+ #{error_html}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def cfa_checkbox(method,
+ label_text,
+ checked_value = "1",
+ unchecked_value = "0",
+ wrapper_classes: [],
+ options: {})
+ if object.errors[method].any?
+ wrapper_classes.push("form-group--error")
+ error_id = error_id(method)
+ options = append_to_value(options, :'aria-describedby', error_id)
+ error_html = errors_for(object, method, error_id)
+ end
+ label_classes = ["checkbox"]
+ if options[:disabled]
+ label_classes.push("is-disabled")
+ end
+ @template.tag.div({ class: "cfa-checkbox form-group input-group #{wrapper_classes.join(' ')}" }) do
+ <<~HTML.html_safe
+ #{error_html}
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def help_text_html(help_text, help_text_id)
+ <<~HTML
+ #{help_text}
+ end
+ def optional_html
+ <<~HTML
+ (Optional)
+ end
+ def errors_for(object, method, error_id)
+ errors = object.errors[method]
+ <<~HTML
+ #{errors.join(', ')}
+ end
+ def append_to_value(input_options, key, appending_value)
+ initial_value = input_options[key]
+ new_value = [initial_value, appending_value].compact.join(" ")
+ input_options.merge({ key => new_value })
+ end
+ def help_text_id(method)
+ "#{sanitized_id(method)}__help-text"
+ end
+ def error_id(method)
+ "#{sanitized_id(method)}__errors"
+ end
+ def sanitized_id(method, position = nil)
+ name = object_name.to_s.gsub(/([\[\(])|(\]\[)/, "_").gsub(/[\]\)]/, "")
+ position ? "#{name}_#{method}_#{position}" : "#{name}_#{method}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/helpers/cfa_v2_form_builder_spec.rb b/spec/helpers/cfa_v2_form_builder_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ae084f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/helpers/cfa_v2_form_builder_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+require "spec_helper"
+require "erb"
+describe Cfa::Styleguide::CfaV2FormBuilder, type: :view do
+ let(:template) do
+ template = OpenStruct.new(output_buffer: "")
+ template.extend ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper
+ template.extend ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper
+ template.extend ActionView::Helpers::FormOptionsHelper
+ template.extend ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper
+ end
+ class FakeModel < Cfa::Styleguide::FormExample; end
+ let(:fake_model) do
+ FakeModel.new
+ end
+ let(:form_builder) { Cfa::Styleguide::CfaV2FormBuilder.new("fake_model", fake_model, template, {}) }
+ describe ".cfa_button" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_button("my button")
+ end
+ it "renders a button with valid HTML" do
+ expect(output).to be_html_safe
+ end
+ it "includes an identifying class on the containing element" do
+ html_component = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).child
+ expect(html_component.classes).to include("cfa-button")
+ end
+ context "when options provided" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_button("my button", options: { data: { "disable-with": "Searching..." } })
+ end
+ it "passes options to the button" do
+ html_component = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".cfa-button")
+ expect(html_component.text).to_not include("Searching...")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe ".cfa_text_input" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_text_input(:example_method_with_validation)
+ end
+ it "renders a text input with valid HTML" do
+ expect(output).to be_html_safe
+ end
+ it "includes an identifying class on the containing element" do
+ html_component = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).child
+ expect(html_component.classes).to include("cfa-text-input")
+ end
+ it "falls back to the defaults used by the Rails form label" do
+ label = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css("label")
+ expect(label.text).to eq("Example method with validation")
+ end
+ context "when options provided" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_text_input(:example_method_with_validation, options: {
+ placeholder: "my text",
+ disabled: true,
+ })
+ end
+ it "passes options to the input" do
+ input_html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css("input")
+ expect(input_html.get_attribute("disabled")).to be_truthy
+ expect(input_html.get_attribute("placeholder")).to eq("my text")
+ end
+ end
+ context "label_text is provided" do
+ it "uses the provided label text" do
+ output = form_builder.cfa_text_input(:example_method_with_validation, "My method name")
+ label = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css("label")
+ expect(label.text).to eq("My method name")
+ end
+ end
+ context "errors" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_text_input(:example_method_with_validation, options: {
+ 'aria-describedby': "another-id",
+ })
+ end
+ before do
+ fake_model.validate
+ end
+ it "associates form errors with input and appends error id to existing aria-describedby attributes" do
+ input_html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css("input")
+ error_text_html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".text--error")
+ expect(input_html.get_attribute("aria-describedby")).to include("another-id")
+ expect(input_html.get_attribute("aria-describedby")).to include(error_text_html.get_attribute("id"))
+ end
+ end
+ context "wrapper_classes provided" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_text_input(
+ :example_method_with_validation,
+ wrapper_classes: ["wrapper-class"],
+ )
+ end
+ it "assigns wrapper classes on the containing element" do
+ html_component = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).child
