Loops are used to access elements of a iterable data structure. Conditional statements are used to make decisions. They are also used to skip a check of code dependent on input or other parameters.
Refer conditionals.go
in this repository for practical usages.
If else statements have the following syntax
if (condition1) {
block 1
} else if (condition2) {
block 2
} else {
block 3
NOTE: Parentheses are required even if if
block has just one statement. Same applies for other conditionals.
There are two types of switch statements:
- Type switch:
switch <expression> {}
- Expression switch:
switch {} //no expression
statements iterate over iterable data structures. One of the ways of using the keyword: for i:= 0; i<10;i++{}
To loop over slices, array, maps or other iterable objects, for
is useful. It can be couple with range
cards = []string{"Ace","Spade"}
for index, suit := range cards{
fmt.Println(index, suit)
is used for variables index
and suit
because these variables are discarded and re-created after each iteration.