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File metadata and controls

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ESS-DIVE Sample ID and Metadata Guide

Here you will find proposed guidelines for standardizing sample metadata to describe interdisciplinary samples within DOE's Environmental Systems Science community.

Most of the sample metadata follows SESAR's metadata guidelines. However, we modified some metadata elements, specific requirements, and vocabularies based on ESS community needs. This includes additional fields, which mostly come from biodiversity standards Darwin Core, or genomic standards Minimum Information about any Sequence (MIxS).

We seek any additional feedback, with the goal of making ESS sample information Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR).

Sample Metadata Content - Link to More Details

*Required fields are marked with an asterisk, and indicated in detailed tables below.

Header Rows:
Object Type* | User Code*

Sample IDs and Related Identifiers:
Sample Name* | Other names | IGSN | Parent IGSN | Collection ID | Event ID | Location ID

Sample Description:
Material* | Field name informal classification | Sample Description | Purpose | Size | Size unit | Filter Size | Filter Size Unit | Scientific Name | Sample Remarks

Sample Collection Details:
Collector Chief Scientist* | Collection Date* | Collection Time | Collection Method Description* | Sample Processing | Field Program or Project Name*

Latitude Coordinate system WGS 84* | Longitude Coordinate system WGS 84* | Navigation Type | Location Description | Country | Elevation start | Elevation end | Elevation unit | Minimum Depth in Meters | Maximum Depth in Meters | Depth scale | Minimum Distance above Surface in Meters | Maximum Distance above Surface in Meters |

Environmental Context:
Physiographic feature* | Biome

Sample Access:
Release Date* | Current Archive | Current Archive Contact

Header Rows

Object Type

ESS-DIVE Proposed Element
objectType Required
Definition Broad characterization of the nature of a sample or specimen.
Format SESAR Controlled List. See object type list for revised terms proposed for ESS-DIVE
Additional Instructions Provide feedback on additional terms or revisions needed.
Examples Core; Individual Sample; Organism

User Code

ESS-DIVE Proposed Element
userCode Required
Definition Globally unique IGSN code that will be used as a prefix
for IGSNs in the submitted batch template.
Format Five-letter code
Additional Instructions User codes should be unique to an individual or large project managed by a team;
avoid creating multiple user codes. If assigning IGSNs in the IGSN column,
the user code must match the user code in the IGSNs. For example, if the user
specifies IEMEG is the user code, any user-specified IGSNs must begin with IEMEG.
If you do not specify the user code to be used, a default user code belonging
to the registrant will be used.

Sample IDs and Related Identifiers

Sample Name

ESS-DIVE Proposed Element
sampleName Required
Definition Collector's project-specific sample name, which must be unique for each sample that
you are submitting.
Format free text, unique
Additional Instructions You can develop a sample ID that has meaning to you and may help in your internal,
project sample management.
Examples 001-ER18-FO

Other names

ESS-DIVE Proposed Element
otherName Optional
Definition Other sample name(s) that have been used in the past.
Format free text
Additional Instructions Use a semi-colon to delimit multiple names where needed.
Examples 001ER18FO; 001ER18-FO


ESS-DIVE Proposed Element
IGSN Recommended
Definition Globally unique and persistent identifier for the sample. Leave blank if you want
SESAR to assign the IGSN, which is recommended.
Format semi-opaque, alphanumeric characters (9 recommended)
Additional Instructions For split samples/subsamples, you can assign your own 1-2 character extensions from
the Parent IGSN, and submit your own IGSNs for registering these child samples.
This is not required, but is an option if desired. For assigning your own
IGSNS, you must use upper-case alpha-numeric characters.
Examples IEWER7214, IEMEG0215

Parent IGSN

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
parentIGSN if relevant,Required
Definition The larger sample from which a child sample was derived. For example, a core section
may be the parent of a series of subsamples or split samples. Parent
and child samples are linked in the SESAR catalog. Sibling samples are inferred
from parent-child relationships and are linked on the landing page for a
Format semi-opaque, alphanumeric characters (9 recommended)
Additional Instructions Leave blank if a parent IGSN does not exist.
Examples IEMEG0002

