- (be sure that you have already installed the project through
$ npm install
) - launch the front-end project with
$ npm start
- (in another Terminal tab) open Cypress with
$ npm run cy:open
- clone/download this repository, you can clone it with
$ https://github.com/codemaster-fall-2019-talent-garden/cypress-realworld-starter-project
- launch
$ npm install
To test that everything works, launch $ npm run test:cypress
, you should see an output like the following one
Running: smoke.spec.js (1 of 1)
Smoke test
✓ The front-end project should work (729ms)
1 passing (756ms)
│ Tests: 1 │
│ Passing: 1 │
│ Failing: 0 │
│ Pending: 0 │
│ Skipped: 0 │
│ Screenshots: 0 │
│ Video: true │
│ Duration: 0 seconds │
│ Spec Ran: smoke.spec.js │
- Started processing: Compressing to 32 CRF
- Finished processing: /Users/noriste/Sites/tag/cypress-realworld-starter-project/ (0 seconds)
(Run Finished)
Spec Tests Passing Failing Pending Skipped
│ ✔ smoke.spec.js 745ms 1 1 - - - │
✔ All specs passed! 745ms 1 1 - - -
- the front-end application is the RealWorld.io one, the version based on React and Redux
- the project has Cypress and Cypress Testing Library already installed