An Ansible role for installing and managing Pulsar servers.
This role has the same dependencies as the git
module, namely, git. In addition, Python virtualenv is
required (as is pip, but pip will automatically installed with virtualenv). These can easily be installed via a
pre-task in the same play as this role:
- hosts: pulsarservers
- name: Install dependencies
- git
- virtualenv
- python3
become: true
when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
- name: Install dependencies
- git
- python36-virtualenv
- python3
state: present
become: true
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
- galaxyproject.pulsar
If your virtualenv
executable is not on $PATH
, you can specify its location with the pip_virtualenv_command
As of 1.0.0, installation directly from source using git clone
is no longer supported. However, pulsar_package_name
and pulsar_package_version
can be used to install using pip's git+https
: Filesystem path under which Pulsar virtualenv, configs, etc. will be installed. Formerlypulsar_server_dir
You can control various things about where you get Pulsar from, what version you use, and where its configuration files will be placed:
: a YAML dictionary whose contents will be used to create Pulsar's app.ymlpulsar_venv_dir
): The role will create a [virtualenv][virtualenv] from which Pulsar will run, this controls where the virtualenv will be placed.pulsar_config_dir
): Directory that will be used for Pulsar configuration files.pulsar_optional_dependencies
(default: None): List of optional dependency modules to install. Whether or not you need these depends on what features you are enabling.pulsar_dependencies_dir
): The value of thetool_dependency_dir
option in the Pulsar configuration, this directory will be created by the role if it does not exist.pulsar_persistence_dir
): The value of thepersistence_directory
option in the Pulsar configuration, this directory will be created by the role if it does not exist.pulsar_staging_dir
): The value of thestaging_directory
option in the Pulsar configuration, this directory will be created by the role if it does not exist.pulsar_job_metrics_plugins
: Contents of thejob_metrics_conf.yml
Pulsar configuration file, see Galaxy documentation for details on this file and its syntax.
For details about the Pulsar application configuration options, consult the Pulsar documentation and
User management and privilege separation
): Enable privilege separation mode.pulsar_user
(default: user running ansible): The name of the system user under which pulsar runs. (or,{name: pulsar, shell: /bin/bash}
): The name of the system user that owns the pulsar code, config files, and virtualenv (and dependencies therein).pulsar_group
: Common group between the pulsar user and privilege separation user. If set directories containing potentially sensitive information such as the pulsar config file will be created group- but not world-readable. Otherwise, directories are created world-readable.pulsar_create_user
): Create the pulsar user. Running as a dedicated user is a best practice, but most production pulsar instances submitting jobs to a cluster will manage users in a directory service (e.g. LDAP). This option is useful for standalone servers. Requires superuser privileges.
systemd support
By default, this role does not configure Pulsar to start and stop automatically, but if the system you are installing Pulsar on to uses systemd and you have root privileges on that system (required to install the systemd service unit that controls Pulsar; Pulsar does not run as root), the role can automatically start Pulsar and restart it as needed.
): Set totrue
to enable configuration and management of systemd by this role.pulsar_systemd_enabled
): Set tofalse
to configure Pulsar in systemd but disable automatic starting on boot.pulsar_systemd_service_name
): systemd service name for the Pulsar service. If you want to run multiple Pulsar servers on the same system, you can use this variable to prevent collision of the systemd services and service unit file names.pulsar_systemd_state
): State for Pulsar service to be in after running the playbook. Valid values are Ansible service module states. Can be useful for testing.pulsar_systemd_memory_limit
): Size (in GB) of memory limit. If Pulsar uses more than this limit, the system will kill (and attempt to restart) it.pulsar_systemd_runner
): Whether to start Pulsar with a web server and, if so, what web server. If using Pulsar in AMQP "message mode", set this towebless
. Valid values arepaste
: A list ofVAR=value
strings to be added asEnvironment=VAR=val
to the systemd service unit
Web server configuration
Additional options from Pulsar's server.ini
are configurable via the following variables (these options are explained
in the Pulsar documentation and server.ini.sample
(default: if unset, uWSGI will be configured to listen for HTTP requests onpulsar_host
): If set, uWSGI will listen for uWSGI protocol connections on this socket.pulsar_uwsgi_options
(default: empty hash): Hash (dictionary) of additional uWSGI options to place in the[uwsgi]
section ofserver.ini
Legacy options
set in Pulsar'
. If using systemd, setDRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/
All Pulsar application configuration (e.g. managers) should be done in pulsar_yaml_config
except for the options
described above. Support for configuring via ini files has been dropped from this role.
Currently, the list of optional dependencies is:
- pyOpenSSL
# For remote transfers initiated on the Pulsar end rather than the Galaxy end
- pycurl
# uwsgi used for more robust deployment than paste
- uwsgi
# drmaa required if connecting to an external DRM using it.
- drmaa
# kombu needed if using a message queue
- kombu
# requests and poster using Pulsar remote staging and pycurl is unavailable
- requests
- poster
# psutil and pylockfile are optional dependencies but can make Pulsar
# more robust in small ways.
- psutil
Many of these dependencies have their own dependencies. A nice future enhancement to this role would be to install the dependencies' dependencies via the system package manager if desired.
Install Pulsar on your local system with all the default options:
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
pulsar_root: /home/nate/pulsar
- role: galaxyproject.pulsar
Install Pulsar with directory separation and also install Galaxy for remote (Pulsar) metadata:
- hosts: pulsarservers
pulsar_root: /opt/pulsar
pulsar_config_dir: /etc/opt/pulsar
pulsar_persistence_dir: /var/opt/pulsar/persisted_data
pulsar_dependencies_dir: /var/opt/pulsar/deps
pulsar_staging_dir: /hpc/pulsar/staging
- pyOpenSSL
- pycurl
- uwsgi
- drmaa
- kombu
- requests
- poster
- psutil
galaxy_server_dir: /opt/galaxy/server
galaxy_config_dir: /etc/opt/galaxy
- name: files/galaxy/config/datatypes_conf.xml
dest: "{{ galaxy_config_dir }}/datatypes_conf.xml"
- role: galaxyproject.pulsar
# Install with:
# % ansible-galaxy install natefoo.postgresql_objects
- role: galaxyproject.galaxy
galaxy_manage_mutable_setup: no
galaxy_manage_database: no
Install Pulsar into a CentOS 7 host with directory and privilege separation, systemd service configuration, webless mode, communication via a message queue, multiple named job managers, and submission to an HTCondor cluster:
- hosts: pulsarservers
pulsar_root: /opt/pulsar
pulsar_config_dir: /etc/opt/pulsar
pulsar_persistence_dir: /var/opt/pulsar/persisted_data
pulsar_dependencies_dir: /var/opt/pulsar/deps
pulsar_staging_dir: /hpc/pulsar/staging
- pycurl
- kombu
- psutil
pulsar_systemd: true
pulsar_systemd_runner: webless
pulsar_separate_privileges: yes
pulsar_privsep_user: centos
conda_auto_init: true
conda_auto_install: true
assign_ids: none
message_queue_url: "amqp://"
min_polling_interval: 0.5
submit_universe: vanilla
type: queued_condor
submit_universe: vanilla
type: queued_condor
- name: Install dependencies
become: yes
state: latest
- git
- python-virtualenv
- python3
- curl
- libcurl-devel
- role: galaxyproject.pulsar