This repository contains classes for exploits and scripts I have created.
Please open an issue if there is any problems regarding the script itself.
🔨 Please mention me when integrating these libraries.
local function LoadURL(Url) -- Let's change the world
local Payload = request({
Url = Url,
Method = 'GET',
Headers = {
['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain',
return loadstring(Payload.Body)()
-- Change LibraryName to your prefered library
-- Names will be listed under each section
local LibraryName = "Memory.lua"
-- The name of this variable will also change for better reading
-- It will be in the brackets of the library name
local Library = LoadURL(`{LibraryName}`)
Click to expand 📜
local LibraryName = "Memory.lua"
-- This is an example of a table scan
-- For a table that holds the values: Tased, Crouching
local threadsTable = MemEdit:Scan(nil, "table", {"Tased", "Crouching", "ProneIdle"})
assert(threadsTable, "Table was not found!")
for Name, Thread in next, threadsTable do
print(Name, Thread)
-- This example shows the manipulation of upvalues
local LocalPlayer = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local ClientInputHandler = LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts:WaitForChild("ClientInputHandler")
-- Generate a class for the local or module script
local ScriptBase = MemEdit:GetBase(ClientInputHandler)
local Stamina = ScriptBase:Scan("upvalue", 12)
-- Let's change the stamina to be infinite
Click to expand 📜
local LibraryName = "Group check.lua"
-- Append the group to the watch list
local Watch = GroupWatch:Watch({
Id = 13824744,
MinRank = 254,
-- MaxRank = 255,
Callback = function(Player: Player, Rank: number, self)
-- Group data pulled from the Group service will be appended
print(Player, "is an admin for", self.Name)
-- Scan all players that are already present
-- The script will automatically check newly joined players
-- Only if .Enabled in the options is true
-- Example of ignoring the group
Watch.Enabled = false
Click to expand 📜
local Team = Playerlist:GetTeam("Patients")
-- Change the background color of a team header
Team:SetBackgroundProperty("BackgroundColor3", Color3.fromRGB(0,0,255))
local Player = Playerlist:GetPlayer(LocalPlayer)
-- Change the player's icon (usually premium icon)
-- Change text color
Player:SetPlayerNameProperty("TextColor3", Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 0))
-- Chnage background color
Player:SetBackgroundProperty("BackgroundColor3", Color3.fromRGB(0,0,255))
Player:SetBackgroundProperty("BackgroundTransparency", 0.7)