This document tracks features and bug fixes that are planned.
Version 1.2.1 will primarily be a bugfix release for v1.2.0.
- Split DCC SignalGenerator to "common" and "hardware timer" specific sections as prep for alternative DCC signal generation.
- Nextion Interface would request loco address "65535" when a loco was invalidated by the web interface callback (loco removed from being active).
- Added guard code for attempting to request loco address of zero.
The primary focus for this will be improving the LCC integration and solve the crash caused by the DCC signal generation code.
- fix signal generation so it doesn't crash up when spi_flash disables cache. This is the hardest and biggest issue by far and needs to be fixed somehow but I haven't found a working solution yet. It will very likely require a ground up re-write with streaming packet data to the ISR.
- Traction proxy impl.
- Broadcast events for turnout state change.
- Discard turnout events when turnout already in expected state (drop duplicate events).
The entries below are not tracked to a specific release or in any particular priority order.
- continue sending eStop packet until eStop is cleared.
- add support for RailCom cut-out.
- move wifi config to NVS/SPIFFS.
- dynamic command station config via web
- SoftAP support for initial config and "non-home" network. (atanisoft#4)
- auto-refresh of status pages
- add busy/wait spinner for when data is loading (or being refreshed) in the web interface
- investigate tcp/ip hang (AsyncTCP LwIP crash?)
- WiThrottle support (atanisoft#15)
- adjust InfoScreen LCC details so they are actually useful, right now it is a placeholder.
- auto turn on of track power from Nextion when interacting with loco/turnouts.
- add notification of turnout state change when changed external to the nextion code
- replace Routes page with a Setup page which will include route creation
- OTA support via JMRI / LCC
- return to normal mode on Nextion when OTA fails.
- OTA SPIFFS update (if needed, unsure as of now)
- move to multi-thread aware Wire library when available
No tasks have been added yet.