+ expect(html_component.classes).to include("wrapper-class")
+ end
+ end
+ context "required is true" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_text_input(
+ :example_method_with_validation,
+ required: true,
+ )
+ end
+ it "does not append the optional text after the label" do
+ html_component = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".form-question")
+ expect(html_component.text).to_not include("(Optional)")
+ end
+ it "sets the aria-required attribute on the select tag" do
+ input_html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css("input")
+ expect(input_html.get_attribute("aria-required")).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ context "help text is provided" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_text_input(:example_method_with_validation, help_text: "Found on RAP sheet")
+ end
+ it "displays the help text" do
+ help_text_html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".text--help")
+ expect(help_text_html.text).to eq("\n Found on RAP sheet\n")
+ end
+ it "associates the help text with the input" do
+ input_html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css("input")
+ help_text_html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".text--help")
+ help_id = help_text_html.get_attribute("id")
+ expect(input_html.get_attribute("aria-describedby")).to include(help_id)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe ".cfa_radio" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_radio(:example_method_with_validation, "Truthy value", "true")
+ end
+ it "renders a radio buttons with valid HTML" do
+ expect(output).to be_html_safe
+ end
+ it "includes an identifying class on the containing element" do
+ html_component = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).child
+ expect(html_component.classes).to include("cfa-radio")
+ end
+ context "when options provided" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_radio(:example_method_with_validation,
+ "Truthy value",
+ "true",
+ options: { 'data-follow-up': "#follow-up-question" })
+ end
+ it "passes options to the radio button" do
+ input_html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css("input")
+ expect(input_html.get_attribute("data-follow-up")).to eq("#follow-up-question")
+ end
+ end
+ context "wrapper_classes provided" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_radio(:example_method_with_validation,
+ "Truthy value",
+ "true",
+ wrapper_classes: ["wrapper-class"])
+ end
+ it "assigns wrapper classes on the containing element" do
+ html_component = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).child
+ expect(html_component.classes).to include("wrapper-class")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe ".cfa_radiogroup" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_radiogroup(:example_method_with_validation, "Radio group") do
+ ERB.new(
+ "<%= form_builder.cfa_radio(:example_method_with_validation, 'First option', :first_option) %>
+ <%= form_builder.cfa_radio(:example_method_with_validation, 'Second option', :second_option) %>",
+ ).result(binding).html_safe
+ end
+ end
+ it "renders a radio group with valid HTML" do
+ expect(output).to be_html_safe
+ end
+ it "renders all items in passed block" do
+ html_component = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).css(".cfa-radio")
+ expect(html_component.count).to eq 2
+ end
+ it "includes an identifying class on the containing element" do
+ html_component = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).child
+ expect(html_component.classes).to include("cfa-radiogroup")
+ end
+ it "displays a legend" do
+ legend = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css("legend")
+ expect(legend.text).to include "Radio group"
+ end
+ context "when options provided" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_radiogroup(:example_method_with_validation, "Radio group", options: { 'data-option': "some-value" }) do
+ ERB.new(
+ "<%= form_builder.cfa_radio(:example_method_with_validation, 'First option', :first_option) %>
+ <%= form_builder.cfa_radio(:example_method_with_validation, 'Second option', :second_option) %>",
+ ).result(binding).html_safe
+ end
+ end
+ it "passes options to the radiogroup" do
+ radiogroup_html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css("radiogroup")
+ expect(radiogroup_html.get_attribute("data-option")).to eq("some-value")
+ end
+ end
+ context "errors" do
+ before do
+ fake_model.validate
+ end
+ it "should associate form errors with fieldset" do
+ fieldset_html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css("fieldset")
+ error_text_html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".text--error")
+ expect(fieldset_html.get_attribute("aria-describedby")).to eq(error_text_html.get_attribute("id"))
+ end
+ end
+ context "wrapper_classes provided" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_radiogroup(:example_method_with_validation, "Radio group", wrapper_classes: ["wrapper-class"]) do
+ ERB.new(
+ "<%= form_builder.cfa_radio(:example_method_with_validation, 'First option', :first_option) %>
+ <%= form_builder.cfa_radio(:example_method_with_validation, 'Second option', :second_option) %>",
+ ).result(binding).html_safe
+ end
+ end
+ it "assigns wrapper classes on the containing element" do
+ html_component = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).child
+ expect(html_component.classes).to include("wrapper-class")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe ".cfa_select" do
+ let(:select_options) { ["thing one", "thing two"] }
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_select(:example_method_with_validation, "My select value", select_options)
