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How to create resources

  • Copy ./terraform.tfvars.example to ./terraform.tfvars
  • Edit ./terraform.tfvars
    • Update the required variables:
      • prefix to give the resources an identifiable name (eg, your initials or first name)
      • project_name to identify the project in your Equinix account <- otherwise you can export the TF_VAR_project_name or TF_VAR_project_id variable
      • metro to suit your Region
      • api_key to access your Equinix account <- otherwise you can export the METAL_AUTH_TOKEN or TF_VAR_api_key variable
      • vm_namespace to specify the namespace where the VMs will be placed
      • ssh_password to specify the password used for SSH login to Harvester's Virtual Machines
  • Make sure you are logged into your Equinix Account from your local Terminal. See the preparatory steps here.

Optionally the user can also provide:

TF_VAR_metal_create_project Terraform variable to create a project of name TF_VAR_project_name if it does not exist.

Terraform Apply (Infrastructure only)

terraform init -upgrade && terraform apply -auto-approve

Terraform Apply (Infrastructure + Virtual Machines)

terraform init -upgrade && terraform apply -auto-approve && sed -i '' 's|/\*|#/\*|g; s|\*/|#\*/|g' && terraform init -upgrade && terraform apply -auto-approve

Terraform Destroy (Infrastructure only)

terraform destroy -auto-approve

Terraform Destroy (Infrastructure + Virtual Machines)

terraform destroy -auto-approve && sed -i '' 's/#//g'

OpenTofu Apply (Infrastructure only)

tofu init -upgrade && tofu apply -auto-approve

OpenTofu Apply (Infrastructure + Virtual Machines)

tofu init -upgrade && tofu apply -auto-approve && sed -i '' 's|/\*|#/\*|g; s|\*/|#\*/|g' && tofu init -upgrade && tofu apply -auto-approve

OpenTofu Destroy (Infrastructure only)

tofu destroy -auto-approve

OpenTofu Destroy (Infrastructure + Virtual Machines)

tofu destroy -auto-approve && sed -i '' 's/#//g'

How to access Equinix instances

Add your PUBLIC SSH Key to your Equinix profile (Click at the top right > My Profile > SSH Keys > + Add New Key)

Run the following command

ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i <PREFIX>-ssh_private_key.pem rancher@<PUBLIC_IPV4>

How to access Harvester VMs

Install virtctl

macOS installation and setup
export VERSION=v0.54.0
mv virtctl-v0.54.0-darwin-amd64 virtctl
chmod +x virtctl
sudo mv virtctl /usr/local/bin/
virtctl version

Run the following command

export KUBECONFIG=<PREFIX>_kube_config.yml
kubectl -n <VM_NAMESPACE> get vmi
virtctl ssh --local-ssh=true <SSH_USERNAME>@vmi/<VM_NAME>.<VM_NAMESPACE>

How to access NeuVector UI

Create a service that forwards a designated port of a VM (neuvector-service-webui svc port) and expose the service on the specified port of the node (Harvester Equinix instance)

Get the NodePort port assigned to the neuvector-service-webui service and the name of the VM on which the NeuVector Manager pod has been deployed
export KUBECONFIG=<PREFIX>_kube_config.yml
kubectl -n <VM_NAMESPACE> get vmi
virtctl ssh --local-ssh=true <SSH_USERNAME>@vmi/<VM_NAME>.<VM_NAMESPACE>
kubectl -n cattle-neuvector-system get pods -l app=neuvector-manager-pod -owide #NODE_NAME
kubectl -n cattle-neuvector-system get svc neuvector-service-webui -owide #NODE_PORT
Use the outputs of the commands executed in the previous step to forward the service
virtctl -n <VM_NAMESPACE> expose vm NODE_NAME --name neuvector-console --type NodePort --port NODE_PORT
Get the port assigned to your new NodePort service and connect to NeuVector UI
kubectl -n <VM_NAMESPACE> get svc
$ export KUBECONFIG=demo_kube_config.yml

$ k -n demo-ns get vmi
NAME             AGE    PHASE     IP           NODENAME READY
demo-vm-1-umbm   119m   Running   demo-2   True
demo-vm-1-zimv   119m   Running   demo-1   True
demo-vm-2-umbm   119m   Running   demo-2   True

$ virtctl ssh --local-ssh=true ubuntu@vmi/demo-vm-1-umbm.demo-ns
> ubuntu@demo-vm-1-umbm:~$ sudo su -
> root@demo-vm-1-umbm:~# kubectl -n cattle-neuvector-system get pods -l app=neuvector-manager-pod -owide
NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP          NODE             NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
neuvector-manager-pod-77f6954bc6-zv54g   1/1     Running   0          44m   demo-vm-1-umbm   <none>           <none>
root@demo-vm-1-umbm:~# kubectl -n cattle-neuvector-system get svc neuvector-service-webui -owide 
NAME                      TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE   SELECTOR
neuvector-service-webui   NodePort   <none>        8443:32375/TCP   44m   app=neuvector-manager-pod
root@demo-vm-1-umbm:~# exit
ubuntu@demo-vm-1-umbm:~$ exit

$ virtctl -n demo-ns expose vm demo-vm-1-umbm --name neuvector-console --type NodePort --port 32375
Service neuvector-console successfully exposed for vm demo-vm-1-umbm

$ k -n demo-ns get svc
NAME                TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)           AGE
neuvector-console   NodePort   <none>        32375:31496/TCP   54s
$ nc -v -w1 demo-2-PUBLIC-IP 31496 #NeuVector's Console: neuvector-manager-pod-77f6954bc6-zv54g | Harvester's VM: demo-vm-1-umbm | Equinix's Node: demo-2
Connection to demo-2-PUBLIC-IP port 31496 [tcp/*] succeeded!