On your local machine install:
- Ansible
- Terraform (optional, only if you need to create a server)
On the server you will need:
- Ubuntu LTS
- SSH enabled
Minimum hardware requirements are:
- 2 cpu
- 50GB disk
If you already have a server then you can skip this step.
Follow the instructions for the server provider of your choice:
These are just a few of the more popular options, but you can use any server provider so long as the server is reachable via SSH using an SSH key for authentication.
We recommend creating an A record
(or other as preferred) DNS entry
for the server. For example:
- cspace.example.org -> A record -> $PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS_OF_SERVER
Then access CollectionSpace at:
- http://cspace.example.org # without SSL
- https://cspace.example.org # with SSL
By default the installer will attempt to generate an SSL certificate using Lets Encrypt to protect the publicly accessible site. If you have not added DNS for the server then you will need to disable this default behavior (details below).
SSL is very strongly recommended for a production system.
You should be able to SSH to the server:
# assumes current username for user and ~/.ssh/id_rsa for key
# specify username, assumes ~/.ssh/id_rsa for key
# specify username, key
ssh -i /path/to/key $USERNAME@$HOSTNAME
We highly recommend using SSH key authentication and disabling passwords.
Download and install Ansible on your local machine. If you're on Windows you can install Ansible using the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
Here are the recommended steps for installing Ansible on Ubuntu / WSL:
# install ansible and other requirements
sudo apt update
sudo apt install --yes git python3 python3-pip software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt install --yes ansible
Important: Add ServerAliveInterval 120
to your ~/.ssh/config
to prevent
potential SSH timeouts during build steps. A minimal SSH config would look like:
Host *
ServerAliveInterval 120
Download the playbook to your local machine:
# download and setup ansible playbook
git clone https://github.com/collectionspace/cspace-installer.git
cd cspace-installer
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --force
For Ansible to setup CollectionSpace on your server you will need to create a variables file:
cp vars/example.yml vars/deploy.yml
Update the config following the instructions in file. Be sure to create a secure backup of this file as you'll need it every time the playbook is run.
# only run this if you want to apply security configuration / updates
ansible-playbook -i $DOMAIN, security.yml -u $USER -e @vars/deploy.yml
# install collectionspace and dependencies
ansible-playbook -i $DOMAIN, collectionspace.yml -u $USER -e @vars/deploy.yml
By default ansible will attempt to use ~/.ssh/id_rsa for SSH key auth but you can override this on the command line:
ansible-playbook -i $DOMAIN, collectionspace.yml \
-u $USER \
-e @vars/deploy.yml \
--private-key ~/.ssh/my_private_key
It may take one hour or more for the playbook to run to completion the first time (it depends on many factors, such as allocated server resources, network performance etc.). Subsequent runs (which can be done to maintain installer configuration) should be much faster.
It's possible for the installer to get interrupted and fail part way through the process. Should that happen simply re-run the installer to determine whether it is able to correct any issues and complete the deployment. If not then you can reach out with questions on the CollectionSpace mailing list.
Review the system overview documentation.