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Fleet Management SQL Queries

This document contains advanced SQL queries for managing and analyzing fleet operations, addressing vehicle usage, route efficiency, driver activity, and operational metrics.

1. Retrieve All Trips for a Specific Vehicle

Description: Retrieve trip details for vehicle ID VH001 during January 2024.

SELECT trip_id, vehicle_id, start_time, end_time, distance
FROM trips
WHERE vehicle_id = 'VH001'
  AND start_time >= '2024-01-01' AND end_time <= '2024-01-31';

2. Calculate Total Revenue for a Specific Route

Description: Calculate total revenue generated by route ID RT001.

SELECT route_id, SUM(ticket_price * passengers) AS total_revenue
FROM trips
WHERE route_id = 'RT001'
GROUP BY route_id;

3. Find Vehicles That Have Not Been Used in the Last 30 Days

Description: Identify vehicles not used in the past 30 days.

SELECT vehicle_id, last_trip_date
FROM vehicles
WHERE last_trip_date < DATEADD(DAY, -30, GETDATE());

4. Retrieve the Top 5 Busiest Routes

Description: List the top 5 routes with the highest passenger count.

SELECT route_id, SUM(passengers) AS total_passengers
FROM trips
GROUP BY route_id
ORDER BY total_passengers DESC

5. Calculate Average Travel Time Between Stops

Description: Compute the average travel time between stops for route ID RT001.

SELECT stop_id, AVG(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, start_time, end_time)) AS avg_travel_time
FROM trips
WHERE route_id = 'RT001'
GROUP BY stop_id;

6. Find Overloaded Vehicles

Description: Identify vehicles where passenger count exceeded capacity.

SELECT trip_id, vehicle_id, capacity, passengers
FROM trips t
JOIN vehicles v ON t.vehicle_id = v.vehicle_id
WHERE passengers > capacity;

7. Identify Routes with No Trips

Description: List routes that have no recorded trips.

SELECT r.route_id, r.route_name
FROM routes r
LEFT JOIN trips t ON r.route_id = t.route_id
WHERE t.route_id IS NULL;

8. Detect Delays for a Specific Route

Description: Find trips on route ID RT001 with delays exceeding 0 minutes.

SELECT trip_id, scheduled_time, actual_time, (actual_time - scheduled_time) AS delay
FROM trips
WHERE route_id = 'RT001' AND (actual_time - scheduled_time) > 0;

9. Calculate Total Maintenance Cost per Vehicle

Description: Summarize maintenance costs for each vehicle.

SELECT vehicle_id, SUM(maintenance_cost) AS total_cost
FROM maintenance
GROUP BY vehicle_id;

10. Retrieve the Longest Trip

Description: Find the trip with the longest distance covered.

SELECT trip_id, vehicle_id, route_id, MAX(distance) AS longest_trip
FROM trips;

11. Calculate Average Passenger Count per Route

Description: Compute the average passenger count for each route.

SELECT route_id, AVG(passengers) AS avg_passenger_count
FROM trips
GROUP BY route_id;

12. Detect Idle Drivers

Description: Identify drivers who have not been assigned trips in the past month.

SELECT driver_id, name
FROM drivers
WHERE driver_id NOT IN (
    SELECT DISTINCT driver_id
    FROM trips
    WHERE start_time >= DATEADD(MONTH, -1, GETDATE())

13. Analyze Fuel Consumption per Vehicle

Description: Summarize fuel consumption for each vehicle.

SELECT vehicle_id, SUM(fuel_consumption) AS total_fuel
FROM trips
GROUP BY vehicle_id;

14. Retrieve Daily Trip Counts

Description: Count trips by date and sort by date.

SELECT DATE(start_time) AS trip_date, COUNT(*) AS trip_count
FROM trips
GROUP BY DATE(start_time)
ORDER BY trip_date;

15. Identify the Most Frequently Used Vehicles

Description: List the top 5 vehicles with the highest trip counts.

SELECT vehicle_id, COUNT(*) AS trip_count
FROM trips
GROUP BY vehicle_id
ORDER BY trip_count DESC

16. Detect Revenue Loss Due to Delays

Description: Calculate revenue loss for routes with delays over 30 minutes.

SELECT route_id, SUM(loss_amount) AS total_loss
    SELECT route_id, (ticket_price * passengers * 0.1) AS loss_amount
    FROM trips
    WHERE (actual_time - scheduled_time) > 30
) subquery
GROUP BY route_id;

17. Identify Stops With No Passenger Pickups

Description: Find stops with no recorded passenger pickups.

SELECT s.stop_id, s.stop_name
FROM stops s
LEFT JOIN trips t ON s.stop_id = t.stop_id
WHERE t.passengers IS NULL;

18. Retrieve Monthly Revenue for Each Route

Description: Summarize monthly revenue for each route.

SELECT route_id, YEAR(start_time) AS year, MONTH(start_time) AS month, SUM(ticket_price * passengers) AS total_revenue
FROM trips
GROUP BY route_id, YEAR(start_time), MONTH(start_time)
ORDER BY year, month;

19. Find Drivers with the Longest Driving Hours

Description: Identify the top 5 drivers with the most driving hours.

SELECT driver_id, SUM(DATEDIFF(HOUR, start_time, end_time)) AS total_hours
FROM trips
GROUP BY driver_id
ORDER BY total_hours DESC

20. Detect Vehicles with Frequent Breakdowns

Description: Identify vehicles with more than 5 maintenance records.

SELECT vehicle_id, COUNT(*) AS maintenance_count
FROM maintenance
GROUP BY vehicle_id