A Minor Decision is a decision which has a gross collective cost which clearly does not exceed the highest of any following values:
- an applicable Personal Minor Decision Authorization
- an applicable Team Minor Decision Authorization
- (if implemented) the Collective Minor Decision Authorization
If your Project's petty cash withdrawal limit is $20, then it would be a Minor Decision to give $18-$19 of sample products to a customer.
If your Project's petty cash withdrawal limit is $20 but you have a personal post which authorizes distributing up to $50 of free samples per week, then it would be a Minor Decision to distribute any samples until that limit is hit.
If your Project's petty cash withdrawal limit is $20 but you're acting outside of the scope of your team roles and your personal post(s), then distributing any free samples would be a non-Minor Decision. (Probably a Standard Decision, unless you're giving away a huge amount of products.)
Document every Minor Decision which changes any resources which we track on spreadsheets, including raw ingredients and Inventory items.