- The 'tests' param within the dotNetTests steps template is a YAML object param that allows you to list multiple dotNet tests projects and arguments
- A dotNet test task is inserted for each item in the tests list parameter
- In the stages Template code jobList param you can add multiple jobs for static code analysis so long as the job name is unique within the stage
# - template: for code analysis steps
- template: steps/code/dotNetTests.yaml
# parameters: within dotNetTests.yaml template
# preSteps: Optional: inserts stepList after checkout and download
- script: echo add stepList of tasks into steps
version: '3.1.x' # Optional: if param has value, use dotNet version task inserted
feedRestore: '' # Optional: GUID of Azure artifact feed. Use when projects restore NuGet artifacts from a private feed
# tests: Required: list of dotNet test tasks that are inserted serially into steps
# - projects: at least one projects item required at minimum
- projects: '**[Uu]nit.[Tt]est*/*[Uu]nit.[Tt]est*.csproj' # Required: The path to the csproj file(s) to use. You can use wildcards and file matching pattern
arguments: '--collect "Code Coverage" /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=cobertura /p:CoverletOutput=$(Common.TestResultsDirectory)\Coverage\' # Optional: dotNet Test arguments
displayName: 'dotNet Unit Tests' # Optional: Pipeline task display name
# - projects: item for each dotNet test task to be inserted
- projects: '**[Cc][Ll][Ii].[Tt]est*/*[Cc][Ll][Ii].[Tt]est*.csproj' # Pattern search test projects
arguments: '--collect "Code Coverage" /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=cobertura /p:CoverletOutput=$(Common.TestResultsDirectory)\Coverage\' # Optional: dotNet Test arguments
displayName: 'dotNet CLI Tests' # Optional: Pipeline task display name
testRunTitle: 'CLI Test' # Optional: Provides a name for the test run
publishTestResults: false # Optional: default is true. Enabling this option will generate a test results TRX file in $(Agent.TempDirectory) and results will be published
publish: '' # Default: $(Common.TestResultsDirectory) | publish: '' will disable the publish task
publishArtifact: 'artifactName' # Default: $(Build.DefinitionName)_$(System.JobName)
# postSteps: Optional: inserts stepList before publish and clean
- script: echo add stepList of tasks into steps
The following example shows how to insert the dotNetTests steps template into the stages template with the minimum required params.
name: $(Build.Repository.Name)_$(Build.SourceVersion)_$(Build.SourceBranchName) # name is the format for $(Build.BuildNumber)
# params to pass into stages.yaml template:
- name: codePool
type: object
vmImage: 'windows-latest' # Nested into pool param of code jobs
- name: tests
type: object
- projects: '**[Uu]nit.[Tt]est*/*[Uu]nit.[Tt]est*.csproj' # Pattern search for unit test projects
displayName: 'dotNet Unit Tests'
arguments: '--collect "Code Coverage" /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=cobertura /p:CoverletOutput=$(Common.TestResultsDirectory)\Coverage\'
- projects: '**[Cc][Ll][Ii].[Tt]est*/*[Cc][Ll][Ii].[Tt]est*.csproj' # Pattern search for cli test projects
displayName: 'dotNet CLI Tests'
arguments: '--no-restore --collect "Code Coverage"'
- name: version # Optional dotNet version string to enable use dotNet task
type: string
default: '3.1.x'
# parameter defaults in the above section can be set on manual run of a pipeline to override
- repository: templates # Resource identifier for template usage
type: github
name: fitchtech/AzurePipelines # This repository
ref: refs/tags/v1 # The tagged release of the repository
endpoint: GitHub # Azure Service Connection Name
- master # CI Trigger on commit to master
- v*.*.*-* # CI Trigger when tag matches format
# template: file path at repo resource id to extend from
template: stages.yaml@templates
# parameters: within stages.yaml@templates
# code: jobList inserted into code stage in stages
# - job: insert static code analysis jobs into stage
- job: dotNetTests # job name must be unique within stage
displayName: 'dotNet Test Static Code Analysis' # job display name
pool: ${{ parameters.codePool }} # param passed to pool of code jobs
dependsOn: [] # job does not depend on other jobs
# variables:
# key: 'value' # pairs of variables scoped to this job
# - template: for code analysis steps
- template: steps/code/dotNetTests.yaml
# parameters within dotNetTests.yaml template
# preSteps:
# - task: add preSteps into job
tests: ${{ parameters.tests }}
version: ${{ parameters.version }}
# postSteps:
# - task: add postSteps into job
# - job: insert additional jobs into the code stage
# build: jobList inserted into build stage in stages param
# deploy: deploymentList inserted into deploy stage in stages param
# promote: deploymentList inserted into promote stage in stages param
# test: jobList inserted into test stage in stages param
# reject: deploymentList inserted into reject stage in stages param
The above example is the recommended pattern for standardizing stages, jobs, and deployments. However, you can use any steps template directly. The below example shows an alternative pattern.
name: $(Build.Repository.Name)_$(Build.SourceVersion)_$(Build.SourceBranchName) # name is the format for $(Build.BuildNumber)
# params to pass into stages.yaml template:
- name: unitTests # param nested
type: string
default: '**[Uu]nit.[Tt]est*/*[Uu]nit.[Tt]est*.csproj'
- name: cliTests # param nested
type: string
default: '**[Cc][Ll][Ii].[Tt]est*/*[Cc][Ll][Ii].[Tt]est*.csproj'
- name: testArgs
type: string
default: '--collect "Code Coverage" /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=cobertura /p:CoverletOutput=$(Common.TestResultsDirectory)\Coverage\'
- name: codePool
type: object
vmImage: 'windows-latest' # Nested into pool param of code job
# parameter defaults in the above section can be set on manual run of a pipeline to override
- repository: templates # Resource identifier for template usage
type: github
name: fitchtech/AzurePipelines # This repository
ref: refs/tags/v1 # The tagged release of the repository
endpoint: GitHub # Azure Service Connection Name
- master # CI Trigger on commit to master
- v*.*.*-* # CI Trigger when tag matches format
- stage: code
dependsOn: []
- job: dotNetTests # job name must be unique within stage
displayName: 'dotNet Test Static Code Analysis' # job display name
pool: ${{ parameters.codePool }} # param passed to pool of code jobs
dependsOn: [] # job does not depend on other jobs
- template: steps/code/dotNetTests.yaml@template # resource identifier required as this is not extending from stages.yaml
# preSteps:
# - task: add preSteps into job
- projects: '${{ parametes.unitTests }}' # Pattern search for unit test projects
displayName: 'dotNet Unit Tests'
arguments: '${{ parametes.testArgs }}'
- projects: '${{ parametes.cliTests }}' # Pattern search for cli test projects
displayName: 'dotNet CLI Tests'
arguments: '${{ parametes.testArgs }}'
# postSteps:
# - task: add postSteps into job
# You can customize a list using this pattern