A Major Decision is a decision which has a gross collective cost which exceeds the greater of the following numbers:
- The Standard Decision Threshold defined by a clearly relevant post.
- The Standard Decision Threshold for a clearly relevant Project which you're a Member of.
- The General Standard Decision Threshold as defined by the collective Stewards for unspecified expenditures.
If the General Major Decision Threshold is $200 but you have a post which allows you to spend up $400 for a clearly defined purpose, then spending $360 within the Scope of that Position is a Standard Decision.
If the General Major Decision Threshold is $200 but your Project has a Major Project Decision Threshold of $500, then spending $300 would be a Standard Decision.
If the General Major Decision Threshold is $200 but your Project has a Major Project Decision Threshold of $500, then spending $510 would be a Major Decision.
Major Decisions require the permission of the Collective Stewards.