it agreed on a |sharedSecret| with the |client|. *)
-event serverBoundIdentity(
- (*server=*)Name, (*client=*)Name, (*sharedSecret=*)G).
-(** The client sent |message| on a channel established by EKEP. *)
-event clientSentMessage((*message=*)bitstring).
-(** The server received |message| on a channel established by EKEP. *)
-event serverReceivedMessage((*message=*)bitstring).
-The `serverTranscript5` and `clientTranscript5` are the 6th transcript messages
-(using 0-based indexing) from the beginning of the protocol, and they should
-agree if the two parties saw the same messages. We represent this basic
-correctness property in ProVerif as follows:
-(** If the client and server compute |cTranscript| and |sTranscript|
-respectively as the Transcript5 values in the same EKEP session (identified by
-the Diffie-Hellman shared key |dh|), then the client and server computed the
-same transcripts.
-query dh: G, cTranscript: Transcript5, sTranscript: Transcript5;
- (event(clientTranscript5(dh, cTranscript)) &&
- event(serverTranscript5(dh, sTranscript))) ==>
- (cTranscript = sTranscript).
-The next property shows that EKEP protects against mis-identification attacks:
-the server and client agree about identities that they got from a connection
-using a given shared secret.
-(** If the client and server get public identities from a given connection, then
-those identities match. *)
-query idS: Name, idC: Name, idXS: Name, idXC: Name, ss: G;
- (event(clientBoundIdentity(idXS, idC, ss)) &&
- event(serverBoundIdentity(idS, idXC, ss))) ==>
- (idXS = idS && idXC = idC).
-Next, we show that the adversary cannot perform man-in-the-middle attacks: a
-server that receives a message on an EKEP channel can be sure that it was sent
-by the client (and, due to the previous properties, this means that the message
-was sent by the client with the expected identity).
-(** If the client and server establish a connection and the server receives a
-message on that connects, then the client sent that message. *)
-query ss: G, m: bitstring;
- event(serverReceivedMessage(m)) ==>
- inj-event(clientSentMessage(m)).
-Finally, we show that an adversary cannot learn any messages sent on an
-established channel. This kind of query is supported directly in ProVerif as
-(** The attacker cannot obtain the unique secret message exchanged between
-client and server. *)
-query attacker(new message).
-Note that we add a second phase to the protocol in which the long-term
-identities from the first part of the protocol are leaked. In this case, those
-long-term keys are represent as MAC keys used to represent SGX-based identity.
-Even in this case, the adversary cannot learn the message from the previous
-round. This demonstrates that EKEP satisfies Perfect Forward Secrecy.
-## Representing Trustworthy Identities
-Our model represents SGX with a new principal that provides SGX attestations
-for the client, the server, and any other arbitrary party. It represents the
-identities as secret HMAC keys: the client and server each provide a MAC on a
-message they want attested as coming from their identity.
-(** SgxAttestationForClient provides SGX signatures for clients. *)
-let SgxAttestationForClient(clientSgxMacKey: HmacKey, sgxPrivKey: SigningKey) =
- in(c, (message: ClientSgxMessage, tag: HmacAuthTag));
- let kind = ClientSgxMessage_kind(message) in
- if kind = kClientId then
- if hmacClientSgxVerify(clientSgxMacKey, message, tag) then
- out(c, signClientSgx(sgxPrivKey, message)).
-(** SgxAttestationForServer provides SGX signatures for servers. *)
-let SgxAttestationForServer(serverSgxMacKey: HmacKey, sgxPrivKey: SigningKey) =
- in(c, (message: ServerSgxMessage, tag: HmacAuthTag));
- if ServerSgxMessage_kind(message) = kServerId then
- if hmacServerSgxVerify(serverSgxMacKey, message, tag) then
- out(c, signServerSgx(sgxPrivKey, message)).
-(** SgxAttestationForOther provides SGX signatures for the adversary. *)
-let SgxAttestationForOther(sgxPrivKey: SigningKey) =
- in(c, (name: Name, publicKey: G, transcript: bitstring));
- out(c, sign(sgxPrivKey, (name, kOtherId, publicKey, transcript))).
-Note that these implementations are not secret: the adversary can call
-`SgxAttestationForClient` and can even replay old tagged messages. But all this
-gives the adversary is the same public attested (signed) message as before, and
-it already gets this message when the client performs attestation normally. The
-only secret is the MAC key that represents the party's identity.
-Note also that this model is not exposed in the events or queries from the
-previous section: it is critical to the security of the protocol, but it works
-underneath the level of events and queries to guarantee the security of
-identities and hence the security of the protocol.
-Finally, note that while this implementation calls itself "SGX", it is an
-abstraction that more generally represents a Trustworthy Computing system that
-can cryptographically attest to statements by identified parties.
-## Development and Testing
-ProVerif has limited support for standard development methodologies. As part of
-the EKEP modeling project, we added support for some utilities that are of
-general interest: textual include files, macro-based named-tuple data types,
-and unit testing.
-### Include Files
-ProVerif does not support modular development; there is a `-lib` flag for the
-`proverif` binary that allows callers to specify a single file for textual
-inclusion, but not multiple files. It also doesn't support recursive inclusion
-of files. These facilities are standard in modern programming languages.
-We created a simple run script that uses the C preprocessor to support textual
-inclusion of ProVerif library files (`.pvl`) in ProVerif (`.pv`) and ProVerif
-library files. This allowed us to develop libraries of cryptographic and
-utility functions separately from the main EKEP model and kept the EKEP model
-clean. Our current libraries are `diffie_hellman.pvl`,
-`authenticated_encryption.pvl`, `named_tuples.pvl`, and `list.pvl`. We also
-have an `ekep.pvl` file that implements separable parts of the EKEP protocol so
-that the top-level implementation of the protocol is clear.
-### Named Tuples
-We also used the C preprocessor to create useful macros to implement data
-structures. In particular, we implemented strongly-typed named tuples, which
-allow callers to extract named fields from the tuples. This drastically
-increases the readability of the model. Unfortunately, one limitation is that
-the macros must be defined for each possible length of the named tuple.
-For example, the following implementation shows how to implement 2-tuples in C
-preprocessor macros.
-#define REDUCE_FORALL2(TypeName, field, result, var0, type0, var1, type1) \
- reduc forall var0: type0, var1: type1; \
- TypeName##_##field(Build##TypeName(var0, var1)) = result
-#define DEFINE_DATA_TYPE2(TypeName, var0, type0, var1, type1) \
- type TypeName. \
- fun Build##TypeName(type0, type1): TypeName [data]. \
- REDUCE_FORALL2(TypeName, var0, var0, var0, type0, var1, type1). \
- REDUCE_FORALL2(TypeName, var1, var1, var0, type0, var1, type1)
-The `REDUCE_FORALL2` macro produces a reduction that provides a function to
-extract a field with name `field` from a named tuple with type name `TypeName`.
-The top-level macro `DEFINE_DATA_TYPE2` implements a new named-tuple type
-`TypeName` with a `BuildTypeName` function to construct a new instance of the
-tuple and reductions for accessing each of its fields.
-### Unit Testing
-After modularization, we wanted to test our libraries separately from their use
-in the EKEP model. So, we devised a simple test framework: a test consists of a
-set of processes, each of which uses the functionality provided by a library
-and checks properties of the reductions exposed by the library. If the property
-succeeds, then the process sends the message `Success` to the channel. If the
-property fails, then the process sends the message `Fail` to the channel.
-The sole query in the test file is the secrecy of the `Fail` message: if the
-adversary can get `Fail` on the channel, then one of the properties of the
-library does not hold, and the test has failed. The trace produced by ProVerif
-shows which property failed.
