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Platform SDK Starter

The platform SDK starter is a way to configure your Flatfile Workbook in code.

Visit the Guides to learn more about using Flatfile and the Platform SDK Starter.

Getting Started

Visit CLI quickstart and follow instructions to sign up for a Flatfile account and run this code locally.

1. Introduction to Workbooks

Here is an example of a fully functional Flatfile Workbook that we'll use in this example to demonstrate importing employee data.

const Employees = new Sheet(
    firstName: TextField({
      label: 'First Name',
      required: true,
      description: 'Given Name'
    lastName: TextField(),
    fullName: TextField(),

    stillEmployed: BooleanField(),
    department: OptionField({
      label: 'Department',
      options: {
        engineering: { label: 'Engineering' },
        hr: 'People Ops',
        sales: 'Revenue',
      matchStrategy: 'exact',
    fromHttp: TextField({ label: 'Set by batchRecordCompute' }),
    salary: NumberField({
      label: 'Salary',
      description: 'Annual Salary in USD',
      required: true,
      validate: (salary: number) => {
        const minSalary = 30_000
        if (salary < minSalary) {
          return [
            new Message(
              `${salary} is less than minimum wage ${minSalary}`,
    allowCustomFields: true,
    recordCompute: (record) => {
      const fullName = `{record.get('firstName')} {record.get('lastName')}`
      record.set('fullName', fullName)
      return record
    batchRecordsCompute: async (payload: FlatfileRecords<any>) => {
      const response = await fetch('', {
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
          Accept: 'application/json',
      const result = await response.json() (record: FlatfileRecord) => {

const BaseSheet = new Sheet(
    firstName: TextField(),
    middleName: TextField('Middle'),
    lastName: TextField(),
    email: TextField({
      unique: true,
      primary: true
    previewFieldKey: 'email',

const LinkedSheet = new Sheet(
    email: LinkedField({
      unique: true,
      label: 'Email',
      primary: true,
      sheet: BaseSheet,
      upsert: false,
    firstName: TextField(),
    middleName: TextField('Middle'),
    lastName: TextField(),


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The above code will generate a Workbook that looks like this: Sample Data upload

2. Deploy the Schema

Follow these steps to deploy a Workbook and view it in your Dashboard. Because your secret keys are being used, Flatfile will know to create your first Workspace in the correct place.

  1. From the root directory of this project run npm install to install all necessary packages.
  2. Run npm run deploy
  3. To see the newly deployed Workbook, open your Dashboard and have a look.

Sample Workbook explained

Now, let's take a closer look at the example Workbook we just deployed, starting with the Fields. This Workbook uses all five built-in Flatfile fields to represent a Workbook used to receive employee data:

  1. TextField: a string of text
  2. NumberField: a numerical value
  3. DateField: a date
  4. OptionField: a field with a set of pre-defined values
  5. BooleanField: a true / false field
  6. LinkedField: a field that links two sheets together

Field options

Let's take a closer look at some of the options we've set on these fields:


firstName: TextField({
  required: true,
  description: 'Given name',

Here we've indicated that the firstName field is required, and we've given it a human-readable description.


salary: NumberField({
  label: 'Salary',
  description: 'Annual Salary in USD',
  required: true,
  validate: (salary: number) => {
    const minSalary = 30_000
    if (salary < minSalary) {
      return [
        new Message(
          `${salary} is less than minimum wage ${minSalary}`,

Here we've indicated that the salary field is required, and we've given it a human-readable description.

We also provide a validate function that defines what we consider to be a valid value for this field. In this case, we've decided that salary must be greater than or equal to $30,000. We also provide a human-readable message to be displayed when the validation criterion is not met.


department: OptionField({
  label: 'Department',
  options: {
    engineering: { label: 'Engineering' },
    hr: 'People Ops',
    sales: 'Revenue',
  matchStrategy: 'exact',

Here we provide a pre-defined list of values that this field can have. We have also included the matchStrategy flag, which determines whether Flatfile should only accept exact matches when automatically matching your OptionField options, or whether Flatfile should also use historical matches and fuzzy matches while automatically matching your options. If this is not set, your OptionField will use historical and fuzzy matches to automatically match options for this field.