Collection ID

Not a SESAR Field

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
collectionID Optional
Definition A unique identifier for the set of information associated with a collection of
samples; collections may be organized around a particular project, data set,
field season, region, site, etc.
Format free text, unique
Additional Instructions Must be unique within the data package (project-assigned, and does not need
to be globally unique). See link to diagram that demonstrates linking related
collection, site, event, and sample IDs. A collection identifier can be
used to link a set of samples together, and/or to enable efficient entry of
metadata that is the same across all samples in a "sample collection."
Examples WSFA_June2019

Event ID

Not a SESAR Field

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
eventID Optional
Definition A unique identifier for the set of information associated with an Event
(something that occurs at a place and time).
Format free text, unique
Additional Instructions Must be unique within the data package (project-assigned, and does not need
to be globally unique). See link to diagram that demonstrates linking related
collection, site, event, and sample IDs. An event identifier can be used to
link a set of samples collected on a specific date, and/or to enable efficient
entry of metadata that is the same across these samples.
Examples WSFA_20191023

Location ID

Not a SESAR Field

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
locationID Optional
Definition A unique identifier for the set of location information. May be a global
unique identifier or an identifier specific to the data set.
Format free text, unique
Additional Instructions Must be unique within the data package (project-assigned, and does not need to
be globally unique). See link to diagram that demonstrates linking related
collection, site, event, and sample IDs. A site identifier can be used to link
a set of samples collected from a specific site, and/or to enable
efficient entry of metadata that is the same across these samples.
Examples CoyoteRiver_D22

Sample Description


Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
material Required
Definition Material that the sample consists of.
Format SESAR controlled list.See ESS-DIVE's proposed material terms from Environment
Ontology (ENVO)
Additional Instructions Use a semi-colon to delimit multiple materials where needed. Please provide feedback
on any other terms needed.
Examples Soil; Sediment; Gas; Liquid>aqueous

Field name informal classification

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
classification, or remove Optional
Definition Informal classification of sample
Format free text
Additional Instructions Here you can add additional material classifications that are not in the current SESAR
IGSN controlled fields.
Examples leaf, root, surface water, groundwater

Sample Description

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
sampleDescription Recommended
Definition Description of sample features, such as its components, texture, color, shape,
treatments, plot ID from which the sample was taken, etc.
Format free-text
Additional Instructions
Examples Example 1) Day 223 core section from unheated control plot 1C of a deep soil warming
experiment; Example 2) Filter used for filtered surface water samples


Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
purpose Recommended
Definition The scientific purpose for collecting the sample.
Format free text
Additional Instructions Purpose may often be the same across a series/collection of samples;
To avoid entering the same information across numerous samples, you can create
a separate file with metadata to describe a sample collection, which contains
a "collectionID", and any associated metadata fields (e.g.
"collectionMethodDescription", "Purpose", "Chief Scientist", etc.).
Examples Characterize the biogeochemistry, geochemistry and microbiology of soils
associated with trees and shrubs.


Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
size Optional
Definition Size of the registered object, such as the surface area, length of a core, weight,
or volume
Format Number
Additional Instructions Must be associated with Size unit.
Examples 4; 6.8

Size unit

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
sizeUnit only if Size provided,Required
Definition Unit for the numerical value provided for ‘size’.
Format Controlled List
Additional Instructions Use any additional unit terms from Units Ontology, and provide feedback.
Examples square centimeter; kilogram

Filter Size

Not a SESAR Field

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
filterSize only if object type is "fitrate" or
"material captured in filter",Required
Definition Filtering pore size used in sample preparation (filter size value range). Filter size
value range.
Format Number range (float-float)
Additional Instructions
Examples 0-0.22

Filter Size Unit

Not a SESAR Field

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
filterSizeUnit only if object type is "fitrate" or
"material captured in filter",Required
Definition Filtering pore size unit.
Format unit (float-float unit)
Additional Instructions
Examples micrometer

Scientific Name

Not a SESAR Field

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
scientificName only if object type is Organism,
Definition The full scientific name, with authorship and date information if known. When
forming part of an Identification, this should be the name in lowest level taxonomic
rank that can be determined.
Additional Instructions
Examples Vochysia ferruginea; Miconia borealis; Terminalia amazonia

Sample Remarks

Not a SESAR Field

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
sampleRemarks Optional
Definition Comments or notes about the sample.
Format free text
Additional Instructions You can include weather descriptions here, if relevant.