-Here is a sample, minimal test of some functionality from the `list.pvl`
-library, using our `test_helpers.pvl` library that provides unit-test functions
-like `EXPECT_EQ`.
-#include "list.pvl"
-#include "test_helpers.pvl"
-free b0: bitstring.
-free b1: bitstring.
-(** Checks that List_elem works on List1. *)
-let TestElemList1() =
- let l1_0 = List1(b0) in
- EXPECT_TRUE(List_elem(b0, l1_0));
- EXPECT_FALSE(List_elem(b1, l1_0)).
-(** Checks that List_some_intersection works on List1, List1 arguments. *)
-let TestFirstIntersection1_1() =
- let l1_0 = List1(b0) in
- EXPECT_EQ(b0, List_some_intersection(l1_0, l1_0)).
- ( TestElemList1()
- | TestFirstIntersection1_1()
- | TestEq1()
- | TestHasIntersection1()
- | TestIsSubset1()
- )
-### Speed
-Our current EKEP model performs its analysis in less than 1 second. Here is the
-summary output of `time ./run_proverif.sh ekep.pv`:
-Verification summary:
-Query event(clientTranscript5(dh,cTranscript)) && event(serverTranscript5(dh,sTranscript)) ==> cTranscript = sTranscript is true.
-Query event(clientBoundIdentity(idXS,idC,ss)) && event(serverBoundIdentity(idS,idXC,ss)) ==> idXS = idS && idXC = idC is true.
-Query inj-event(serverReceivedMessage(m)) ==> inj-event(clientSentMessage(m)) is true.
-Query not attacker_p1(message[]) is true.
-./run_proverif.sh ekep.pv 0.29s user 0.04s system 98% cpu 0.332 total
-### Utility
-Changing the EKEP protocol to introduce some bugs causes ProVerif to catch
-these bugs. For example, if we change the client to not check the
-cryptographically validated origin of its messages, then properties fail.
-More precisely, if we add the function `getClientSgxMessage` as follows:
-reduc forall message: ClientSgxMessage, key: VerifyingKey, anyKey: SigningKey;
- getClientSgxMessage(key, signClientSgx(anyKey, message)) = message.
-and we replace the client validation call `checkClientSgxSignature` with this
-call (thus ignoring the signature and just extracting the message), we get the
-following result from ProVerif:
-Verification summary:
-Query event(clientTranscript5(dh,cTranscript)) && event(serverTranscript5(dh,sTranscript)) ==> cTranscript = sTranscript is true.
-Query event(clientBoundIdentity(idXS,idC,ss)) && event(serverBoundIdentity(idS,idXC,ss)) ==> idXS = idS && idXC = idC is false.
-Query inj-event(serverReceivedMessage(m)) ==> inj-event(clientSentMessage(m)) is false.
-Query not attacker_p1(message[]) is true.
-These errors say that it's no longer the case that the client and server agree
-on who they're talking to and that just because a client received a message, it
-doesn't mean that the server sent that message. In other words, an adversary
-can now forge messages in the protocol.
-### Limitations
-The main limitation of our EKEP model is that our list implementation only
-supports lists of length 1.[^2] This means that the model does not test cases
-where, for example, a client proposes multiple possible attestation methods,
-and the server selects one.
-## Conclusions
-EKEP has been shown to satisfy strong security properties, including PFS. We
-are releasing this model under the Apache 2 license, and we welcome
-contributions and comments.
-## Notes
- Other variants of this handshake are possible; this document only analyzes
- the public version of EKEP.
- ProVerif takes a very long time (hours to days) to complete when used in
- our analysis for lists of length 2 and appears to never terminate for
- lists of length 3 or more.
-# Running the Analysis and Tests
-To run a file in ProVerif, use the script `run_proverif.sh`. This script
-assumes that ProVerif is installed on the local machine. The typical usage is:
-$ ./run_proverif.sh list_test.pv
-NOTE: You can only run `.pv` files, and not `.pvl` (library) files.
-## Debugging syntax errors
-If the ProVerif script has a syntax error, the output will refer to a line in
-one of the generated files. The temporary files will be automatically cleaned up
-after the script finishes. To disable this automatic cleanup, set the
-environment variable `PROVERIF_NO_CLEANUP`. For example:
-$ PROVERIF_NO_CLEANUP=1 ./run_proverif.sh list_test.pv
-## Running ProVerif Interactively
-The `run_proverif.sh` script supports an environment variable
-`PROVERIF_INTERACT`. If this variable is set, then `run_proverif.sh` will call
-`proverif_interact` on the generated file instead of `proverif`. This brings up
-an interactive GUI that allows the user to act as the adversary in a protocol.
-For example:
-$ PROVERIF_INTERACT=1 ./run_proverif.sh ekep.pv
-To facilitate the job of the adversary in interactive mode, the `ekep.pvl` file
-conditionally defines helper functions that support generating some of the
-messages that would otherwise be tedious and error-prone to type. See the
-`ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG_FUNCTIONS` block in `ekep.pvl` for these functions.
-The `run_proverif.sh` script always defines `ENABLE_DEBUG_FUNCTIONS` when
+Moved to [its own repository](https://github.com/google/ekep-analysis)
diff --git a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/authenticated_encryption.pvl b/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/authenticated_encryption.pvl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fae7332b..000000000
--- a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/authenticated_encryption.pvl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2022 Google LLC
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-(** A key for authenticated encryption. *)
-type RecordKey.
-(** Encrypts plaintext to ciphertext. *)
-fun enc(RecordKey, (*plaintext=*)bitstring): (*ciphertext=*)bitstring.
-(** Decrypts ciphertext to plaintext. *)
-fun dec(RecordKey, (*ciphertext=*)bitstring): (*plaintext=*)bitstring
- forall k: RecordKey, msg: bitstring; dec(k, enc(k, msg)) = msg.
diff --git a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/diffie_hellman.pvl b/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/diffie_hellman.pvl
deleted file mode 100644
index 967483d9c..000000000
--- a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/diffie_hellman.pvl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2022 Google LLC
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-(** The base group used in Diffie-Hellman *)
-type G.
-(** The exponent field used in Diffie-Hellman. *)
-type Z.
-(** Converts a field element in Z to a bitstring. *)
-fun Z2b(Z): bitstring [data, typeConverter].
-(** Converts a group element in G to a bitstring. *)
-fun G2b(G): bitstring [data, typeConverter].
-(** A constant, public base element for Diffie-Hellman computations. *)
-const g:G [data].
-(** Computes the exponentiation |base|^|exponent|. *)
-fun exp((*base=*)G, (*exponent=*)Z): G.
-(* Adds the fact that (g^x)^y = (g^y)^x to the equational theory. *)
-equation forall x: Z, y: Z;
- exp(exp(g, x), y) = exp(exp(g, y), x).
-#endif /* _DIFFIE_HELLMAN_PVL */
diff --git a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/diffie_hellman_test.pv b/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/diffie_hellman_test.pv
deleted file mode 100644
index 67f89b4c6..000000000
--- a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/diffie_hellman_test.pv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2022 Google LLC
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-#include "diffie_hellman.pvl"
-#include "test_helpers.pvl"
-free exp0: Z.
-free exp1: Z.
-(* Tests that the equational theory has been extended to capture equality of
-(g^x)^y and (g^y)^x. *)
-let TestExp() =
- let k01 = exp(exp(g, exp0), exp1) in
- let k10 = exp(exp(g, exp1), exp0) in
- EXPECT(Eq_G(k01, k10)).