If a default value is provided for an OptionField we check that is a value provided in options.

If you want to have an option value of the empty string '', you must set that as a default like this.

    emptyExample : OptionField({
      options:{eng:"Eng_Display_Label4", hr:"HR", "":"empty"},
      default: ''


email: LinkedField({
    label: 'First Name',
    sheet: BaseSheet,
    upsert: false

Here we define which field is linked to another template, along with the sheet this field should be linked to. We have also set upsert: false which disables the default upsert behavior and will display an error on this sheet if a value imported in the LinkedField does not exist on the parent sheet. For more information about our Relational Data feature, visit our Relational Data Guide.

const BaseSheet = new Sheet(
    firstName: TextField({
      unique: true,
      primary: true,
    middleName: TextField('Middle'),
    lastName: TextField(),
    email: TextField(),
    previewFieldKey: 'email',

Here we define the sheet we are linking to, and on the sheet set the previewFieldKey option that will display on the original template. Note: LinkedField can currently only be implemented in Workspaces, which is why this example doesn't have a portal deployed for the LinkedSheet and BaseSheet sheets.

Sheet options

Next, let's look at the options that we've set on the sheet itself:

const Employees = new Sheet(
    allowCustomFields: true,
    recordCompute: (record) => {
      const fullName = `{record.get('firstName')} {record.get('lastName')}`
      record.set('fullName', fullName)
      return record
    batchRecordsCompute: async (payload: FlatfileRecords<any>) => {
      const response = await fetch('', {
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
          Accept: 'application/json',
      const result = await response.json() (record: FlatfileRecord) => {

Here we define our Data Hooks®, functions which operate on user-inputted data and perform transformations on it to meet your system's needs. There are two types of Data Hooks® in this example: a recordCompute hook and a batchRecordsCompute hook.

recordCompute: (record) => {
  const fullName = `{record.get('firstName')} {record.get('lastName')}`
  record.set('fullName', fullName)
  return record

recordCompute is a Data Hook which runs synchronously for each record. In this example, we use the values of the firstName and lastName fields to generate and set the derived fullName field.

batchRecordsCompute: async (payload: FlatfileRecords<any>) => {
  const response = await fetch('', {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {
      Accept: 'application/json',
  const result = await response.json() (record: FlatfileRecord) => {

batchRecordsCompute is a Data Hook which runs after all recordCompute calls have finished and receives the full list of processed rows, at which point you can perform bulk operations on them. This is a good place to put slower operations that benefit from batching, such as external HTTP requests. In this example, we fetch a single value from an API and write it to each record.

3. Get into the details

Knowing which hooks to use

validate should be used in most cases where you want to confirm that user-inputted data matches your specifications. For most fields, you probably want to use validate. This function gets the proper type per field, and lets you add messages to the cell, including errors, warnings, and rejections, so the user can correct errors themselves. Validate can’t change data, it can only send messages. Compute must be used if you want to perform any type of transformation

recordCompute and batchRecordsCompute should only be used for cases where you must modify user-inputted data or generate new values not provided by the user but needed for your systems. For simple row work (that doesn't make HTTP calls) use recordCompute. If you need to make an a call to an external API, reach for batchRecordsCompute on sheet, as this allows you to request info about multiple values at once for increased performance.

Parsing, casting, and field conversion.

We have written sensible default implementations of cast functions for TextField, NumberField, and DateField. We wrote extensive tests to document and verify their behavior. Refer to the CastFunction tests to see more.

When our default cast function can't parse an incoming value in a reliable way, the cast function throws an error. The error message shows up in the UI and the original value is stored in the table so users can edit that value into a proper type.

Field functions best practices

field.compute should be idempotent and converge to the same value after calling on the same input, calling the same compute function on the output from the last invocation should return the original input.

compute:(v:string) => {return v.toLocaleLowerCase()}

is a good function, since compute("ASDF") === compute('asdf') === 'asdf'.

