Releases: eclipse-thingweb/node-wot
Releases · eclipse-thingweb/node-wot
Summary of updates
- Fixes/updates (e.g., HTTP, CoAP, MQTT, ...)
What's Changed
- chore: increase dev version to 0.8.6 by @danielpeintner in #930
- chore: adding discord link by @relu91 in #935
- chore(deps-dev): bump webpack from 5.75.0 to 5.76.0 by @dependabot in #936
- Cors with credentials fix by @justus237 in #934
- feat(binding-coap)!: use blockSize instead of blockSZX by @JKRhb in #939
- feat: allow for removal of client factory by @danielpeintner in #940
- Fix subscribe unsubscribe and then subscribe again MQTT issue by @relu91 in #943
- docs: update copyrights year based on git log by @danielpeintner in #944
- refactor: remove out-dated getSubjectTD concept from ExposedThing by @danielpeintner in #948
- update TS definitions by @danielpeintner in #952
- chore(deps): bump vm2 from 3.9.11 to 3.9.17 by @dependabot in #957
- feat: add initial CBOR codec support by @JKRhb in #958
- align mocha, wot-typescript-definitions and ajv versions by @danielpeintner in #961
- fix(examples): remove auth server from oauth2 examples by @egekorkan in #962
- Explain usage of online Things by @egekorkan in #967
- TestThing - fire events on write by @danielpeintner in #968
- chore: update TM dependency version by @danielpeintner in #969
New Contributors
- @justus237 made their first contribution in #934
Full Changelog: v0.8.5...v0.8.6
Summary of updates
- Fixes/updates (e.g., HTTP, Modbus, TM, AID, ...)
What's Changed (Automatically generated release notes)
- chore: fix copyright year based on last update by @danielpeintner in #914
- chore: increase dev version to 0.8.5 by @danielpeintner in #912
- chore: use proper name for netconf client test by @danielpeintner in #913
- fix(binding-modbus): use debug log level when closing connection by @relu91 in #915
- Allign URL template for modbus client by @relu91 in #916
- docs: remove links to folders that no longer exist by @danielpeintner in #918
- Minor syntax issue in JSON form sample by @danielpeintner in #917
- docs: remove outdated links to examples/servients by @danielpeintner in #920
- Move endianness from binding-modbus to core by @relu91 in #908
- fix: Update counter Thing by @egekorkan in #921
- feat: Add td-tools package to browser bundle by @danielpeintner in #926
- fix: catch errors when linked tm is unavailable by @fatadel in #928
- Improve test timing by @relu91 in #923
- feat: add support for AID's interfaceMetadata datatype conversion to TD's type by @Kaz040 in #929
- fix http client and server property "subscription" by @lifaon74 in #922
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.8.4...v0.8.5
Summary of updates
- TD content negotiation implementation
- Fixes/updates (e.g., unsubscribing in HTTP, Modbus, ...)
What's Changed (Automatically generated release notes)
- chore: increase dev version to 0.8.4 by @danielpeintner in #885
- chore(deps): bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 by @dependabot in #893
- feat(http-server): implement TD content negotiation by @JKRhb in #896
- chore(deps): bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 by @dependabot in #898
- refactor: browserify workaround no longer necessary by @danielpeintner in #899
- feat(binding-coap)!: use new binding-template by @JKRhb in #768
- feat: allow to process AID submodel only by @danielpeintner in #892
- fix: add missing unsubscribe to http subscription by @derwehr in #901
- fix: take into account content type of ExposeThingInit by @danielpeintner in #907
- fix(binding-http): fix content negotiation by @JKRhb in #906
- test(binding-coap): add test for IPv6 support by @JKRhb in #910
- Use singleton pattern in the Modbus client factory by @relu91 in #909
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.8.3...v0.8.4
Summary of updates
- Asset Interface Description (AID) Tooling
- Minor fixes und updates w.r.t. CoAP, MQTT, HTTP, ...
