K closest points to origin
class Solution {
class Point {
double distance ;
int index ;
Point (double distance , int index ) {
this .distance = distance ; this .index = index ;
public int [][] kClosest (int [][] points , int K ) {
List <Point > list = new ArrayList <>();
for (int i = 0 ; i < points .length ; i ++) {
int [] point = points [i ];
double distance = Math .sqrt (point [0 ] * point [0 ] + point [1 ] * point [1 ]);
list .add (new Point (distance , i ));
Collections .sort (list , (p1 , p2 ) -> Double .compare (p1 .distance , p2 .distance ));
int [][] result = new int [K ][];
for (int i = 0 ; i < K ; i ++) {
result [i ] = points [list .get (i ).index ];
return result ;
Note : The most important part was getting the comparator method right, Double.compare(p1.distance, p2.distance)
Variant : If two points are exact same distance apart(there is tie) then choose the co-ordinate with least x value.
public class Solution {
class Point {
int x ;
int y ;
double distance ;
Point (int x , int y , double distance ) {
this .x = x ;
this .y = y ;
this .distance = distance ;
public int [][] kClosest (int [][] points , int k ) {
int [][] result = new int [k ][2 ];
List <Point > pointsList = new ArrayList <Point >();
for (int [] point : points ) {
double distance = Math .sqrt ((point [0 ] * point [0 ]) + (point [1 ] * point [1 ]));
pointsList .add (new Point (point [0 ], point [1 ], distance ));
Collections .sort (pointsList , (p1 , p2 ) -> {
if (p1 .distance == p2 .distance ) {
return p1 .x - p2 .x ;
/** Tie Situation : if question is looking for nearest point with x value,
regardless of whether x value is positive or negative
then return Math.abs(p1.x) - Math.abs(p2.x); **/
return Double .compare (p1 .distance , p2 .distance );
for (int i = 0 ; i < k ; i ++) {
result [i ] = new int []{pointsList .get (i ).x , pointsList .get (i ).y };
return result ;