- (TestExp())
diff --git a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/ekep-handshake.svg b/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/ekep-handshake.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index 40b1264ef..000000000
--- a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/ekep-handshake.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9cc27fec8..000000000
--- a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/ekep.pv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2022 Google LLC
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-#include "authenticated_encryption.pvl"
-#include "diffie_hellman.pvl"
-#include "ekep.pvl"
-channel c.
-(** The server says that its Transcript5 is |transcript| in a session with
-the Diffie-Hellman shared key |dh|. *)
-event serverTranscript5((*dh=*)G, Transcript5).
-(** The client says that its Transcript5 is |transcript| in a session with
-the Diffie-Hellman shared key |dh|. *)
-event clientTranscript5((*dh=*)G, Transcript5).
-(** The |client| says that it agreed on a |sharedSecret| with the |server|. *)
-event clientBoundIdentity(
- (*server=*)Name, (*client=*)Name, (*sharedSecret=*)G).
-(** The |server| says that it agreed on a |sharedSecret| with the |client|. *)
-event serverBoundIdentity(
- (*server=*)Name, (*client=*)Name, (*sharedSecret=*)G).
-event clientSentMessage((*message=*)bitstring).
-event serverReceivedMessage((*message=*)bitstring).
-(** If the client and server compute |cTranscript| and |sTranscript|
-respectively as the Transcript5 values in the same EKEP session (identified by
-the Diffie-Hellman shared key |dh|), then the client and server computed the
-same transcripts.
-query dh: G, cTranscript: Transcript5, sTranscript: Transcript5;
- (event(clientTranscript5(dh, cTranscript)) &&
- event(serverTranscript5(dh, sTranscript))) ==>
- (cTranscript = sTranscript).
-(** If the client and server get public identities from a given connection, then
-those identities match. *)
-query idS: Name, idC: Name, idXS: Name, idXC: Name, ss: G;
- (event(clientBoundIdentity(idXS, idC, ss)) &&
- event(serverBoundIdentity(idS, idXC, ss))) ==>
- (idXS = idS && idXC = idC).
-(** If the client and server establish a connection and the server receives a
-message on that connects, then the client sent that message. *)
-query ss: G, m: bitstring;
- event(serverReceivedMessage(m)) ==>
- inj-event(clientSentMessage(m)).
-(** The attacker cannot obtain the unique secret message exchanged between
-client and server. *)
-query attacker(new message).
-(** Implements the client side of EKEP. *)
-let Client(clientName: Name, clientSgxKey: HmacKey, sgxPubKey: VerifyingKey,
- message: bitstring) =
- (* Send Client Precommit. *)
- new clientPrecommit: Challenge;
- out(c, clientPrecommit);
- let transcript0 = CreateTranscript0(clientPrecommit) in
- (* Receive Server Precommit. *)
- in(c, serverPrecommit: Challenge);
- let transcript1 = ExtendToTranscript1(transcript0, serverPrecommit) in
- (* Compute Client Id. *)
- new clientPrivateKey: Z;
- let clientPublicKey = exp(g, clientPrivateKey) in
- (* Create a message for SGX to sign, and create an HMAC of this message that
- SGX can verify as coming from the client. This models the channel that SGX has
- with the client software. *)
- let clientSgxMessage = BuildClientSgxMessage(
- clientName, kClientId, clientPublicKey, transcript1) in
- let clientSgxTag = hmacClientSgx(clientSgxKey, clientSgxMessage) in
- out(c, (clientSgxMessage, clientSgxTag));
- in(c, clientId: Signature);
- (* Make sure that the signature is valid, comes from SGX, and is for the right
- message. *)
- let (=clientSgxMessage) = checkClientSgxSignature(sgxPubKey, clientId) in
- (* Send Client Id. *)
- out(c, clientId);
- let transcript2 = ExtendToTranscript2(transcript1, clientId) in
- (* Receive Server Id. *)
- in(c, serverId: Signature);
- (* Check that the Server Id is a valid signature from SGX for the kServerId
- IdentityKind. *)
- let serverSgxMessage = checkServerSgxSignature(sgxPubKey, serverId) in
- if ServerSgxMessage_kind(serverSgxMessage) <> kServerId then
- out(c, kBadAssertion) else
- let xName = ServerSgxMessage_name(serverSgxMessage) in
- let serverPublicKey = ServerSgxMessage_publicKey(serverSgxMessage) in
- let transcript3 = ExtendToTranscript3(transcript2, serverId) in
- (* Derive EKEP secrets. *)
- let sharedSecret = exp(serverPublicKey, clientPrivateKey) in
- let masterSecret = hkdfMaster(EkepHandshakeV1, sharedSecret, transcript3) in
- let authKey = hkdfAuth(EkepHandshakeV1, sharedSecret, transcript3) in
- (* Receive Server Finish. *)
- in(c, serverFinish: HmacAuthTag);
- let transcript4 = ExtendToTranscript4(transcript3, serverFinish) in
- (* Validate Server Finish. *)
- if not(hmacVerify(authKey, EkepHandshakeV1ServerFinish, serverFinish)) then
- out(c, kBadAuthenticator) else
- event clientBoundIdentity(xName, clientName, sharedSecret);
- (* Compute Client Finish. *)
- let clientFinish = hmac(authKey, EkepHandshakeV1ClientFinish) in
- out(c, clientFinish);
- let transcript5 = ExtendToTranscript5(transcript4, clientFinish) in
- event clientTranscript5(sharedSecret, transcript5);
- (* Derive Record key. *)
- let recordKey =
- hkdfRecordKey(EkepRecordProtocolV1, masterSecret, transcript5) in
- (* The EKEP handshake ends here. After this, the client sends a message using
- the negotiated record protocol. *)
- event clientSentMessage(message);
- out(c, enc(recordKey, message)).
-(** Implements the server side of EKEP. *)
-let Server(serverName: Name, serverSgxKey: HmacKey, sgxPubKey: VerifyingKey) =
- (* Receive Client Precommit. *)
- in(c, clientPrecommit: Challenge);
- let transcript0 = CreateTranscript0(clientPrecommit) in
- (* Send Server Precommit. *)
- new serverPrecommit: Challenge;
- out(c, serverPrecommit);
- let transcript1 = ExtendToTranscript1(transcript0, serverPrecommit) in
- (* Receive Client Id. *)
- in(c, clientId: Signature);
- (* Check that the Client Id is a valid signature from SGX for the kClientId
- IdentityKind. *)
- let clientSgxMessage = checkClientSgxSignature(sgxPubKey, clientId) in
- if ClientSgxMessage_kind(clientSgxMessage) <> kClientId then
- out(c, kBadAssertion) else
- let xName = ClientSgxMessage_name(clientSgxMessage) in
- let clientPublicKey = ClientSgxMessage_publicKey(clientSgxMessage) in
- let transcript2 = ExtendToTranscript2(transcript1, clientId) in
- (* Compute Server Id *)
- new serverPrivateKey: Z;
- let serverPublicKey = exp(g, serverPrivateKey) in
- (* Create a message for SGX to sign, and create an HMAC of this message that
- SGX can verify as coming from the client. This models the channel that SGX has
- with the server software. *)
- let serverSgxMessage = BuildServerSgxMessage(
- serverName, kServerId, serverPublicKey, transcript2) in
- let serverSgxTag = hmacServerSgx(serverSgxKey, serverSgxMessage) in
- out(c, (serverSgxMessage, serverSgxTag));
- in(c, serverId: Signature);
- (* Make sure that the signature is valid, comes from SGX, and is for the right
- message. *)
- let (=serverSgxMessage) = checkServerSgxSignature(sgxPubKey, serverId) in
- (* Send Server Id. *)
- out(c, serverId);
- let transcript3 = ExtendToTranscript3(transcript2, serverId) in
- (* Derive EKEP secrets. *)
- let sharedSecret = exp(clientPublicKey, serverPrivateKey) in
- let masterSecret = hkdfMaster(EkepHandshakeV1, sharedSecret, transcript3) in
- let authKey = hkdfAuth(EkepHandshakeV1, sharedSecret, transcript3) in
- (* Compute Server Finish. *)
- let serverFinish = hmac(authKey, EkepHandshakeV1ServerFinish) in
- (* Send Server Finish. *)
- out(c, serverFinish);
- let transcript4 = ExtendToTranscript4(transcript3, serverFinish) in
- (* Receive Client Finish. *)
- in(c, clientFinish: HmacAuthTag);
- let transcript5 = ExtendToTranscript5(transcript4, clientFinish) in
- if not(hmacVerify(authKey, EkepHandshakeV1ClientFinish, clientFinish)) then
- (* Note that the server is not allowed to send an error if client validation
- fails. Instead, it silently closes the connection. *)
- 0 else
- event serverTranscript5(sharedSecret, transcript5);
- (* Derive Record key. *)
- event serverBoundIdentity(serverName, xName, sharedSecret);
- let recordKey =
- hkdfRecordKey(EkepRecordProtocolV1, masterSecret, transcript5) in
- (* The EKEP handshake ends here. After this, the server receives a message
- using the negotiated record protocol. *)
- in(c, encryptedClientMessage: bitstring);
- let decryptedClientMessage = dec(recordKey, encryptedClientMessage) in
- event serverReceivedMessage(decryptedClientMessage).
