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Eureka! Clinical Admin Web Client

Georgia Clinical and Translational Science Alliance (Georgia CTSA), Emory University, Atlanta, GA

What does it do?

This project contains the web client for Eureka! Clinical Admin Services. It is an Angular 4/5 single-page site.

Version 1.0

Initial release.

Build requirements

Runtime requirements

Building it

We use maven, node, and gulp to build the project. You need to install maven on your computer. Maven handles downloading and installing node and gulp for you. Maven installs node in the .eurekaclinical/dev directory in your home directory. It installs the node modules that are needed to build this project in the node_modules directory at the root of this project.

To build the project and bring up the webserver, execute mvn clean install at the command line. For simple file changes, not additions or deletions, you can usually use mvn install. To create a zipfile suitable for distribution, execute mvn install -Pprod.

Performing system tests

To run the web client on your machine for testing purposes, do the following:

  1. Clone the eurekaclinical-admin-webapp project from GitHub, and execute mvn clean install followed by mvn process-resources cargo:run -Ptomcat in the root directory of the project on the command line to run the server-side Eureka! Clinical Admin code in embedded tomcat. The backend services must be listening on port 8443, which is the default.
  2. Back in the root directory of the web client project, execute mvn clean install -Pwebserver. It will open the web client in your default web browser at https://localhost:8000 in an embedded web server. You can leave the backend eureka code running while you repeatedly build and run the web client.


Copy the contents of the dist directory into your web server's content directory in the folder of your choice.


This web client is configured using a JSON file, config.json, that should be in the src/assets directory in your project. It supports specifying the following options:

  • casLoginUrl: The URL for logging into your CAS server. The default value is /cas-mock/login.
  • casLogoutUrl: The URL that the web client will go to when the user clicks the Logout click in the upper right corner of the page. Before going to this URL, the web client will destroy the user's session. The default value is /cas-mock/logout, which logs the user out of CAS.
  • adminWebappUrl: The URL for eureka-webapp. The default value is https://localhost:8000/eurekaclinical-admin-webapp.
  • webClientUrl: The URL for eurekaclinical-admin-webclient. The default value is https://localhost:8000/.
  • adminWebappContextPath: The folder which serves as the root for the webclient. The default value is /eurekaclinical-admin-webapp.
  • proxyResourcePath: The path to append to the webapp context prior to making calls to the API. The default value is /proxy-resource/.

Specify the options as properties of a single JSON object. See the default config.json file in the src/assets under the root directory of this project for a sample. The assets folder is copied into the dist directory during the build process.

Developer documentation

Getting help

Feel free to contact us at