Sample Collection Details

Collector Chief Scientist

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
collector Required
Definition Name of the person(s) who collected the sample.
Additional Instructions You can enter multiple collectors/sampling team for large sampling efforts, separated
with a semi-colon. If the collector(s) of the sample(s) is/are not known,
enter name of the person responsible for the sample.
Examples John Smith; Jane Johnson

Collection Date

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
collectionDate Required
Definition Date when the sample was collected.
Additional Instructions All dates and times must be reported in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and follow
the ISO 8601 standard (RFC 3339). Temporal data using different standards can be
provided as a separate variable (column) in addition to UTC format.
Examples 2019-08-14

Collection Time

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
collectionTime Optional
Definition Time when the sample was collected.
Format HH:MM:SSZ
Additional Instructions All dates and times must be reported in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and follow
the ISO 8601 standard (RFC 3339). Temporal data using different standards can be
provided as a separate variable (column) in addition to UTC format.
Examples 12:05:03Z

Collection Method Description

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
collectionMethodDescription Required
Definition Description of the collection method for the sample. Include any important terms
and details for potential users to understand how your sample was collected.
Additional Instructions Collection methods may often be the same across a series/collection of samples;
there are two options for providing collection method details at a higher level.
Option 1: Create a separate file with metadata to describe a sample
collection, which contains a "collectionID", and any associated metadata fields
(e.g. "collectionMethodDescription", "Purpose", "Chief Scientist", etc.).
Option 2: Create a methods file, with a series of methods descriptions
that are each associated with a "methodID" and an associated "methodDescription."
Examples Example 1) Collect soil samples from top 10 cm using 2-3 cores from with meadow
plot or under the bulk of tree/shrub canopies. Example 2) Excised branch.
Example 3) Pumped water at specific depths using tubing connected to CTD.

Sample Processing

Not a SESAR Field

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
sampleProcessing if relevant, Recommended
Definition Any processing applied to the sample during or after retrieving the sample from the
environment. Can provide a list of preparations and preservation
methods for the sample.
Additional Instructions Sample processing may often be the same across a series/collection of samples.
To avoid entering the same information across numerous samples, you can create
a separate file with metadata to describe a sample collection, which contains
a "collectionID", and any associated metadata fields (e.g.
"sampleProcessing", "collectionMethodDescription", "Purpose", "Chief Scientist",
etc.). Separate multiple sample processing methods
with a semi-colon.
Examples filter water; store samples in ethanol

Field Program or Project Name

SESAR name is "Field Program/Cruise"

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
projectName Required
Definition Enter the name of the DOE project to associate with this/these sample(s).
Format free text
Additional Instructions Required at dataset level, but want to associate with samples for data search
and integration. Project details may often be the same across a series/collection
of samples; To avoid entering the same information across numerous samples,
you can create a separate file with metadata to describe a project or
sample collection, which contains a "collectionID" or "Field Program/Cruise",
and any associated metadata fields (e.g. "Collection Method Description",
"Purpose", "Chief Scientist"...
Examples Next Generation Ecosystem Experiments (NGEE) Tropics; LBNL Watershed Function


Latitude Coordinate system WGS 84

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
decimalLatitude if relevant, Required
Definition Latitude of the location where the sample was collected, entered in decimal
degrees. Negative values for South latitudes.
Format Decimal degrees, coordinate system: WGS 84
Additional Instructions Please supply no more than 6 decimal places (meter scale resolution) in the actual
number (not just display format.) No letters are allowed.
Examples 5.89634

Longitude Coordinate system WGS 84

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
decimalLongitude if relevant, Required
Definition Longitude of the location where the sample was collected. Negative values
for ‘West’ longitudes.
Format Decimal degrees, coordinate system: WGS 84
Additional Instructions Please supply no more than 6 decimal places (meter scale resolution) in the actual
number (not just display format.) No letters are allowed.
Examples -103.785

Navigation Type

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
geolocationInstrument Recommended
Definition Type of geolocation instrument used to obtain geographic coordinates.
Format Controlled list.
Additional Instructions Provide feedback on additional terms needed.
Examples GPS; RTK GPS

Location Description

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
locationDescription Recommended
Definition Free text description of the location.
Additional Instructions You can also include details here about the location type, e.g. whether it is an
absolute or reference location, plot ID and description.
Examples 300 year old low-land tropical rainforest in Parque Natural San Lorenzo, Panama


Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
country Required
Definition Country where the sample was collected.
Format SESAR controlled list.
Additional Instructions Use SESAR list, but may change controlled list to GAZ ontology.
Examples United States