-(** SgxAttestationForClient provides SGX signatures for clients. *)
-let SgxAttestationForClient(clientSgxMacKey: HmacKey, sgxPrivKey: SigningKey) =
- in(c, (message: ClientSgxMessage, tag: HmacAuthTag));
- let kind = ClientSgxMessage_kind(message) in
- if kind = kClientId then
- if hmacClientSgxVerify(clientSgxMacKey, message, tag) then
- out(c, signClientSgx(sgxPrivKey, message)).
-(** SgxAttestationForServer provides SGX signatures for servers. *)
-let SgxAttestationForServer(serverSgxMacKey: HmacKey, sgxPrivKey: SigningKey) =
- in(c, (message: ServerSgxMessage, tag: HmacAuthTag));
- if ServerSgxMessage_kind(message) = kServerId then
- if hmacServerSgxVerify(serverSgxMacKey, message, tag) then
- out(c, signServerSgx(sgxPrivKey, message)).
-(** SgxAttestationForOther provides SGX signatures for the adversary. *)
-let SgxAttestationForOther(sgxPrivKey: SigningKey) =
- in(c, (name: Name, publicKey: G, transcript: bitstring));
- out(c, sign(sgxPrivKey, (name, kOtherId, publicKey, transcript))).
- new clientSgxMacKey: HmacKey;
- new serverSgxMacKey: HmacKey;
- new serverName: Name;
- new clientName: Name;
- out(c, clientName);
- out(c, serverName);
- new sgxPrivKey: SigningKey;
- let sgxPubKey = pubKey(sgxPrivKey) in
- out(c, sgxPubKey);
- new message: bitstring;
- ( (! Server(serverName, serverSgxMacKey, sgxPubKey) )
- | (! Client(clientName, clientSgxMacKey, sgxPubKey, message) )
- | (! SgxAttestationForClient(clientSgxMacKey, sgxPrivKey) )
- | (! SgxAttestationForServer(serverSgxMacKey, sgxPrivKey) )
- | (! SgxAttestationForOther(sgxPrivKey) )
- (* Expose the client and server's long-term identity keys in phase 1 to test
- perfect forward secrecy in the protocol. *)
- | ( phase 1; out(c, clientSgxMacKey); out(c, serverSgxMacKey) )
- )
diff --git a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/ekep.pvl b/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/ekep.pvl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0377e5053..000000000
--- a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/ekep.pvl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2022 Google LLC
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-#ifndef _EKEP_PVL
-#define _EKEP_PVL
-#include "authenticated_encryption.pvl"
-#include "diffie_hellman.pvl"
-#include "named_tuples.pvl"
-(* This library defines all the types used only in EKEP.
- * Cryptographic types and data structures are defined in their own headers.
- *)
-(** Alerts. *)
-type Alert.
-const kBadMessage: Alert [data].
-const kDeserializationFailed: Alert [data].
-const kBadProtocolVersion: Alert [data].
-const kBadHandshakeCipher: Alert [data].
-const kBadRecordProtocol: Alert [data].
-const kBadAuthenticator: Alert [data].
-const kBadAssertionType: Alert [data].
-const kBadAssertion: Alert [data].
-const kProtocolError: Alert [data].
-const kInternalError: Alert [data].
-const kBadEphemeralParameters: Alert [data].
-(* The kOk message is used to handle status cases that are not errors. *)
-const kOk: Alert [data].
-(** HMAC context strings are represented as bitstrings. *)
-type HkdfContext.
-const EkepHandshakeV1: HkdfContext [data].
-const EkepRecordProtocolV1: HkdfContext [data].
-(** Sentinel strings for HMAC. *)
-const EkepHandshakeV1ServerFinish: bitstring [data].
-const EkepHandshakeV1ClientFinish: bitstring [data].
-(** Names of principals. *)
-type Name.
-(** Kinds of identities of principals. Anyone can get a signed Identity from
-SGX that binds a public key to a Name. However, only the client can get
-identities of kind kClientId, and only the server can get identities of kind
-kServerId. This part of the type system models the notion of being able to
-learn from SGX about properties of a communicating remote or local party, and
-it is one of the features of EKEP that distinguishes it from previous
-key-exchange protocols. *)
-type IdentityKind.
-const kClientId: IdentityKind.
-const kServerId: IdentityKind.
-const kOtherId: IdentityKind.
-(** Descriptions of Assertions. *)
-type AssertionDescription.
-const kSgxAssertionDescription: AssertionDescription [data].
-(** Empty options for the precommit. *)
-type Options.
-const kEmptyOptions: Options [data].
-(** An explicit type for challenges. *)
-type Challenge.
-(** Transcripts are used as part of the material that key derivation operates
-on. *)
-type Transcript0.
-type Transcript1.
-type Transcript2.
-type Transcript3.
-type Transcript4.
-type Transcript5.
-(* Signing and verification with asymmetric algorithms. *)
-(** Keys used for signing in an (unspecified) asymmetric algorithm. *)
-type SigningKey.
-(** Keys used for verification in an (unspecified) asymmetric algorithm. *)
-type VerifyingKey.
-(** Produces the public key that corresponds to a signing key. *)
-fun pubKey(SigningKey): VerifyingKey.
-type Signature.
-(** Signs |message| with a key, producing a signature. *)
-fun sign(SigningKey, (*message=*)bitstring): Signature.
-(** Gets the |message| from a signature under key |k|. *)
-reduc forall message: bitstring, key: SigningKey;
- getMessage(sign(key, message)) = message.
-(** Checks a signature under a |key| and produces its |message| if the signature
-passes verification. *)
-reduc forall message: bitstring, key: SigningKey;
- checkSignature(pubKey(key), sign(key, message)) = message.
-(** An Id associates a public key with a list of assertions. *)
- publicKey, G,
- assertion, Signature).
