diff --git a/examples/KotlinExample/Justfile b/examples/KotlinExample/Justfile
index bc39d76d..aa1c33a1 100644
--- a/examples/KotlinExample/Justfile
+++ b/examples/KotlinExample/Justfile
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
mvn compile
- java -cp "target/classes/:target/dependency/*" com.example.HelloWorldKt
+ mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
+ java -cp "target/classes:target/dependency/*" com.example.HelloWorldKt
(cd ../../bound/kt; mvn clean install)
diff --git a/examples/KotlinExample/pom.xml b/examples/KotlinExample/pom.xml
index dcd11868..73a32155 100644
--- a/examples/KotlinExample/pom.xml
+++ b/examples/KotlinExample/pom.xml
@@ -1,35 +1,91 @@
+ xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0
+ http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
+ jar
- 1.9.22
+ 1.8.0
- 1.8
- 1.8
+ 11
+ 11
+ central
+ https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2
+ local
+ file://${user.home}/.m2/repository
+ tbd-oss-snapshots
+ tbd-oss-snapshots
+ https://blockxyz.jfrog.io/artifactory/tbd-oss-snapshots-maven2/
+ true
+ false
- web5.sdk
- web5-kt
+ xyz.block
+ web5
+ 0.0.5
@@ -54,6 +110,38 @@
+ maven-compiler-plugin
+ 3.8.1
+ ${maven.compiler.target}
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-shade-plugin
+ 3.2.4
+ package
+ shade
+ MainKt
diff --git a/examples/KotlinExample/src/main/kotlin/com/example/HelloWorld.kt b/examples/KotlinExample/src/main/kotlin/com/example/HelloWorld.kt
index ab1610d4..399ee054 100644
--- a/examples/KotlinExample/src/main/kotlin/com/example/HelloWorld.kt
+++ b/examples/KotlinExample/src/main/kotlin/com/example/HelloWorld.kt
@@ -1,14 +1,124 @@
package com.example
-import web5.sdk.Curve
-import web5.sdk.LocalKeyManager
+import web5.sdk.dids.methods.jwk.DidJwk
+import web5.sdk.vc.*
+import web5.sdk.vc.pex.*
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.jacksonObjectMapper
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.readValue
fun main(args: Array) {
- val keyManager = LocalKeyManager.newInMemory()
- val keyAlias = keyManager.generatePrivateKey(Curve.ED25519, null)
- val payload = "hello world".toByteArray().map { it.toUByte() }
- val signature = keyManager.sign(keyAlias, payload)
- val publicKey = keyManager.getPublicKey(keyAlias)
- publicKey.verify(payload, signature.map { it.toUByte() })
- println("Success!")
\ No newline at end of file
+ // Initialize the JSON mapper
+ val jsonMapper = jacksonObjectMapper()
+ // Step 1: Create an issuer DID (Decentralized Identifier)
+ // Typically, this is the entity that issues the Verifiable Credential (VC)
+ val issuer = DidJwk.create()
+ val issuerUri = issuer.did.uri
+ println("Issuer DID URI: $issuerUri")
+ // Step 2: Define a Presentation Definition (PD)
+ // This specifies the requirements that credentials must meet to be accepted
+ val inputDescriptor = InputDescriptor(
+ id = "test_input",
+ name = "Test Input",
+ purpose = "Testing Input",
+ constraints = Constraints(
+ fields = listOf(
+ Field(
+ id = "field1",
+ name = "Field 1",
+ path = listOf("$.credentialSubject.id"),
+ purpose = "Must match DID JWK pattern",
+ filter = Filter(
+ type = "string",
+ pattern = "^did:jwk:.*$" // Regex pattern to match DID JWK
+ ),
+ optional = false,
+ predicate = Optionality.Required
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ // Create the Presentation Definition with the InputDescriptor
+ val presentationDefinition = PresentationDefinition(
+ id = "test_presentation_definition",
+ name = "Test Presentation Definition",
+ purpose = "Testing Presentation Exchange",
+ inputDescriptors = listOf(inputDescriptor)
+ )
+ println("Presentation Definition created: $presentationDefinition")
+ // Step 3: Create a Verifiable Credential (VC) that meets the PD criteria
+ // The credentialSubject.id matches the pattern specified in the PD
+ val vc = VerifiableCredential.create(
+ Issuer.StringIssuer(issuerUri),
+ CredentialSubject(issuerUri)
+ )
+ // Sign the VC using the issuer's DID
+ val vcJwt = vc.sign(issuer)
+ println("Verifiable Credential JWT created and signed:\n$vcJwt\n")
+ // Step 4: Select credentials that match the PD's input descriptors
+ val vcJwts = listOf(vcJwt)
+ val presentationResult = presentationDefinition.createPresentationFromCredentials(vcJwts)
+ println("Presentation Result after matching credentials:\n$presentationResult\n")
+ // Step 5: Create a Verifiable Presentation (VP) with the selected credentials
+ // The holder is the entity presenting the credentials
+ val holder = DidJwk.create()
+ val holderUri = holder.did.uri
+ println("Holder DID URI: $holderUri")
+ // Include the presentation submission data to link the presentation to the PD
+ val additionalData = mapOf(
+ "presentation_submission" to presentationResult.presentationSubmission
+ )
+ val vpCreateOptions = VerifiablePresentationCreateOptions(
+ additionalProperties = additionalData
+ )
+ // Generate the VP with the matched credentials and additional data
+ val vp = VerifiablePresentation.create(
+ holderUri,
+ presentationResult.matchedVcJwts,
+ vpCreateOptions
+ )
+ println("Verifiable Presentation created:\n$vp\n")
+ // Step 6: Sign the VP to generate a JWT format presentation
+ val signedVpJwt = vp.sign(holder)
+ println("Signed Verifiable Presentation JWT:\n$signedVpJwt\n")
+ // Step 7: Decode and verify the signed VP to ensure correctness
+ val decodedVp = VerifiablePresentation.fromVpJwt(signedVpJwt, true)
+ println("Decoded Verifiable Presentation:\n$decodedVp\n")
+ // Step 8: Print the holder URI to verify it matches the expected holder
+ println("Decoded VP Holder URI: ${decodedVp.holder}\n")
+ // Step 9: Print the Verifiable Credentials included in the presentation
+ println("Verifiable Credentials in VP:")
+ decodedVp.verifiableCredential.forEach { credential ->
+ println(credential)
+ }
+ println()
+ // Step 10: Retrieve the presentation_submission from the decoded VP's additional data
+ val decodedPresentationSubmissionMap = decodedVp.additionalProperties?.get("presentation_submission") as? Map<*, *>
+ println("Presentation Submission from decoded VP:\n$decodedPresentationSubmissionMap\n")
+ // Step 11: Convert the map back to PresentationSubmission
+ val jsonPresentationSubmission = jsonMapper.writeValueAsString(decodedPresentationSubmissionMap)
+ val decodedPresentationSubmission = jsonMapper.readValue(jsonPresentationSubmission)
+ println("Decoded Presentation Submission object:\n$decodedPresentationSubmission\n")
+ // Step 12: Verify that the presentation_submission in additional_data matches the original one
+ if (decodedPresentationSubmission == presentationResult.presentationSubmission) {
+ println("Presentation submissions match.")
+ } else {
+ println("Presentation submissions do not match.")
+ }