Your Zotero Library is organized in columns: first colum is usually the arborescence of your files / collections.
You can create as many files / collections and subcollections as you want. Each item / reference will appear two times: first occurence is in your Library, and second occurence is in the collection if you put it in one of your collections. Items that are not filed are listed in the "Unfiled Items" file.
Create a collection. Put some of your references in this new collection. Click on one of the references and delete it from the collection, but not from your Library.
Which option should you select?
What is this collection made for?
Now that you are familiar with your collections and the list of your items, let's have a look on the record of each of your item.
Where do you see the metadata of each of your reference?
Depending on the metadata found on the webpage by Zotero, some modifications of a record in your Library can be necessary. Are the items you just collected correct and complete?
Which are the main fields for the reference of a journal article? And for a thesis, a report, a ?
Add insightful comments to your references: Add a note on one item from your Library
Answers and personal notes