Elevation start

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
minimumElevationInMeters Optional
Definition Elevation at which a sample was collected. Minimum elevation value, if elevation
taken over a range.
Format Number
Additional Instructions Provide elevation in meters where possible.
Examples 678.5

Elevation end

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
maximumElevationInMeters Optional
Definition Maximum elevation at which a sample was collected, if elevation was taken over a
Format Number
Additional Instructions Leave blank if elevation is a single value and not range. Provide elevation in
meters where possible.
Examples 689.2

Elevation unit

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
elevationUnit (recommend meters) if relevant, Required
Definition Unit that elevation start and/or end are provided in.
Format Recommend meters.
Additional Instructions This will be removed when elevation field is changed to specify meters.
Examples meters

Minimum Depth in Meters

Note that SESAR field is "Depth in Core (min)"

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
minimumDepthInMeters if relevant, Required
Definition Depth, or minimum depth (if taken over a range) at which a sample was collected,
below ground or under water.
Format Number
Additional Instructions Recommend using meters.
Examples 0.001

Maximum Depth in Meters

Note that SESAR field is "Depth in Core (max)"

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
maximumDepthInMeters if relevant, Required
Format Number
Definition Maximum depth at which a sample was collected, below ground or under water.
Additional Instructions Recommend using meters.
Examples 0.003

Depth scale

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
depthUnit (recommend meters) if relevant, Required
Format Recommend meters.
Definition Unit in which the depth is provided, should be meters.
Additional Instructions This field will be deleted when we change the depth field to be required in meters.
Examples meters

Minimum Distance above Surface in Meters

Not a SESAR Field

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
minimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters Optional
Definition Minimum height above the ground surface, in meters. If no range of values collected,
provide height measurement here.
Format Number
Additional Instructions
Examples 4.2

Maximum Distance above Surface in Meters

Not a SESAR Field

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
maximumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters Optional
Definition Maximum height above the ground surface, in meters.
Format Number
Additional Instructions
Examples 7.2

Environmental Context

Physiographic feature

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
localEnvironmentalContext Recommended
Definition Entity or entities which are in your sample or specimen’s local vicinity and
which you believe have significant causal influences on your sample or
Format Terms from Environment Ontology (ENVO). Provide the appropriate term and
ENVO identifier - see examples below.
Additional Instructions Choose environmental context that is a smaller spatial grain than your entry
for biome. Delimit multiple values using semi-colon. If needed, request new
terms on the ENVO tracker, identified here.
Examples river [ENVO:00000022]; pond [ENVO:00000033]; wet meadow ecosystem
[ENVO:01000449]; mountain [ENVO:00000081]
For annotating a pooled sample taken from various
vegetation layers in a forest, consider:
canopy [ENVO:00000047]; herb and
fern layer [ENVO:01000337]; litter layer [ENVO:01000338];
understory [01000335]; shrub layer [ENVO:01000336].


Not a SESAR Field

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
biome Recommended
Definition Major environmental system your sample or specimen came from. The systems
identified should have a coarse spatial grain, to provide the general environmental
context of where the sampling was done (e.g. were you in the desert or a
Format Terms from Environment Ontology (ENVO). Provide the appropriate term and ENVO
identifier - see examples below.
Additional Instructions We recommend using subclasses of ENVO’s biome class. Use a semi-colon to delimit multiple biomes where needed. If needed, request new
terms on the ENVO tracker, identified here.
Examples shrubland biome [ENVO:01000176]; tropical moist broadleaf forest biome
[ENVO:01000228]; estuarine biome [ENVO:01000020]

Sample Access

Release Date

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
releaseDate Required
Definition Date when sample metadata should be publicly accessible and searchable. If null
, defaults to date of registration in SESAR (recommended).
Additional Instructions SESAR recommends that sample metadata become public within 2 years of sample
Examples 2018-03-15

Current Archive

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
currentArchive Optional
Definition Name of institution, museum, or repository where the sample is currently stored.
Additional Instructions Only applies to physical samples that are archived in a collection for some period
of time.
Examples Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center, USGS Federal Center, Lakewood,

Current Archive Contact

Proposed ESS-DIVE Element
currentArchiveContact Optional
Definition Address and/or email of the person who should be contacted for information about
or access to the sample.
Format free text
Additional Instructions Email is not mandatory, but helps with communication about samples.