-(** A ClientSgxMessage is sent from a client to SGX to get an assertion. *)
- name, Name,
- kind, IdentityKind,
- publicKey, G,
- transcript, Transcript1).
-(** A ServerSgxMessage is sent from a server to SGX to get an assertion. *)
- name, Name,
- kind, IdentityKind,
- publicKey, G,
- transcript, Transcript2).
-fun signClientSgx(SigningKey, ClientSgxMessage): Signature.
-reduc forall message: ClientSgxMessage, key: SigningKey;
- checkClientSgxSignature(pubKey(key), signClientSgx(key, message)) = message.
-fun signServerSgx(SigningKey, ServerSgxMessage): Signature.
-reduc forall message: ServerSgxMessage, key: SigningKey;
- checkServerSgxSignature(pubKey(key), signServerSgx(key, message)) = message.
-(** HmacAuthTag is the symmetric equivalent of a digital signature. *)
-type HmacAuthTag.
-(** HmacKey is the type of keys used to compute HMACs. *)
-type HmacKey.
-(** Computes an HMAC for a given bitstring message. *)
-fun hmac(HmacKey, (*message=*)bitstring): HmacAuthTag.
-fun hmacVerify(HmacKey, (*message=*)bitstring, HmacAuthTag): bool
- forall key: HmacKey, message: bitstring;
- hmacVerify(key, message, hmac(key, message)) = true otherwise
- forall key: HmacKey, message: bitstring, tag: HmacAuthTag;
- hmacVerify(key, message, tag) = false.
-fun hmacClientSgx(HmacKey, ClientSgxMessage): HmacAuthTag.
-fun hmacClientSgxVerify(HmacKey, ClientSgxMessage, HmacAuthTag): bool
- forall key: HmacKey, message: ClientSgxMessage;
- hmacClientSgxVerify(
- key, message, hmacClientSgx(key, message)) = true otherwise
- forall key: HmacKey, message: ClientSgxMessage, tag: HmacAuthTag;
- hmacClientSgxVerify(key, message, tag) = false.
-fun hmacServerSgx(HmacKey, ServerSgxMessage): HmacAuthTag.
-fun hmacServerSgxVerify(HmacKey, ServerSgxMessage, HmacAuthTag): bool
- forall key: HmacKey, message: ServerSgxMessage;
- hmacServerSgxVerify(
- key, message, hmacServerSgx(key, message)) = true otherwise
- forall key: HmacKey, message: ServerSgxMessage, tag: HmacAuthTag;
- hmacServerSgxVerify(key, message, tag) = false.
-(** MasterSecret is produced from the output of HKDF1. *)
-type MasterSecret.
-(** Produces a master key using HKDF. *)
-fun hkdfMaster(HkdfContext, (*secret=*)G, Transcript3): MasterSecret.
-(** Produces an auth key using HKDF. *)
-fun hkdfAuth(HkdfContext, (*secret=*)G, Transcript3): HmacKey.
-(** Produces a record key using HKDF. *)
-fun hkdfRecordKey(HkdfContext, MasterSecret, Transcript5): RecordKey.
-(** Creates Transcript 0 from a client precommit message. *)
-fun CreateTranscript0(Challenge): Transcript0 [data, typeConverter].
-(** Extends Transcript 0 to Transcript 1, using a server precommit message. *)
-fun ExtendToTranscript1(Transcript0, Challenge): Transcript1 [data].
-(** Extends Transcript 1 to Transcript 2, using a client ID message. *)
-fun ExtendToTranscript2(
- Transcript1, (*clientId=*)Signature): Transcript2 [data].
-(** Extends Transcript 2 to Transcript 3, using a server ID message. *)
-fun ExtendToTranscript3(
- Transcript2, (*serverId=*)Signature): Transcript3 [data].
-(** Extends Transcript 3 to Transcript 4, using an HMAC auth tag from the server
-finish message. *)
-fun ExtendToTranscript4(Transcript3, (*serverFinish=*)HmacAuthTag):
- Transcript4 [data].
-(** Extends Transcript 4 to Transcript 5, using an HMAC auth tag from the client
-finish message. *)
-fun ExtendToTranscript5(Transcript4, (*clientFinish=*)HmacAuthTag):
- Transcript5 [data].
-#endif /* _EKEP_PVL */
diff --git a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/ekep_test.pv b/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/ekep_test.pv
deleted file mode 100644
index f2a82ba88..000000000
--- a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/ekep_test.pv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2022 Google LLC
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-#include "ekep.pvl"
-#include "test_helpers.pvl"
-free m0: bitstring.
-free m1: bitstring.
-free k0: HmacKey.
-free k1: HmacKey.
-(** Checks that HMAC verification works and fails in its expected cases. *)
-let TestHmac() =
- let t0 = hmac(k0, m0) in
- let t1 = hmac(k0, m1) in
- let tk1 = hmac(k1, m0) in
- EXPECT(Eq_HmacAuthTag(t0, t0));
- EXPECT_TRUE(hmacVerify(k0, m0, t0));
- EXPECT_TRUE(hmacVerify(k0, m1, t1));
- EXPECT_FALSE(hmacVerify(k0, m0, t1));
- EXPECT_FALSE(hmacVerify(k0, m1, t0));
- EXPECT_FALSE(hmacVerify(k1, m0, t0));
- EXPECT_FALSE(hmacVerify(k0, m0, tk1)).
- TestHmac()
diff --git a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/list.pvl b/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/list.pvl
deleted file mode 100644
index d4ff6a666..000000000
--- a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/list.pvl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2022 Google LLC
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-#ifndef _LIST_PVL
-#define _LIST_PVL
-(** List is used in protocols for holding configuration options. Note that
-instances of this List can never be empty, by construction. Also note that this
-is actually a bounded List, of max length 1. *)
-type List.
-(** Constructs a List with one element. *)
-fun List1(bitstring): List [data, typeConverter].
-(* Checks if a given bitstring is an element of a List. *)
-fun List_elem(bitstring, List): bool
- (* Lists of length 1. *)
- forall x0: bitstring, l: List;
- List_elem(x0, List1(x0)) = true otherwise
- forall x0: bitstring, l0: List;
- List_elem(x0, l0) = false.
-(** Gets some element that is in the intersection of two Lists. Fails if there
-is no such element. *)
-fun List_some_intersection(List, List): bitstring
- forall x0: bitstring;
- List_some_intersection(List1(x0), List1(x0)) = x0.
-(** Check if the first list is a subset of the second. *)
-fun List_is_subset(List, List): bool
- forall x0: bitstring;
- List_is_subset(List1(x0), List1(x0)) = true otherwise
- forall l0: List, l1: List;
- List_is_subset(l0, l1) = false.
-(** Checks the equality of two lists. Equality depends on order as well as
-contents. *)
-fun List_eq(List, List): bool
- forall x0: bitstring;
- List_eq(List1(x0), List1(x0)) = true otherwise
- forall l0: List, l1: List;
- List_eq(l0, l1) = false.
-(** Catches failed list operations and reports whether failure occurred. *)
-fun List_is_fail(List): bool
- List_is_fail(fail) = true otherwise
- forall l: List; List_is_fail(l) = false.
-(** Catches failed bitstring operations and reports whether failure occurred. *)
-fun bitstring_is_fail(bitstring): bool
- bitstring_is_fail(fail) = true otherwise
- forall b: bitstring; bitstring_is_fail(b) = false.
-(** Checks whether or not two lists intersect. *)
-letfun List_has_intersection(l0: List, l1: List) =
- not(bitstring_is_fail(List_some_intersection(l0, l1))).