- Dockerfile updates
- Documentation / Templates clean-up
What's Changed (Automatically generated release notes)
- chore: re-introduce windows-latest and remove Node.js v12 by @danielpeintner in #830
- chore: increase version to 0.8.3 by @danielpeintner in #835
- fix: avoid wrapping Content into Content by @danielpeintner in #840
- refactor: add missing HTTP options (address, baseUri, and urlRewrite) by @danielpeintner in #841
- feat(binding-coap): add support for TD Content-Format negotiation and CoRE Link-Format by @JKRhb in #844
- fix(binding-coap): use correct delimiter for CoRE resources by @JKRhb in #848
- feat(binding-coap): add support for Size2 estimate by @JKRhb in #846
- [nit] typo fixes by @egekorkan in #850
- fix: call emitPropertyChange() explicitly as required by @danielpeintner in #859
- docs: update Logging section in
by @JKRhb in #852 - chore(deps): bump loader-utils from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 by @dependabot in #866
- fix(binding-coap): send error response if content negotiation fails by @JKRhb in #849
- refactor: turn Content into Class by @JKRhb in #856
- fix: add uriVariables to TD by @danielpeintner in #857
- Fix the build by locking versions during the container build by @ctron in #871
- fix(binding-coap): fix content negotiation test by @JKRhb in #879
- Asset Interface Description (AID) Tooling by @danielpeintner in #867
- chore: have CI for tests across all Os's (manual) while default CI ru… by @danielpeintner in #878
- chore: update TS versions for TD and TM by @danielpeintner in #845
- Fixed package.json dependency versions of exposed-thing example by @ArPhil in #881
- Fix receiving of MQTT commands by @ctron in #875
- Upgrade dockerfile by @relu91 in #883
- docs: remove NodeJS 10/12 mentioning by @danielpeintner in #884
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.8.2...v0.8.3
Summary of updates
- New logging based on
- Bug-Fixes (e.g., browser-bundle writing)
- Other improvements
What's Changed (Automatically generated release notes)
- chore: update coap to version 1.0.11 by @JKRhb in #766
- docs: change/align flag names by @danielpeintner in #774
- chore: increase version to 0.8.2 and fix TD&TM dependency issues by @danielpeintner in #765
- chore(deps): bump eventsource from 1.1.0 to 2.0.2 by @dependabot in #777
- Fix oAuth 2.0 in http binding by @relu91 in #779
- test: use lower port numbers for CoAP server tests by @JKRhb in #782
- fix: return the object as described in the TD by @MartinMeyer1 in #780
- First steps in fixing #758 by @relu91 in #767
- chore(opcua) remove commented code #566 by @erossignon in #784
- fix: observable property by @danielpeintner in #775
- Fix writing property on browsers by @relu91 in #789
- Strictly check for undefined in getClientFor by @relu91 in #792
- chore(deps): bump jsrsasign from 10.5.22 to 10.5.25 by @dependabot in #787
- Refactor event handling in exposed thing by @relu91 in #791
- fix CLI compilation errors due to #758 by @relu91 in #794
- update wot-thing-description-types and wot-thing-model-types by @danielpeintner in #798
- Reorganising CLI Readme information by @egekorkan in #799
- doc: replace support value "git://… by @danielpeintner in #803
- Create WoTStream lazily by @relu91 in #793
- feat: add links container to counter sample by @danielpeintner in #806
- Update npm wot thing description types 2022 07 13 by @danielpeintner in #804
- Correctly configure built-ins in browserify by @relu91 in #809
- update wot types by @danielpeintner in #811
- refactor(core): use debug module for logging by @JKRhb in #783
- Support observeProperty in binding-firestore by @hidetak in #808
- Use new logging functions in binding packages by @JKRhb in #813
- refactor: make schema in ContentSerdes optional by @danielpeintner in #756
- disable eslint warnings by @danielpeintner in #818
- fix: resolve remaining eslint warning for MQTT by @danielpeintner in #816
- chore: add missing .eslintrc.json file by @danielpeintner in #820
- resolves CLI warnings by @danielpeintner in #817