+ end
+ it "renders a text input with valid HTML" do
+ expect(output).to be_html_safe
+ end
+ it "includes an identifying class on the containing element" do
+ html_component = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).child
+ expect(html_component.classes).to include("cfa-select")
+ end
+ it "by default appends optional text after the label" do
+ html_component = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".form-question")
+ expect(html_component.text).to include("(Optional)")
+ end
+ it "includes label with provided text" do
+ label = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css("label")
+ expect(label.text).to eq("My select value")
+ end
+ context "when options provided" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_select(
+ :example_method_with_validation, "My select value", select_options, options: { include_blank: "Choose an option" }
+ )
+ end
+ it "passes options to the select" do
+ first_option_html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css("option")
+ expect(first_option_html.text).to eq("Choose an option")
+ expect(first_option_html.get_attribute("value")).to eq("")
+ end
+ end
+ context "when html options provided" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_select(:example_method_with_validation, "My select value", select_options, html_options: { disabled: true })
+ end
+ it "passes html_options to the select" do
+ select_html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css("select")
+ expect(select_html.get_attribute("disabled")).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ context "errors" do
+ before do
+ fake_model.validate
+ end
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_select(:example_method_with_validation, "My select value", select_options, html_options: { 'aria-describedby': "another-id" })
+ end
+ it "should associate form errors with input and append error id to existing aria-describedby attributes" do
+ select_html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css("select")
+ error_text_html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".text--error")
+ expect(select_html.get_attribute("aria-describedby")).to include("another-id")
+ expect(select_html.get_attribute("aria-describedby")).to include(error_text_html.get_attribute("id"))
+ end
+ end
+ context "wrapper_classes provided" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_select(:example_method_with_validation, "My select value", select_options, wrapper_classes: ["wrapper-class"])
+ end
+ it "assigns wrapper classes on the containing element" do
+ html_component = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).child
+ expect(html_component.classes).to include("wrapper-class")
+ end
+ end
+ context "required is true" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_select(:example_method_with_validation, "My select value", select_options, required: true)
+ end
+ it "does not append the optional text after the label" do
+ html_component = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".form-question")
+ expect(html_component.text).to_not include("(Optional)")
+ end
+ it "sets the aria-required attribute on the select tag" do
+ select_html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css("select")
+ expect(select_html.get_attribute("aria-required")).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe ".cfa_date_input" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_date_input(:example_method_with_validation, "Date case was filed")
+ end
+ it "renders a text input with valid HTML" do
+ expect(output).to be_html_safe
+ end
+ it "includes an identifying class on the containing element" do
+ html_component = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).child
+ expect(html_component.classes).to include("cfa-date-input")
+ end
+ it "sets legend inside the fieldset" do
+ legend = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css("legend")
+ expect(legend.text).to eq("Date case was filed")
+ end
+ it "uses default help text" do
+ month_input = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".form-width--month")
+ day_input = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".form-width--day")
+ year_input = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".form-width--year")
+ expect(month_input.get_attribute("placeholder")).to eq("MM")
+ expect(day_input.get_attribute("placeholder")).to eq("DD")
+ expect(year_input.get_attribute("placeholder")).to eq("YYYY")
+ end
+ context "when options provided" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_date_input(:example_method_with_validation, "Date case was filed", options: { class: "some-class" })
+ end
+ it "passes options to each of the inputs" do
+ month_input = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".form-width--month")
+ day_input = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".form-width--day")
+ year_input = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".form-width--year")
+ expect(month_input.classes).to include "some-class"
+ expect(day_input.classes).to include "some-class"
+ expect(year_input.classes).to include "some-class"
+ end
+ end
+ context "errors" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_date_input(:example_method_with_validation, "Date case was filed", options: { 'aria-describedby': "another-id" })
+ end
+ before do
+ fake_model.validate
+ end
+ it "associates form errors with each input and appends error id to existing aria-describedby attributes" do
+ month_input = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".form-width--month")