-#endif /* _LIST_PVL */
diff --git a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/list_test.pv b/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/list_test.pv
deleted file mode 100644
index 3aa8917a9..000000000
--- a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/list_test.pv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2022 Google LLC
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-#include "list.pvl"
-#include "test_helpers.pvl"
-free b0: bitstring.
-free b1: bitstring.
-free b2: bitstring.
-free b3: bitstring.
-free b4: bitstring.
-(** Checks that List_elem works on List1. *)
-let TestElemList1() =
- let l1_0 = List1(b0) in
- EXPECT_TRUE(List_elem(b0, l1_0));
- EXPECT_FALSE(List_elem(b1, l1_0)).
-(** Checks that List_some_intersection works on List1, List1 arguments. *)
-let TestFirstIntersection1_1() =
- let l1_0 = List1(b0) in
- let l1_1 = List1(b1) in
- EXPECT_EQ(b0, List_some_intersection(l1_0, l1_0)).
-(** Checks that List_eq works on all List1 cases. *)
-let TestEq1() =
- let l1_0 = List1(b0) in
- let l1_1 = List1(b1) in
- EXPECT_TRUE(List_eq(l1_0, l1_0));
- EXPECT_FALSE(List_eq(l1_0, l1_1)).
-(** Checks that List_has_intersection works for List1. *)
-let TestHasIntersection1() =
- let l1_0 = List1(b0) in
- let l1_0_again = List1(b0) in
- let l1_1 = List1(b1) in
- EXPECT_TRUE(List_has_intersection(l1_0, l1_0));
- EXPECT_TRUE(List_has_intersection(l1_0, l1_0_again));
- EXPECT_FALSE(List_has_intersection(l1_1, l1_0)).
-(** Checks that List_is_subset works for List1. *)
-let TestIsSubset1() =
- EXPECT_TRUE(List_is_subset(List1(b0), List1(b0)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(List_is_subset(List1(b0), List1(b1))).
- ( TestElemList1()
- | TestFirstIntersection1_1()
- | TestEq1()
- | TestHasIntersection1()
- | TestIsSubset1()
- )
diff --git a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/named_tuples.pvl b/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/named_tuples.pvl
deleted file mode 100644
index 77e8e5540..000000000
--- a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/named_tuples.pvl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2022 Google LLC
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-#define REDUCE_FORALL2(TypeName, field, result, var0, type0, var1, type1) \
- reduc forall var0: type0, var1: type1; \
- TypeName##_##field(Build##TypeName(var0, var1)) = result
-#define DEFINE_DATA_TYPE2(TypeName, var0, type0, var1, type1) \
- type TypeName. \
- fun Build##TypeName(type0, type1): TypeName [data]. \
- REDUCE_FORALL2(TypeName, var0, var0, var0, type0, var1, type1). \
- REDUCE_FORALL2(TypeName, var1, var1, var0, type0, var1, type1)
-#define REDUCE_FORALL3(TypeName, field, result, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2) \
- reduc forall var0: type0, var1: type1, var2: type2; \
- TypeName##_##field(Build##TypeName(var0, var1, var2)) = result
-#define DEFINE_DATA_TYPE3(TypeName, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2) \
- type TypeName. \
- fun Build##TypeName(type0, type1, type2): TypeName [data]. \
- REDUCE_FORALL3(TypeName, var0, var0, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2). \
- REDUCE_FORALL3(TypeName, var1, var1, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2). \
- REDUCE_FORALL3(TypeName, var2, var2, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2)
-#define REDUCE_FORALL4(TypeName, field, result, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3) \
- reduc forall var0: type0, var1: type1, var2: type2, var3: type3; \
- TypeName##_##field(Build##TypeName(var0, var1, var2, var3)) = result
-#define DEFINE_DATA_TYPE4(TypeName, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3) \
- type TypeName. \
- fun Build##TypeName(type0, type1, type2, type3): TypeName [data]. \
- REDUCE_FORALL4(TypeName, var0, var0, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3). \
- REDUCE_FORALL4(TypeName, var1, var1, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3). \
- REDUCE_FORALL4(TypeName, var2, var2, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3). \
- REDUCE_FORALL4(TypeName, var3, var3, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3)
-#define REDUCE_FORALL5(TypeName, field, result, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4) \
- reduc forall var0: type0, var1: type1, var2: type2, var3: type3, var4: type4; \
- TypeName##_##field(Build##TypeName(var0, var1, var2, var3, var4)) = result
-#define DEFINE_DATA_TYPE5(TypeName, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4) \
- type TypeName. \
- fun Build##TypeName(type0, type1, type2, type3, type4): TypeName [data]. \
- REDUCE_FORALL5(TypeName, var0, var0, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4). \
- REDUCE_FORALL5(TypeName, var1, var1, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4). \
- REDUCE_FORALL5(TypeName, var2, var2, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4). \
- REDUCE_FORALL5(TypeName, var3, var3, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4). \
- REDUCE_FORALL5(TypeName, var4, var4, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4)
-#define REDUCE_FORALL6(TypeName, field, result, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4, var5, type5) \
- reduc forall var0: type0, var1: type1, var2: type2, var3: type3, var4: type4, var5: type5; \
- TypeName##_##field(Build##TypeName(var0, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5)) = result
-#define DEFINE_DATA_TYPE6(TypeName, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4, var5, type5) \
- type TypeName. \
- fun Build##TypeName(type0, type1, type2, type3, type4, type5): TypeName [data]. \
- REDUCE_FORALL6(TypeName, var0, var0, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4, var5, type5). \
- REDUCE_FORALL6(TypeName, var1, var1, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4, var5, type5). \
- REDUCE_FORALL6(TypeName, var2, var2, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4, var5, type5). \
- REDUCE_FORALL6(TypeName, var3, var3, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4, var5, type5). \
- REDUCE_FORALL6(TypeName, var4, var4, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4, var5, type5). \
- REDUCE_FORALL6(TypeName, var5, var5, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4, var5, type5)
-#define REDUCE_FORALL7(TypeName, field, result, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4, var5, type5, var6, type6) \
- reduc forall var0: type0, var1: type1, var2: type2, var3: type3, var4: type4, var5: type5, var6: type6; \
- TypeName##_##field(Build##TypeName(var0, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6)) = result
-#define DEFINE_DATA_TYPE7(TypeName, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4, var5, type5, var6, type6) \
- type TypeName. \
- fun Build##TypeName(type0, type1, type2, type3, type4, type5, type6): TypeName [data]. \
- REDUCE_FORALL7(TypeName, var0, var0, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4, var5, type5, var6, type6). \
- REDUCE_FORALL7(TypeName, var1, var1, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4, var5, type5, var6, type6). \
- REDUCE_FORALL7(TypeName, var2, var2, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4, var5, type5, var6, type6). \
- REDUCE_FORALL7(TypeName, var3, var3, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4, var5, type5, var6, type6). \
- REDUCE_FORALL7(TypeName, var4, var4, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4, var5, type5, var6, type6). \
- REDUCE_FORALL7(TypeName, var5, var5, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4, var5, type5, var6, type6). \
- REDUCE_FORALL7(TypeName, var6, var6, var0, type0, var1, type1, var2, type2, var3, type3, var4, type4, var5, type5, var6, type6)
-#endif /* _NAMED_TUPLES_PVL */
diff --git a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/named_tuples_test.pv b/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/named_tuples_test.pv
deleted file mode 100644
index 137cf56a8..000000000
--- a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/named_tuples_test.pv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2022 Google LLC
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-#include "named_tuples.pvl"
-#include "list.pvl"
-#include "test_helpers.pvl"
-type key.