- docs: update copyright year based on git log by @danielpeintner in #821
- URL rewrite by @danielpeintner in #810
- Update ts types 2022 08 10 by @danielpeintner in #822
- chore: use cache in CI by @relu91 in #796
- update node-opcua to v2.77.0 by @danielpeintner in #832
- chore(deps): bump jose from 2.0.5 to 2.0.6 by @dependabot in #834
New Contributors
- @MartinMeyer1 made their first contribution in #780
Full Changelog: v0.8.1...v0.8.2
Summary of updates
- binding-firestore re-introduced
- added tuya to binding-http
- other improvements / bug-fixes
What's Changed (Automatically generated release notes)
- fix: use proper handleUnobserveProperty call instead of event by @danielpeintner in #734
- Use new statistics links by @danielpeintner in #732
- refactor: remove obsolete / deprecated code by @danielpeintner in #731
- chore: increase version to 0.8.1 and fix dependency issues with TMs, CoAP, OPC-UA by @danielpeintner in #727
- fix template and change to async-await paradigm by @FadySalama in #740
- chore(binding-opcua): update packages by @erossignon in #739
- chore(deps): bump coap to 1.0.8 by @JKRhb in #744
- Fix CoapClientFactory constructor, clean up examples by @JKRhb in #742
- chore(binding-http): add HTTP examples from README as files by @danielpeintner in #746
- added tuya binding with security and codec management by @SeppiaBrilla in #735
- feat: cli to accept servient config through file/.env/cli-arguments by @fillobotto in #733
- adapted binding-firestore to 0.8 (Issue-482) by @hidetak in #737
- fix: value() might also return undefined if no value is expected by @danielpeintner in #748
- Exposed template update 0.8.x by @danielpeintner in #752
- issue-755 Measures for binding-firebase test failure by @hidetak in #757
- Cleanup td definititions (v2) by @danielpeintner in #750
- chore: regenerate package-lock.json for next release by @danielpeintner in #759
New Contributors
- @SeppiaBrilla made their first contribution in #735
- @fillobotto made their first contribution in #733
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.8.1
New Features
A summary of all the new features is:
- Implementation of the new W3C WoT Scripting API
- Support for Thing Models of the new Thing Description 1.1 specification
- Improvements to the OPC-UA, Websockets and many more bindings
- A better software architecture that allows better usability inside other Node.js projects
- Full integration to GitHub CI/CD
What's Changed (Automatically generated release notes)
- Fix typescript definitions and align 0.8.x branch with master by @relu91 in #339
- Introduce InteractionOutput by @relu91 in #384
- Fix v0.8.x by @danielpeintner in #381
- [V0.8.x] Fixing tests and package-lock by @relu91 in #403
- V0.8.x next2 by @danielpeintner in #401
- Yet another attempt to add type defintions by @relu91 in #422
- fix: ExposedThingInit type and HTTP tests by @danielpeintner in #423
- V0.8.x NextSteps 7 by @danielpeintner in #425
- Streaming errors with new APis by @relu91 in #428
- Single place of input modifications by @danielpeintner in #429
- Use InteractionInput when needed by @relu91 in #435
- Validate ExposeThingInit using PartialTD validation algorithm by @relu91 in #452
- fix: print correct error message by @danielpeintner in #472
- Merge in master 2021 08 26 by @danielpeintner in #478
- V0.8.x merge in master 2021 09 01 by @danielpeintner in #485
- Npm workspaces by @relu91 in #483
- chore(binding-coap): bump node-coap to 0.25.0 by @JKRhb in #492
- Npm fix audit by @relu91 in #491
- V0.8.x merge master by @danielpeintner in #502
- Codestyle and format by @relu91 in #493
- chore: Add linting and code style checks to the CI by @JKRhb in #503
- style: Reformat codebase using prettier by @JKRhb in #510
- Make v0.8.x the new master by @danielpeintner in #509
- refactor: align with eslint rules #1 by @fatadel in #511
- fix(binding-mqtt): fix 'TypeError: error is not a function"' by @miguelrk in #514
- chore: replace external eslint action, continue on failure by @JKRhb in #512
- fix(coap): Remove double registration of TD content-format by @JKRhb in #517
