NodeJS Library for interacting with the Compound Governance ecosystem, specifically with the Governor Alpha and Comp contracts.
First of all, make sure you have node version >= 10.16.3
Then, do:
npm i --save compound-sdk
Now you can utilize the SDK in your Javascript App:
import Compound from 'compound-sdk'
There are two ways to initialize your SDK:
By passing a node URL (but you wont be able to send transactions / write to the blockchain)
By passing the web3provider object (i.e: Metamask)
This way, developers can pass a URL to read the blockchain and only ask the the user to log-in with a web3 wallet when they need to trigger a tx. For example, at first you just pass the URL:
const sdk = new Compound("
// we create instance of Comp Contract
const comp = await sdk.comp()
const currentVotes = comp.getCurrentVotes('0xProposalAddress')
Trying to call a Non-Constant method will throw an error if you have not initialized the SDK with a provider. You can make the SDK write to the blockchain by calling the following method:
sdk.makeSendable(web3provider) // make sure you send the currentProvider or it might fail
After setting up a web3provider, you can trigger call and send methods - please check the official documentation of the Compound Governance contracts to understand the methods.
This way, if you want to interact with the GovernorAlpha
contract for example, you can do:
const proposalId = 1;
const governor = await sdk.governorAlpha();
await governor.castVote(proposalId, true);
Or, for Comp
const delegatee = "0x";
const comp = await sdk.comp();
await comp.delegate(delegatee)
You can check the architecture details here