All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
3.3.1 (2019-07-18)
- typo in (f4e5390)
3.3.0 (2019-07-09)
- prettier formatting in unrelated file so tests pass (a56f66e)
- work around 20-page limit for Prismic queries (861aedf)
- gatsby-image support (f598dcd)
3.2.0 (2019-06-04)
- add apollo-boost dependency (c4334c8)
- auto yes (cc26e91)
- circleci (fe9df4a)
- circleci (fb36a78)
- default files (be2afec)
- dependency and load variables (e826e5f)
- ensure location is in props (82eb8f0)
- example package name (50ab749)
- force publish (d792bc9)
- git changes (343dd00)
- git config (7b4a68c)
- lerna bootstrap (2a1a256)
- lerna publish (7fec548)
- meh (569fea5)
- npm login (da0286c)
- prettier (fbc4395)
- prettier (68ce94c)
- preview page with no pages option (d271ca0)
- ssr strip whitespace fetch (3f843c2)
- template title (9b35c68)
- test deploy (11bb7b5)
- update graphql source plugin (3b9bab0)