Willing to play the game as it is? Use the .pdf files available in the readytouse-game folder. 2 versions are available: 1 for PhD students and 1 for undergraduate or master students. Willing to adapt the game? Use the .docx or .odt files available in the adaptable-game folder to modifiy the board and cards as you wish.
The files' format is A3.
Choose the bulk version if you want to print plenty of cards because you will play with multiple groups simultaneously.
Choose the Ready to print version if you want to have just one game.
To ensure they survive several sessions with excited participants who want to be the fastest!
Use 2 envelopes/ziploc bags per game set:
- 1 for the Yes/No cards
- 1 for the Reasons/Alternative cards
In the Yes/No Cards envelope, put at least 10 Yes cards and at least 6 No cards.
In the Reason/Alternatives cards envelope, put :
- at least 6 Educational purpose cards
- at least 2 I own the rights AND Educational purpose cards
- at least 2 Under CC license AND Educational purpose cards
- at least 2 Ask the publisher OR redo the graph/image cards
- at least 2 I own the rights cards
- at least 2 Under CC license cards
- at least 2 Ask the author OR redo the graph/image
- at least 2 Ask the publisher + the author OR redo the graph/image
It may be useful to have an additional envelope with extra cards in case a few are missing (we never know).