- ls - List directory contents.
- whoami - Print effective userid.
- ln - Create symbolic links.
- echo - Write arguments to the standard output.
- cat - Concatenate and print files.
- mv - Move (rename) files.
- rm - Remove directory entries.
- sed - Stream editor.
- wc - Print newline, word, and byte counts for each file.
- uptime - Tell how long the system has been running.
- sort - Put the lines of a text file in alphanumeric order.
- uniq - Report or omit repeated lines.
- tr - Translate or delete characters.
- cut - Cut out selected portions of each line of a file.
- paste - Merge lines of files.
- split - Split a file into pieces.
- join - Join lines of two files on a common field.
- bc - Arbitrary precision calculator language.
- strings - Print the strings of printable characters in files.
- find - Walk a file hierarchy.
- grep - File pattern searcher.
- ssh - Remote login.
- cp - Copy files and directories.
- scp - Secure copy (remote file copy program).
- nice - Execute a utility with an altered scheduling priority.
- kill - Send a signal to a process.
- top - Display and update sorted information about processes.
- jobs - Display status of jobs in the current session.
- cron - Daemon to execute scheduled commands.
- diff - Compare files line by line.
- awk - Pattern-directed scanning and processing language.
- screen - Screen manager.
- gnuplot - Generate two and three dimensional plots of data.
- tree - List contents of directories in a tree-like format.
- killall - Kill processes by name.
- touch - Change file timestamps.
- type - Describe a command.
- tail - Output the last part of files.
- head - Output the first part of files.
- man - Open manual pages.
- chmod - Change file mode bits.
- ack - Grep-like text finder.
- rmdir - Remove empty directories.
- file - Determine file type.
- env - Set environment and execute command, or print environment.
- tr - Translate or delete characters.
- nohup - Run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty.
- yarn - Package manager for javascript.
- npm - Package manager for javascript.
- brew - Package manager for macOS.
- git - The stupid content tracker.
- hub - Wrapper aroud Git to extend it with features.
- fac - Easy-to-use CUI for fixing git conflicts.
- tig - Text-mode interface for git.
- telnet - User interface to the TELNET protocol.
- sshfs - Network filesystem client to connect to SSH servers.
- richgo - Enrich
go test
outputs with text decorations. - go - Manage go source code.
- playgo - Send .go file to the Go Playground.
- rustup - Rust toolchain installer.
- livepython - Visually trace python code in real-time.
- ant - Java based make tool.
- nix-env - Manipulate or query Nix user environments.
- nix-shell - Start an interactive shell based on a Nix expression.
- nox - Tools to make nix nicer to use.
- create-react-app - Create React apps with no build configuration.
- preact - Create preact app.
- vim - Modal text editor.
- nvim - Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability.
- micro - Modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor.
- defaults - Access user's defaults.
- time
- softwareupdate - System software update tool.
- PlistBuddy - Read and write values to plists.
- m-cli - Swiss Army Knife for macOS.
- do-not-disturb - Control the macOS
Do Not Disturb
- primitive - reproducing images with geometric primitives.
- love - Framework to make 2D games in Lua.
- fkill - Kill processes.
- snallygaster - Tool to scan for secret files on HTTP servers.
- static-docs - General-purpose library, purpose-built commands for various domains.
- aria2A - Lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source, cross platform download utility.
- rclone - Rsync for cloud storage.
- chroma - General purpose syntax highlighter in pure Go.
- asciinema - Terminal session recorder.
- pngquant - Lossy PNG compressor.
- massren - Easily rename multiple files using your text editor.
- automake - Automatically create Makefile.in's from Makefile.am's.
- mas - Command line interface for the Mac App Store.
- spotify-ripper - Rip Spotify URIs to MP3 files.
- tokei - Display statistics about your code.
- bash - GNU Bourne-Again SHell.
- hyperfine - Command-line benchmarking tool.
- dirname - Strip last component from file name.
- ffmpeg - Video converter.
- docker - Self-sufficient runtime for containers.
- kubectl - Kubernetes cluster manager.
- ag - Recursively search for pattern.
- curl - Transfer a URL.
- reflex - Run a command when files change.
- make - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs.
- cmake - Cross-platform makefile generator.
- ctop - Container metric viewer.
- gotty - Share your terminal as a web application.
- jq - JSON processor
- loc - Count lines of code quickly.
- pkg - Package your node.js project into an executable.
- fasd - Quick access to files and directories.
- htttpie - HTTP client.
- warp - Secure and simple terminal sharing.
- Antibody - Fastest shell plugin manager.
- iStats - Mac stats.
- mediumexporter - Export medium.com articles to markdown.
- tar - Manipulate tape archives.
- weather - Weather via the command line.
- basename - Strip directory and suffix from filenames.
- cowyo - Feature rich wiki webserver for minimalists.
- entr - Run arbitrary commands when files change.
- croc - Easily get things from one computer to another.
- wifi-password - Get wifi pass.
- vsce - Publish VS Code extensions.
- nm - Display name list (symbol table).
- mackup - Keep your application settings in sync (OS X/Linux).
- camlp4 - Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml.
- fzf - Command-line fuzzy finder.
- ccat - Colorizing
. - chrome-cli - Control Google Chrome from the command line.
- license-up - Create a license quickly for a given name.
- snapterm - Take beautiful screenshots of your terminal.
- Awesome shell
- Awesome CLI apps
- Awesome command line apps
- Structured text tools - List of text-based file formats and command line tools for manipulating each.