+ day_input = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".form-width--day")
+ year_input = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".form-width--year")
+ error_text_html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".text--error")
+ error_id = error_text_html.get_attribute("id")
+ expect(month_input.get_attribute("aria-describedby")).to include(error_id)
+ expect(month_input.get_attribute("aria-describedby")).to include("another-id")
+ expect(day_input.get_attribute("aria-describedby")).to include(error_id)
+ expect(day_input.get_attribute("aria-describedby")).to include("another-id")
+ expect(year_input.get_attribute("aria-describedby")).to include(error_id)
+ expect(year_input.get_attribute("aria-describedby")).to include("another-id")
+ end
+ end
+ context "wrapper_classes provided" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_date_input(:example_method_with_validation, "Date case was filed", wrapper_classes: ["wrapper-class"])
+ end
+ it "assigns wrapper classes on the containing element" do
+ html_component = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).child
+ expect(html_component.classes).to include("wrapper-class")
+ end
+ end
+ context "required is true" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_date_input(:example_method_with_validation, "Date case was filed", required: true)
+ end
+ it "sets the aria-required attribute on the select tag" do
+ month_input = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".form-width--month")
+ day_input = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".form-width--day")
+ year_input = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".form-width--year")
+ expect(month_input.get_attribute("aria-required")).to be_truthy
+ expect(day_input.get_attribute("aria-required")).to be_truthy
+ expect(year_input.get_attribute("aria-required")).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ context "help text is provided" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_date_input(:example_method_with_validation, "Date case was filed", help_text: "month/day/year")
+ end
+ it "splits the help text and displays it in the inputs as placeholder text" do
+ month_input = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".form-width--month")
+ day_input = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".form-width--day")
+ year_input = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".form-width--year")
+ expect(month_input.get_attribute("placeholder")).to eq("month")
+ expect(day_input.get_attribute("placeholder")).to eq("day")
+ expect(year_input.get_attribute("placeholder")).to eq("year")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe ".cfa_checkbox" do
+ let(:output) { form_builder.cfa_checkbox(:example_method_with_validation, "Checkbox stuff") }
+ it "renders a text input with valid HTML" do
+ expect(output).to be_html_safe
+ end
+ it "includes an identifying class on the containing element" do
+ html_component = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).child
+ expect(html_component.classes).to include("cfa-checkbox")
+ end
+ context "options are provided" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_checkbox(:example_method_with_validation, "Checkbox stuff", options: { disabled: true, 'data-some-attribute': "some-value" })
+ end
+ it "passes options to the checkbox" do
+ checkbox_html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css("input[type='checkbox']")
+ expect(checkbox_html.get_attribute("disabled")).to be_truthy
+ expect(checkbox_html.get_attribute("data-some-attribute")).to eq("some-value")
+ end
+ end
+ context "errors" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_checkbox(:example_method_with_validation, "Checkbox stuff", options: { 'aria-describedby': "another-id" })
+ end
+ before do
+ fake_model.validate
+ end
+ it "associates form errors with input and appends error id to existing aria-describedby attributes" do
+ checkbox_html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css("input[type='checkbox']")
+ error_text_html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css(".text--error")
+ expect(checkbox_html.get_attribute("aria-describedby")).to include("another-id")
+ expect(checkbox_html.get_attribute("aria-describedby")).to include(error_text_html.get_attribute("id"))
+ end
+ end
+ context "wrapper_classes provided" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_checkbox(:example_method_with_validation, "Checkbox stuff", wrapper_classes: ["wrapper-class"])
+ end
+ it "assigns wrapper classes on the containing element" do
+ html_component = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).child
+ expect(html_component.classes).to include("wrapper-class")
+ end
+ end
+ context "when disabled" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_checkbox(:example_method_with_validation, "Checkbox stuff", options: { disabled: true })
+ end
+ it "adds the correct class to the label" do
+ label_html = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css("label")
+ expect(label_html.classes).to include("is-disabled")
+ end
+ end
+ context "checked and unchecked value" do
+ let(:output) do
+ form_builder.cfa_checkbox(:example_method_with_validation, "Checkbox stuff", "yes", "no")
+ end
+ it "uses the values in the generated inputs" do
+ hidden_input = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css("input[type='hidden']")
+ visible_input = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(output).at_css("input[type='checkbox']")
+ expect(hidden_input.get_attribute("value")).to eq "no"
+ expect(visible_input.get_attribute("value")).to eq "yes"
+ end
+ end
+ end