acl | False | |
append | True | |
asking | True | This is an no-op. It only returns OK. |
auth | False | This command is reserved for future use. |
bgrewriteaof | False | |
bgsave | False | |
bitcount | True | |
bitfield | True | |
bitfield_ro | False | |
bitop | False | |
bitpos | True | |
blpop | True | User MUST specify timeout. |
brpop | True | User MUST specify timeout. |
brpoplpush | True | User MUST specify timeout. |
bzpopmax | True | User MUST specify timeout. |
bzpopmin | True | User MUST specify timeout. |
client | False | |
cluster | True | Only support the following sub commands: NODES, SLOTS, KEYSLOT. |
command | True | Will filter the unsupported commands |
config | True | |
dbsize | False | |
debug | False | |
decr | True | |
decrby | True | |
del | True | |
discard | False | |
dump | True | |
echo | True | |
eval | True | All the keys should be in the same slot. |
evalsha | False | |
exec | False | |
exists | True | |
expire | True | |
expireat | True | |
flushall | False | |
flushdb | False | |
geoadd | True | |
geodist | True | |
geohash | True | |
geopos | True | |
georadius | True | |
georadius_ro | True | |
georadiusbymember | True | |
georadiusbymember_ro | True | |
get | True | |
getbit | True | |
getrange | True | |
getset | True | |
hdel | True | |
hello | False | |
hexists | True | |
hget | True | |
hgetall | True | |
hincrby | True | |
hincrbyfloat | True | |
hkeys | True | |
hlen | True | |
hmget | True | |
hmset | True | |
host: | False | |
hscan | True | |
hset | True | |
hsetnx | True | |
hstrlen | True | |
hvals | True | |
incr | True | |
incrby | True | |
incrbyfloat | True | |
info | True | |
keys | False | |
lastsave | False | |
latency | False | |
lindex | True | |
linsert | True | |
llen | True | |
lolwut | False | |
lpop | True | |
lpos | False | |
lpush | True | |
lpushx | True | |
lrange | True | |
lrem | True | |
lset | True | |
ltrim | True | |
memory | False | |
mget | True | |
migrate | False | |
module | False | |
monitor | False | |
move | False | |
mset | True | |
msetnx | False | |
multi | False | |
object | False | |
persist | True | |
pexpire | True | |
pexpireat | True | |
pfadd | True | |
pfcount | True | All the keys should be in the same slot. |
pfdebug | False | |
pfmerge | True | All the keys should be in the same slot. |
pfselftest | False | |
ping | True | |
post | False | |
psetex | True | |
psubscribe | False | |
psync | False | |
pttl | True | |
publish | False | |
pubsub | False | |
punsubscribe | False | |
randomkey | False | |
readonly | False | |
readwrite | False | |
rename | True | All the keys should be in the same slot. |
renamenx | False | All the keys should be in the same slot. |
replconf | False | |
replicaof | False | |
restore | True | |
restore-asking | False | |
role | False | |
rpop | True | |
rpoplpush | True | All the keys should be in the same slot. |
rpush | True | |
rpushx | True | |
sadd | True | |
save | False | |
scan | False | |
scard | True | |
script | False | |
sdiff | True | All the keys should be in the same slot. |
sdiffstore | True | All the keys should be in the same slot. |
select | False | |
set | True | |
setbit | True | |
setex | True | |
setnx | True | |
setrange | True | |
shutdown | False | |
sinter | True | All the keys should be in the same slot. |
sinterstore | True | All the keys should be in the same slot. |
sismember | True | |
slaveof | False | |
slowlog | False | |
smembers | True | |
smove | True | All the keys should be in the same slot. |
sort | True | |
spop | True | |
srandmember | True | |
srem | True | |
sscan | True | |
stralgo | False | |
strlen | True | |
subscribe | False | |
substr | False | |
sunion | True | All the keys should be in the same slot. |
sunionstore | False | All the keys should be in the same slot. |
swapdb | False | |
sync | False | |
time | False | |
touch | True | All the keys should be in the same slot. |
ttl | True | |
type | True | |
unlink | True | All the keys should be in the same slot. |
unsubscribe | False | |
unwatch | False | |
wait | False | |
watch | False | |
xack | True | |
xadd | True | |
xclaim | True | |
xdel | True | |
xgroup | False | |
xinfo | False | |
xlen | True | |
xpending | True | |
xrange | True | |
xread | False | |
xreadgroup | False | |
xrevrange | True | |
xsetid | False | |
xtrim | True | |
zadd | True | |
zcard | True | |
zcount | True | |
zincrby | True | |
zinterstore | True | All the keys should be in the same slot. |
zlexcount | True | |
zpopmax | True | |
zpopmin | True | |
zrange | True | |
zrangebylex | True | |
zrangebyscore | True | |
zrank | True | |
zrem | True | |
zremrangebylex | True | |
zremrangebyrank | True | |
zremrangebyscore | True | |
zrevrange | True | |
zrevrangebylex | True | |
zrevrangebyscore | True | |
zrevrank | True | |
zscan | True | |
zscore | True | |
zunionstore | True | All the keys should be in the same slot. |