In this Exercise-3, we will Integrate Rancher with Keycloak
Open lab-credentials file
Look for keyword "keycloak_url"
Copy Keycloak URL link and paste the URL in Keycloak URL field in Rancher UI as shown below
Keycloak URL = "keycloak_url"
Switch to Rancher UI and navigate below path
Home > Configuration > Users and Authentication > Auth Provider > Keycloak (OIDC)
Under Endpoints
Keycloak URL = Keycloak URL (copied earlier, Please note there should "NOT" be any forward "/" ending the URL )
Correct Sample URL =
Incorrect Sample URL = <<< "Invalid URL"
Keycloak Realm = rancher
Client ID = rancher
Now update Keycloak Private Key and Certificate fields by refering below files
The credentials for accessing Lab environment has been shared as web URL link with you.
The Keycloak Client Certificate and Private key has been shared as web URL link with you.
Open Keycloak.crt file copy the entire content and past in Certificate field.
Open Keycloak.pem file copy the entire content and past in Private Key field.
Click on Enable to apply the configuration
After clicking on Enable, you are prompted with a new window redirected to Keycloak UI for authentication
Username = admin
Password = As set by you in Exercise-2
Once you are authenticated successfully, your Keycloak OIDC will turn to Active state as below
Select radio button highlighted as "Allow members of clusters and projects, plus authorized users & groups"
Click on Save button
Logout from Rancher UI and Re-login as below
Now you notice new button "Log in with Keycloak" as been added
Click on Log in with Keycloak button
After clicking on Log in with Keycloak button, you automatically redirected to Keycloak UI
Username = admin
Password = As set by you in Exercise-2
Navigate Rancher UI as below
You notice that the admin user has full access to Rancher platform and all downstream clusters
Click on Users & Authentication
You notice Default Admin user listed from Keycloak Provider
With this, we have successfully completed all required steps in Exercise 3: Integrate Rancher with Keycloak.
We are ready to move to the Exercise 4: Exercise-4-Create-Keycloak-Users-Role-Mapping