-type userData.
-free k: key.
-free ud: userData.
-DEFINE_DATA_TYPE2(NamedTuple2, secretKey, key, context, userData).
-(** Checks that the accessors defined by DEFINE_DATA_TYPE2 work. *)
-let TestDataType2() =
- let nt = BuildNamedTuple2(k, ud) in
- EXPECT(Eq_key(k, NamedTuple2_secretKey(nt)));
- EXPECT(Eq_userData(ud, NamedTuple2_context(nt))).
-free d: bitstring.
-free pk: key.
-free t: bitstring.
-DEFINE_DATA_TYPE3(Assertion, description, bitstring, publicKey, key,
- transcript, bitstring).
-let TestDataType3() =
- let a = BuildAssertion(d, pk, t) in
- EXPECT_EQ(d, Assertion_description(a));
- EXPECT(Eq_key(pk, Assertion_publicKey(a)));
- EXPECT_EQ(t, Assertion_transcript(a)).
-(** Constants to use in the tests. *)
-free version: bitstring.
-free cipher: bitstring.
-free protocol: bitstring.
-free ad: bitstring.
-free offer: bitstring.
-free request: bitstring.
-free c: bitstring.
-DEFINE_DATA_TYPE5(Params, ekepVersions, List, handshakeCiphers, List,
- nextProtocols, List, offers, List, requests, List).
-(** Checks that the accessors defined by DEFINE_DATA_TYPE5 work. *)
-let TestDataType5() =
- let ev = List1(version) in
- let hc = List1(cipher) in
- let np = List1(protocol) in
- let o = List1(offer) in
- let r = List1(request) in
- let p = BuildParams(ev, hc, np, o, r) in
- EXPECT_TRUE(List_eq(ev, Params_ekepVersions(p)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(List_eq(hc, Params_handshakeCiphers(p)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(List_eq(np, Params_nextProtocols(p)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(List_eq(o, Params_offers(p)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(List_eq(r, Params_requests(p))).
-DEFINE_DATA_TYPE6(Precommit, ekepVersions, List, handshakeCiphers, List,
- nextProtocols, List, aad, bitstring, offers, List, requests,
- List).
-(** Checks that the accessors defined by DEFINE_DATA_TYPE6 work. *)
-let TestDataType6() =
- let ev = List1(version) in
- let hc = List1(cipher) in
- let np = List1(protocol) in
- let o = List1(offer) in
- let r = List1(request) in
- let p = BuildPrecommit(ev, hc, np, ad, o, r) in
- EXPECT_TRUE(List_eq(ev, Precommit_ekepVersions(p)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(List_eq(hc, Precommit_handshakeCiphers(p)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(List_eq(np, Precommit_nextProtocols(p)));
- EXPECT_EQ(ad, Precommit_aad(p));
- EXPECT_TRUE(List_eq(o, Precommit_offers(p)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(List_eq(r, Precommit_requests(p))).
-DEFINE_DATA_TYPE7(P7, ekepVersions, List, handshakeCiphers, List,
- nextProtocols, List, aad, bitstring, offers, List, requests,
- List, challenge, bitstring).
-(** Checks that the accessors defined by DEFINE_DATA_TYPE7 work. *)
-let TestDataType7() =
- let ev = List1(version) in
- let hc = List1(cipher) in
- let np = List1(protocol) in
- let o = List1(offer) in
- let r = List1(request) in
- let p = BuildP7(ev, hc, np, ad, o, r, c) in
- EXPECT_TRUE(List_eq(ev, P7_ekepVersions(p)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(List_eq(hc, P7_handshakeCiphers(p)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(List_eq(np, P7_nextProtocols(p)));
- EXPECT_EQ(ad, P7_aad(p));
- EXPECT_TRUE(List_eq(o, P7_offers(p)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(List_eq(r, P7_requests(p)));
- EXPECT_EQ(c, P7_challenge(p)).
- ( TestDataType2()
- | TestDataType3()
- | TestDataType5()
- | TestDataType6()
- | TestDataType7() )
diff --git a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/run_proverif.sh b/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/run_proverif.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 6401298d1..000000000
--- a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/run_proverif.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
- # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-set -o errexit
-set -o pipefail
-set -o nounset
-if [[ "$#" != "1" ]]; then
- echo "Usage: $0 "
- exit 1
-readonly file="$1"
-readonly TEMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d)"
-function cleanup() {
- rm -rf "${TEMP_DIR}"
-if [[ -z "${PROVERIF_NO_CLEANUP:-}" ]]; then
- trap cleanup EXIT
- echo "Output in ${TEMP_DIR}"
-if [[ -n "${PROVERIF_INTERACT:-}" ]]; then
- cpp -DENABLE_DEBUG_FUNCTIONS -E "${file}" \
- | grep -v "^#" > "${TEMP_DIR}/${file}"
- cpp -E "${file}" | grep -v "^#" > "${TEMP_DIR}/${file}"
-if [[ ! -z "${PROVERIF_INTERACT:-}" ]]; then
- proverif_interact "${TEMP_DIR}/${file}"
-elif [[ ! -z "${PROVERIF_HTML_DIR:-}" ]]; then
- proverif -color -html "${PROVERIF_HTML_DIR}" "${TEMP_DIR}/${file}"
- proverif -color "${TEMP_DIR}/${file}"
diff --git a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/style_guide.md b/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/style_guide.md
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index 265c6137d..000000000
--- a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/style_guide.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-# ProVerif Style Guide
-## Overview
-ProVerif implements a version of the [applied
-π-calculus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CE%A0-calculus), a formal language
-that is used to reason about cryptographic protocols (among other things). This
-document provides guidelines for writing uniform, consistent ProVerif code.
-## Details
-### Spacing
-The rules for spacing try to remain close to Google style for other programming
-#### Indentation
-Use two spaces for indentation.
-let MyProcess() =
- new b: bitstring;
- out(c, b).
-#### Continued lines
-Indent line continuations with 4 spaces, to distinguish between continuations
-and subsequent lines in a new scope.
-if x <> ComputeSomeReallyLongValue(theFirstVariable, theSecondVariable,
- theThirdVariable) then (
- new b0: bitstring;
- out(c, b0)
-) else (
- new b1: bitstring;
- out(c, b1)
-The second half of a reduction should always be written on a new line, for
-clarity, so it should only be indented by two spaces, not four.
-fun fst((*first=*)bitstring, (*second=*)bitstring): (*element=*)bitstring
- forall x0: bitstring, x1: bitstring;
- fst(x0, x1) = x0.
-The following version indents by too many spaces.
-```proverif {.bad}
-fun fst((*first=*)bitstring, (*second=*)bitstring): (*element=*)bitstring
- forall x0: bitstring, x1: bitstring;
- (* Incorrect 4-space indentation. *)
- fst(x0, x1) = x0.
-You may also align continued lines for clarity. In the following example, the
-query aligns the `event` expressions in the same parenthesized expression.
-```proverif {.good}
-query x: FieldElt, y: FieldElt, idS: Identity, idC: Identity;
- (event(ClientKey(x)) && event(ServerKey(y)) &&
- event(ServerBinds(exp(g, mul(x, y)), idC, idS))) ==>
- event(ClientBinds(exp(g, mul(x, y)), idC, idS)).
-#### Alignment
-Do not add horizontal space to align columns of text.
-const d0: bitstring [data].
-const longerName: bitstring [data].
-The following version correctly keeps regular spacing.
-const d0: bitstring [data].
-const longerName: bitstring [data].
-#### Type annotations
-Separate the type name from the variable name and colon with one space.
-type Key.
