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Node-RED nodes for TJBot with two arms and 2 LEDs

Node-RED nodes that can be used with a modified TJBot running on a Raspberry Pi. This project extends the excellent work performed by TJBot team and JeanCarl Besson.

This nodes require (a modified library for TJBot with two arms and two LEDs).

Please follow (uncomfortable) install instructions.

Nodes include:

  • analyze tone - analyzes the tone (emotion, language, and social tones) of the payload using the Watson Tone Analyzer service
  • converse - analyzes natural language using the Watson Conversation service
  • listen - uses the connected microphone to transcribe speech using Watson Speech to Text service
  • (extended) see - classifies a photo taken using the camera via Watson Visual Recognition service. Added face recognition feature
  • (extended) shine - controls the LEDs to shine a color
  • speak - uses the connected speaker to play speech from the Watson Text to Speech service
  • take photo - captures a photo taken using the camera
  • translate - translates content via the Watson Language Translator service
  • (extended) wave - controls the servo to wave the left or right arm
  • (new) sleep - take a snap!



Faccina (little face) - HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor is managed by node-red-node-pisrf available in Node-Red palette (it requires Physical PINs values, not GPIO). Could be useful to install node-red-contrib-camerapi, too.

... more examples will be available soon :)


1-Install modified TJBot library as described in (to be enhanced).

2-Upgrade Node-RED preinstalled with Raspbian Jessie using the command below.

bash <(curl -sL

3-Setup Node-Red to run when the Pi boots up, run:

sudo systemctl enable nodered.service

4-Then, install TJBot nodes from EXPANDED TJBot Nodes repository:

cd .node-red

mkdir nodes

cd nodes

git clone

cd node-red-contrib-tjbotTwoArmsTwoLeds

npm install

mv  node_modules/tjbot/lib/tjbot.js node_modules/tjbot/lib/tjbot.js.orig #just in case you want to go back to official distro

cp /home/pi/Desktop/tjbotTwoArmsTwoLEDs/lib/tjbot.js node_modules/tjbot/lib/ #change path if it’s not on Desktop

sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/nodered.service # some TJBot actions has to run as root so change User from pi to root

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

node-red-start # check node-red environment. Settings file should be at /root/.node-red/settings.js 


mkdir /home/pi/Desktop/httpStatic # place to host static content from top level URL

sudo nano /root/.node-red/settings.js. # Modify /root/.node-red/settings.js to point to the original Node-RED directory uncommenting and setting userDir and nodesDir variables as 

	userDir: '/home/pi/.node-red/’,

	nodesDir: '/home/pi/.node-red/nodes’,

	httpStatic: ‘/home/pi/Desktop/httpStatic/’



Contributions and enhancements are welcomed. Please create a pull request.