4. Test your stuff

We are big believers in Test Driven Development at Flatfile. Well written tests help you reason about the behavior of complex systems.

We extensively used tests while developing this SDK, look here . We encourage you to use our testing system to speed up your development.

Running tests on a Sheet or Workbook is much faster than deploying to Flatfile and manually uploading data to verify behavior. Another added benefit is your tests will stay in this repo and help you make better decisions as you update your Sheets and Workbooks to reflect changing business requirements.

Stay tuned for future releases where we will add even more capabilities to our testing system.

5. Advanced Topics


The Flatfile Data Hook system has been designed to enable fine-grained functions to be used in combination to perform regular data validation and normalization tasks. Flatfile is building out a comprehensive standard library so that developers can plug in the proper functions without having to write them from scratch. This standard library is leveraged by HDDL to describe implementations concisely.

The Flatfile data pipeline orders data transformations so that functions at each point can be strictly typed with the most strictly prescribed functionality. This strict typing leads to more reliable functions that don't have surprise missing, undefined, or weird values. Event Sequence diagram

  1. Matching takes place. At this point we have rows of fields with names mapped to sheet field names. Currently there is no ability to influence matching from the SDK
  2. field:cast: functions here take a string or undefined and return either the primitive type specified by the field, null, or throw an error.
  3. field:default: if cast returned null (but didn't throw an error), a default value is filled in for the field
  4. field:compute: functions receive a single fully present value and return a value of the same type
  5. recordCompute: functions receive a row with all required fields fully present and optional fields typed optional?:string. Best used to compute derived values, but can also be used to update existing fields.
  6. batchRecordsCompute: asynchronous (HTTP/api) calls are made to fill in values from external services. This takes records so it is easier to make bulk calls.
  7. field:validate: functions receive a fully present value and return annotations for the corresponding cell

If any of the above functions for a field throws an error, further processing is stopped for that field.

The most common custom written hooks that we expect to see are row compute and field validate.

We expect users to very rarely write their own cast functions; these are some of the easiest and most important to add to FFL.

Async functions

recordCompute is synchronous and only operates on one row at a time. In practice this isn't a big limitation because synchronous functions generally run extremely quickly in the node runtime.

batchRecordsCompute runs after all recordCompute have finished, and only operates on batches of records. We made this engineering decision to encourage bulk operations when making external HTTP calls which tend to be slow.

SDK philosophy

We are writing this SDK to enable skilled practitioners to quickly implement powerful transformations that take unstructured data from untrusted sources and shape that data into a clean, normalized format for input into many systems. This is the core of what Flatfile builds and we take it seriously. We also take our relationship with customers seriously, balancing putting tools in your hands quickly with supporting existing use cases. We are here to listen to your feedback and build tools for you.

This initial release of the SDK is purposely limited in scope to include only the pieces we are most sure about. We intend to rapidly release new functionality to the SDK and our platform as our understanding grows and we have time to put the best tools in front of you.

When releasing pieces to the SDK our thought process is guided by the following principles:

  1. Does this solve a problem in an extensible way? Will we paint ourselves into a corner to solve a current problem?
  2. Can we support this code for the next 6 months until a breaking release?
  3. Does this work as we expect it to?

Extra Docs

Links to more in-depth documentation we have written about features.