-new k: Key.
-in(c, (k: key, m: bitstring)).
-The following version does not include a space between the variable name, the
-colon, and the type.
-type Key.
-new k:Key.
-### Naming
-ProVerif has several kinds of non-keyword names: functions, events, processes,
-variables. These names use the following styles
-- PascalCase
- - types (`TypeName`)
- - events (`EventName`)
- - processes (`ProcessName`)
-- camelCase
- - variables (`variableName`)
- - arguments (`argumentName`)
- - functions (`functionName`)
-#### Acronyms and initialisms
-This style guide follows the main Google convention for naming acronyms and
-initialisms: treat them like words. This decision means that acronyms and
-initialisms do not always have consistent case, but it matches the majority of
-the languages used at Google.
-type AesKey.
-let AesReceiver() =
- in(c, (aesUserKey: AesKey)).
-The following incorrect version uses a style that is more like Go.
-type AESKey.
-let AESReceiver() =
- in(c, (aesUserKey: AESKey)).
-### Comments
-#### Documentation comments
-Comments on types, events, processes, and functions should follow OCaml
-documentation style: start the comment with two stars instead of one.
-(** Computes an exponentiation of |base|^|exponent|. *)
-fun exp((*base=*)GroupElt, (*exponent=*)FieldElt): GroupElt.
-(* Incorrect single-star comment on a function. *)
-(* Computes an exponentiation of |base|^|exponent|. *)
-fun exp((*base=*)GroupElt, (*exponent=*)FieldElt): GroupElt.
-#### Process and function comments
-Each process should have a documentation comment that starts with a verb in the
-present tense. This is analogous to function comments in Google style for
-languages like C++.
-(** Computes an exponentiation of |base|^|exponent|. *)
-fun exp((*base=*)GroupElt, (*exponent=*)FieldElt): GroupElt.
-(** Sends a fresh bitstring on channel |c|. *)
-let Server() =
- new value: bitstring;
- out(c, value).
-#### Event comments
-ProVerif events are critical to its security modeling, and they have
-correspondingly high requirements for the clarity of their comments. Event
-comments should be formulated as "says" statements: a given principal "says" a
-given fact. This style helps interpret the comments, especially in the context
-of queries.
-(** The server says that a |secret| comes from communication between itself
-(|serverId|) and |clientId|. *)
-event ServerBinds((*secret=*)GroupElt, (*clientId=*)Identity,
- (*serverId=*)Identity).
-The following incorrect example uses a function-style comment to describe an
-(* Incorrect function-style comment. *)
-(** Binds a secret to identities. *)
-event ServerBinds((*secret=*)GroupElt, (*clientId=*)Identity,
- (*serverId=*)Identity).
-#### End-of-line comments
-As in other Google style guides, end-of-line comments should be separated from
-the end of the line of code by 2 spaces.
-new k: Key. (* A signing key for the server. *)
-The following incorrect example only uses one space between the declaration and
-its comment.
-```proverif {.bad}
-new k: Key. (* A signing key for the server. *)
-#### Bitstring comments
-ProVerif protocols often use uninterpreted bitstrings, and these can be hard
-to interpret, especially in function definitions, where no argument names are
-given. So, use inline comments to add argument names for all bitstring
-arguments. Inline comments are allowed for other types if they improve the
-readability of the function definition.
-fun sign(Key, (*message=*)bitstring): (*signature=*)bitstring.
-The following definitions demonstrate incorrect ways to write comments in
-(* Superfluous comment on key repeats the type name. *)
-fun sign((*key=*)Key, (*message=*)bitstring): (*signature=*)bitstring.
-(* Lack of comments makes it hard to interpret. *)
-fun sign(Key, bitstring): bitstring.
-### Specific Constructions
-#### Reductions
-The set of possible reductions of a function are given after that function. If
-the reduction only has one case, then it can be put on the same line as the
-`reduc` keyword. Otherwise, it should be put on the next line, indented by two
-All instances of the `otherwise` keyword should be at the end of the line so
-that the variable statements `forall` line up.
-fun sign(Key, (*message=*)bitstring): (*signature=*)bitstring.
-fun checkSign(key, (*signature=*)bitstring): bool
- forall k: Key, m: bitstring;
- checkSign(publicKey(k), sign(k, m)) = true otherwise
- forall k: Key, s: bitstring;
- checkSign(k, s) = false.
-#### Queries
-Queries often have long lines. They are also conceptually similar to reductions
-and should be visually similar. Like the `forall` in a reduction, the query
-may be given on a single line if it is short enough. Otherwise, the statement of
-the query should be given on a new line, indented with 2 spaces. The arrow in
-the query (`==>`) should be at the end of the line.
-query x: FieldElt, y: FieldElt, idS: Identity, idC: Identity;
- (event(ClientKey(x)) && event(ServerKey(y)) &&
- event(ServerBinds(exp(g, mul(x, y)), idC, idS))) ==>
- event(ClientBinds(exp(g, mul(x, y)), idC, idS)).
-The following examples demonstrate incorrect ways to write queries.
-(* Incorrect 4-space indentation for the query statement. *)
-query x: FieldElt, y: FieldElt, idS: Identity, idC: Identity;
- (event(ClientKey(x)) && event(ServerKey(y)) &&
- event(ServerBinds(exp(g, mul(x, y)), idC, idS))) ==>
- event(ClientBinds(exp(g, mul(x, y)), idC, idS)).
-(* Incorrect placement of the arrow. *)
-query x: FieldElt, y: FieldElt, idS: Identity, idC: Identity;
- (event(ClientKey(x)) && event(ServerKey(y)) &&
- event(ServerBinds(exp(g, mul(x, y)), idC, idS)))
- ==>
- event(ClientBinds(exp(g, mul(x, y)), idC, idS)).
diff --git a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/test_helpers.pvl b/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/test_helpers.pvl
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/asylo/examples/secure_grpc/ekep_analysis/test_helpers.pvl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2022 Google LLC
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-(** A fixed channel that the adversary listens on to get Success and Failure
-messages. *)
-channel test_channel.
-(** Success is a constant used by the test code; it represents a successful
-test. *)
-free Success: bitstring [private].
-(** Failure is a constant used by the test code; it represents a failed test. *)
-free Failure: bitstring [private].
-(** A test succeeds if the attacker cannot get the Failure bitstring. *)
-query attacker(Failure).
-(** Converts a predicate into Success/Failure. *)
-letfun Expect(predicate: bool) =
- if predicate then Success else Failure.
-(** Outputs Success/Failure on test_channel if the predicate is true. *)
-#define EXPECT_TRUE(p) \
- out(test_channel, Expect(p))
-(** Outputs Success/Failure on test_channel if the predicate is false. *)
-#define EXPECT_FALSE(p) \
- out(test_channel, Expect(not(p)))
-(** Defines a function Eq_ that works in tests and converts equality to
-Success/Failure. *)
-#define DEFINE_EXPECT_EQ_FUN(t) \
- letfun Eq_##t(lhs: t, rhs: t) = \
- if lhs = rhs then Success else Failure
-(** Converts equality to Success/Failure. *)
-letfun Eq_bitstring(lhs: bitstring, rhs: bitstring) =
- if lhs = rhs then Success else Failure.
-(** Expects the truth of a general predicate, using Eq_* *)
-#define EXPECT(predicate) \
- out(test_channel, predicate)
-(** EXPECT_EQ is EXPECT on bitstrings. *)
-#define EXPECT_EQ(lhs, rhs) EXPECT(Eq_bitstring(lhs, rhs))
-#endif /* _TEST_HELPERS_PVL */