Annotation | Usage |
org.apache.olingo.jpa.cdi.Inject, jakarta.inject.Inject | Mark an field or action parameter as injected by OData-JPA-Adapter runtime (see Dependency Injection) |,, | Used to configure the annotation based security (see Servlet security) |
org.apache.olingo.jpa.metadata.core.edm.entity.ODataEntity | Optional entity to configure a JPA entity |
org.apache.olingo.jpa.metadata.core.edm.dto.ODataDTO | Annotation to mark an Java POJO as DTO entity. |
org.apache.olingo.jpa.metadata.core.edm.complextype.ODataComplexType | Annotation to mark an Java POJO as OData complex type or configure an jakarta.persistence.Embeddable. |
org.apache.olingo.jpa.metadata.core.edm.annotation.EdmSearchable | Mark an JPA field as searchable by OData |
org.apache.olingo.jpa.metadata.core.edm.annotation.EdmMediaStream | Mark an JPA field as streamable content |
org.apache.olingo.jpa.metadata.core.edm.annotation.EdmIgnore | Mark an JPA entity or JPA/DTO field as ignored in OData meta model |
org.apache.olingo.jpa.metadata.core.edm.annotation.EdmGeospatial | Annotation to provide SRID value for JPA/DTO field. |
org.apache.olingo.jpa.metadata.core.edm.annotation.EdmFunctions, org.apache.olingo.jpa.metadata.core.edm.annotation.EdmFunction, org.apache.olingo.jpa.metadata.core.edm.annotation.EdmFunctionParameter | Annotations to declare an SQL function for OData |
org.apache.olingo.jpa.metadata.core.edm.annotation.EdmAttributeConversion | Annotation to define a more specific way to convert values of an JPA field into an OData representation |
org.apache.olingo.jpa.metadata.core.edm.annotation.EdmAction, org.apache.olingo.jpa.metadata.core.edm.annotation.EdmActionParameter, org.apache.olingo.jpa.metadata.core.edm.annotation.EdmActionResult | Annotations to configure a Java method as OData action |
jakarta.persistence.Transient | Transient fields in an DTO will be ignored |
jakarta.persistence.Version | A JPA field with such an annotation will be handled as ETag in OData for optimistic concurrency control |
jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull | Mark an OData action parameter or result type as not nullable |
jakarta.validation.constraints.Size | Used for DTO and JPA fields to define the maximum length of OData property |
There are more annotations for jakarta.persistence.* respected by the OData-JPA-Adapter, but without further meaning..