  • How can I lowercase an email field anytime input is provided by a file or manual entry?
    • This is a good use for field compute. This function will be idempotent (running it over and over on the same input produces the same output and state)
  • Why can't I check for nulls in a validate function?
    • You can't check for null or undefined in a validate function, because validate functions are never called with a value that isn't of the field's type. The way to check for null is to set required:true on the field, this works for 95% of field use cases, this will flag an error at the review stage for fields provided with a null value. Having this strict typing makes validate functions less error prone and less repetitious. If we allowed null or undefined to propagate to validate, every user provided function would have to start with checking for null or undefined, users who didn't do this would either see a typing error, or worse suffer unreliable code that was deployed.
    • What do I do if I want to check for null or undefined in a validate function?
      • The only place the built in required behavior doesn't work is when a recordCompute or batchRecordsCompute function was expected to provide a value for a field, and failed. In that case, you are already writing a recordCompute or batchRecordsCompute function, check for the null there.
  • How can check the type and size of an url and return an error if the linked file is > 5mb or not an image?
    • Currently this is best accomplished with a text field named s3_url that will match to the URL provided in the upload, and a row compute that stores the size of the download to s3_url_size, s3_url_size should have an validate of less than 5mb.
    • In the near future this will be handled with a computed field that takes s3_url as an input and outputs s3_url_size.
    • In the longer term this will be handled by a SmartURLCapture field that stores URLs to a synced s3 bucket and provides metadata about the download including size. The validate will run on the size property of the SmartURLCapture field
  • Using a domain name ( field, how can I call the clearbit API and populate another field with an image url to their logo?
    • Currently this is best accomplished via a row compute.
    • Eventually we will build in Clearbit-integrated fields.
  • When adding an EmailField, if I specify “showSpamScore: true” I want a second, non-matcheable, readonly column to be added immediately after email called Spam Score. On input of any email I want to update the spam score field with the results from an API.
    • To get similar behavior use row compute to fake a computed field like the previous three examples.
    • The result is possible but this implementation is currently not possible with the SDK.
    • Implementing this behavior requires composite fields or changes to the SchemaDDL so that a single Field call can emit to underlying fields
  • Can I round a number to two decimal places and simultaneously add a warning saying “this number was rounded to two decimal places: original number 90.090293
    • This needs to be done via recordCompute or batchRecordsCompute. We currently only allow mutating data and simultaneously adding message in those hooks.
  • How can I generate an error if an email is an invalid format that says “Email is invalid format”
    • This would be accomplished with validate.
  • How can I normalize a phone number and use a nearby country field to “hint” which country the phone number may belong to get a more accurate result? The country field must be normalized to an ISO code first.
    • At first glance this could work as a row compute to add Country code to phone numbers.
    • In a future version of the SDK, this probably requires hooks to influence the matching system.
  • Can this be used to customize the schema based on the user that is logging in?
    • No. That wouldn't result in the proper user experience because the schema is for every user.
    • To customize behavior per user requires writing custom react editors for fields that specialize based on the logged-in user, then tying these editors or other custom functionality in with SchemaIL. We haven't written these custom fields, nor tied them in with SchemaIL.
  • Can the SDK be used to generate dynamic schemas tied to my ORM or database definition?
    • Currently this may be possible, but it isn't recommended.
    • Eventually this will be possible by writing tools that translate from ORM or database DDL to schemaIL. We are currently solidifying the core functionality of the platform and this will remain out of scope for the foreseeable future.



A Sheet object describes the desired characteristics or "shape" of data that you expect for an individual CSV file or sheet in an excel file. A Sheet can be thought of as roughly analogous to a database table.


A Field object represents a column of data in a Sheet. They are similar to columns in a database. Fields can be configured to clean, transform and validate incoming data through options and hooks.

Data Hook®

Data Hooks® are the Flatfile copyrighted term for code that runs on Fields and Sheets to transform and validate data.

Field Hook

Field hooks are Data Hook®s that run on individual fields.


A Workbook is a collection of Sheets. The Sheets of a Workbook can be optionally linked together via ForeignKey. A Workbook is similar to a database schema.

Object Reference

Technically taken from SchemaIL interfaces


The base fields closely mirror primitive types and vary primarily by their default cast functions. Read the CastFunction tests for explicit understanding of cast function behavior.


Persists strings. Defaults to StringCast cast.