- chore: add package version consistency check by @erossignon in #515
- fix: http server reporting circular structure by @danielpeintner in #513
- Subscribe now returns a Promise by @relu91 in #526
- chore: ignore dist folder in formatting by @relu91 in #527
- fix: allow invokeResource without any parameter (CoAP client) by @danielpeintner in #528
- fix: align CoAP vocabulary with current binding-templates by @JKRhb in #533
- fix(coap): use string type for option name by @JKRhb in #539
- fix(binding-opcua) fix binding-opcua by @erossignon in #537
- chore: add missing eslint and prettier configs by @JKRhb in #531
- feat(binding-websockets): add handlers for properties and actions by @miguelrk in #521
- fix: multilang the same in map by @danielpeintner in #540
- refactor: align with eslint rules #2 by @fatadel in #520
- fix(binding-opcua): fix flaky test by @erossignon in #542
- chore: add code coverage with nyc and by @JKRhb in #535
- Add support for streams in action handlers by @relu91 in #543
- fix(docker): fix docker file by @erossignon in #518
- Fix 441 by @relu91 in #545
- countdown action with optional input by @danielpeintner in #546
- Add telegram badge to the main readme by @relu91 in #549
- refactor: use /properties instead of /all/properties by @danielpeintner in #548
- refactor: align with eslint rules #3 by @fatadel in #541
- docs: add statistics by @danielpeintner in #552
- chore: add codecov badge to README by @JKRhb in #556
- fix(binding-opcua;binding-coap) fix some test issues and resource leaks by @erossignon in #519
- docs: fix copyrights based on git log by @danielpeintner in #557
- Clean-up old and out-dated code in td-tools package by @danielpeintner in #565
- chore: use typescript composite build for speed by @erossignon in #554
- feat: use promise for stop/start in ProtocolClient by @danielpeintner in #562
- docs: pipeline badge should open report by @danielpeintner in #570
- Fix: eslint issue by @erossignon in #578
- fix(core) fix missing return values issue by @erossignon in #577
- chore(core) simplify start method by @erossignon in #576
- Fix set security by @erossignon in #575
- fix: eslint configuration issue #572 by @erossignon in #574
- fix(binding-http): flaky http tests by @erossignon in #579
- chore(core) use async pattern #569 by @erossignon in #573
- Feature/enforce return type by @erossignon in #560
- fix(core): resolve eslint issues by @danielpeintner in #582
- fix(td-tools): resolve eslint issues by @danielpeintner in #581
- use only one interface for Managed Streams by @relu91 in #584
- refactor(coap): fix eslint issues by @JKRhb in #588
- fix(binding-mqtt): fix eslint errors & warnings by @danielpeintner in #592
- fix(binding-websockets): eslint errors/warnings by @miguelrk in #590
- fix(binding-file): resolve eslint issues by @danielpeintner in #587
- fix(cli): eslint errors by @danielpeintner in #589
- fix(binding-opcua): fix eslint errors & warnings #586 by @erossignon in #591
- chore: remove oracle and fujitsu binding by @danielpeintner in #593
- fix(binding-mbus): eslint errors/warnings by @danielpeintner in #594
- feat: remove eslint for browser-bundle by @danielpeintner in #597
- MBus tests failing fix by @LennyHEVS in #504
- fix: location of cli.js by @danielpeintner in #598
- chore(binding-firestore-browser): remove duplicated entry in package.… by @erossignon in #604
- fix(http): missing types for accept language parser by @relu91 in #601
- Fix/ephemeral ports by @erossignon in #603
- fix(binding-file): remove default utf-8 encoding for binding-file and… by @lukesmolo in #608
- Re-introduce npm run link at the root level by @relu91 in #609
- fix(binding-opcua): fix build folder issue #599 by @erossignon in #600
- O...
Merge pull request #497 from danielpeintner/make-firestore-public fix: make firestore packages publish to be able to publish on NPM
Merge pull request #453 from relu91/fix_modbus Use readHoldingRegisters instead of readMultipleHoldingRegisters
Merge pull request #416 from iomz/docs/docker-example docs: Docker example