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File metadata and controls

157 lines (129 loc) · 5.68 KB

Tkinter-GUI Based Initial Practise Projects

Ceaser Cipher v.1.1

Ceaser Cipher v.1.1

Here, I hvae used a Key 4 for encryption. In caesar cipher you can take the key values from 1 - 26

Here, I hvae used a Key 4 for decryption. In caesar cipher you can take the key values from 1 - 26

Ceaser Cipher

using my own technique


Here, I hvae used a Key 4. In caesar you can takes the value from 1 - 26

Resturant Feedback

Using Filling(which saves data) and Messsage Box

Line Drawer

Line Drawer (Under Construction)

Tkinter-GUI Practice Code

My initial practice code of TKINTER GUI
1- Welcome = Label
2- Image = Declaring Images
3- Attribiutes of Labels
such as

# Important Label Options
# text - add the text
# bd - background
# fg - foreground
# font - set the font
# 1. font=("comicsansms", 19, "bold")
# 2. font=("comicsansms 19 bold")
# padx - x padding
# pady - y padding
# relief - border styling - SUNKEN, RAISED, GROOVE, RIDGE
# and
# Important Pack Options
# anchor = nw, ne, se, sw (NorthEast, SouthEast....)
# side = top, bottom, left, right
# fill - fill=X,Y
# padx
# pady

4- Newspaper using Attribiutes
5- Frames
6- Button

# We can decalre fucntion in button using "commannd = function_name "

7- Grids
8- CheckBox Buttons along with csv file

9- Canvas GUI

10- Mouse Event Handling
 # bind is the keyword used to bind the mouse events
 # <Button-1> = Left Mouse Button
 # <Button-1> = Left Mouse Button
 # <Button-2> = Middle Mouse Button
 # <Button-3> = Right Mouse Button
 # Double is used for double click   

11- Exercise: Newspaper

12- Ceaser Cipher using filling.


Here, I hvae used a Key 4. In caesar you can takes the value from 1 - 26

13- Menus
# Non-Drop Down
menu = Menu(root)
menu.add_command(label="File", command=my_function)
menu.add_command(label="Quit", command=quit)

# Drop Down
main_menu = Menu(root)
# tearoff use to fix the menu
sub_menu1 = Menu(main_menu, tearoff=0)
sub_menu1.add_command(label="New", command=my_function)
# for seprating in menus
sub_menu1.add_command(label="Quit", command=quit)
main_menu.add_cascade(label="File", menu=sub_menu1)

14- Mesage Box

# important tags 
# import tkinter.messagebox as tmsg
# tmsg.askquestion("Label", "Message")
# tmsg.showinfo("Label", "Message")
# tmsg.askretrycancel("Label", "Message")
# tmsg.showwarning("Label", "Message")

15- Scale Slider

# important attributes are
# Scale
# oreint = HORIZONTAL By Default it is Vertical
# tkinterval = (set the value which divide it)
# scale.set(5)<- set the default value By Default it is 0

16- GUI with Classes 17- Scrollbar 18- Statusbar

#statusvar = StringVar()

#sbar = Label(root, textvariable=statusvar, relief=SUNKEN, anchor="w")
#sbar.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)

19- Listbox

# lbx = Listbox(root)
# lbx.pack()  
#lbx.insert(END, "First item of List")

20- Menus

# main_menu = Menu(root)
#sub_menu1 = Menu(main_menu, tearoff=0)
#sub_menu1.add_command(label="New", command=my_function)
#sub_menu1.add_command(label="Quit", command=quit)
#main_menu.add_cascade(label="File", menu=sub_menu1)

#sub_menu2 = Menu(main_menu, tearoff=0)
#sub_menu2.add_command(label="Test1", command=my_function)
#sub_menu2.add_command(label="Quit", command=quit)
#main_menu.add_cascade(label="Test", menu=sub_menu2)