Persists numbers. Defaults to NumberCast cast


Persists booleans. Defaults to BooleanCast cast


Persists Dates. Defaults to DateCast cast

Special Fields


Presents the user with discrete options. Accepts a specific option of

options:{'dbValue': 'Label displayed to user'}
options:{'dbValue': {label: 'Label displayed to user',  futureOption1: undefined}

It is called like this

    department: OptionField({
      label: 'Department',
      options: {
        engineering: 'Engineering',
        hr: 'People Ops',
        sales: 'Revenue',


    department: OptionField({
      label: 'Department',
      options: {
        engineering: {label:'Engineering'},
        hr: {label:'People Ops'},
        sales: {label:'Revenue'}


interface FieldOptions {
  label: string
  primary: boolean
  required: boolean
  unique: boolean
  cast: (value: Dirty<T>) => Nullable<T>
  default: Nullable<T>
  compute: (value: T) => T
  validate: (value: T) => void | Message[]

(Field Options Definitions)[] Every field can set at least the above properties


Controls the label displayed for the field in the UI


Is a value for this field required after the default stage of field hooks. If set to true, an error will be thrown and registered as such on the cell for that value, no further processing will take place for that field.


Is this field the primary key for a sheet, or part of a composite primary key (not currently supported). Primary implies unique too.


Is this field required to be unique across the whole sheet. We have chosen to treat a field with multiple nulls as still unique. Tests and comments


cast transforms input into the type specified by the field.


The default value for this field


compute takes the type specified by the field and returns the type specified by the field.


validate takes the type specified by the field and returns validation messages. This is the most commonly used field hook. Validate can’t change data, it can only send messages. Compute must be used if you want to perform any type of transformation

Other Field Options


Long form description that appears in the UI upon hover of the field name.


Annotations are automatically filled in messages that the platform sdk provides when default or compute changes a value. Following independent options set as an object - {}


If set to true insertions of the default value will be annotated with an info message of defaultMessage


The message to use when a default value is inserted. If none specified, defaults to 'This field was automatically given a default value of'


If set to true instances where compute changes the value of a field will be annotated with an info message of computeMessage


The message to use when a compute changes a value. if none specified, defaults to 'This value was automatically reformatted - original data:'


controls what parts of mapping/review/export a field occurs in


When set to false this field will not appear for matching in the mapping stage.


This field will not appear in the review stage


This field will not be exported.


export interface SheetOptions<FC> {
  allowCustomFields: boolean
  recordCompute: (record:FlatfileRecord<any>, logger?:any): void
  batchRecordsCompute: (records: FlatfileRecords<any>) => Promise<void>



Allows the end user to create additional fields from their upload when the incoming column does not match with any existing field for the Sheet.


Function that receives a row with all required fields fully present and optional fields typed optional?:string. Best used to compute derived values, can also be used to update existing fields.


Asynchronous function that is best for HTTP/API calls. External calls can be made to fill in values from external services. This takes records so it is easier to make bulk calls.


This helper utility gives you tools to test real records and fields locally against your field hooks (default, cast, compute and validate) and record-level compute functions (recordCompute and batchRecordsCompute). This runs the exact same logic that is done on Flatfile's production servers so it will produce the same results locally for quick testing before deploying.

For example, with this TestSheet:

const TestSheet = new Sheet(
    firstName: TextField({
      required: true,
      description: 'foo',
      compute: (v) => v.toUpperCase(),
    age: NumberField(),
    testBoolean: BooleanField({ default: false }),
    recordCompute: (record, _session, _logger) => {
      const age = record.get('age')
      const newAge = typeof age === 'number' ? age * 2 : 0
      record.set('age', newAge)

transformField(fieldName: string, value: string)

This takes a field name and value and returns the transformed value based on all sheet operations:

expect(await testSheet.transformField('age', '10')).toEqual(20)

testRecord(record: object)

This takes a full record and returns the transformed record based on all sheet operations:

const inputRow = { firstName: 'foo', age: '10', testBoolean: 'true' }

const expectedOutputRow = { age: 20, firstName: 'FOO', testBoolean: true }
const res = await testSheet.testRecord(inputRow)

testRecords(record: object[])

This takes an array of full records and returns the transformed records based on all sheet operations:

const inputRows = [
  { firstName: 'foo', age: '10', testBoolean: 'true' },
  { firstName: 'bar', age: '8', testBoolean: 'true' },

const expectedOutputRows = [
  { age: 20, firstName: 'FOO', testBoolean: true },
  { age: 16, firstName: 'BAR', testBoolean: true },

const results = await testSheet.testRecords(inputRows)