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  • Kubernetes cluster - A Kubernetes cluster is required. You will need cluster-admin authority in order to complete all of the prescribed steps.

  • Kubectl and Kustomize - The installation will occur via the terminal using kubectl and kustomize.

  • etcd - ModelMesh Serving requires an etcd server in order to coordinate internal state which can be either dedicated or shared. More on this later.

  • Model storage - The model files have to be stored in a compatible form of remote storage or on a Kubernetes Persistent Volume. For more information about supported storage options take a look at our storage setup page.

We provide an install script to quickly run ModelMesh Serving with a provisioned etcd server. This may be useful for experimentation or development but should not be used in production.

The install script has a --quickstart option for setting up a self-contained ModelMesh Serving instance. This will deploy and configure local etcd and MinIO servers in the same Kubernetes namespace. Note that this is only for experimentation and/or development use - in particular the connections to these datastores are not secure and the etcd cluster is a single member which is not highly available. Use of --quickstart also configures the storage-config secret to be able to pull from the ModelMesh Serving example models bucket which contains the model data for the sample InferenceServices. For complete details on the manifests applied with --quickstart see config/dependencies/quickstart.yaml.

Set up the etcd connection information

If the --quickstart install option is not being used, details of an existing etcd cluster must be specified prior to installation. Otherwise, please skip this step and proceed to Installation.

Create a file named etcd-config.json, populating the values based upon your etcd server. The same etcd server can be shared between environments and/or namespaces, but in this case the root_prefix must be set differently in each namespace's respective secret. The complete json schema for this configuration is documented here.

  "endpoints": "https://etcd-service-hostame:2379",
  "userid": "userid",
  "password": "password",
  "root_prefix": "unique-chroot-prefix"

Then create the secret using the file (note that the key name within the secret must be etcd_connection):

kubectl create secret generic model-serving-etcd --from-file=etcd_connection=etcd-config.json

A secret named model-serving-etcd will be created and passed to the controller.


To install the most recent stable release of modelmesh-serving follow the Installation instructions for version v0.11.0.

Start by cloning the modelmesh-serving repository:

git clone -b $RELEASE --depth 1 --single-branch
cd modelmesh-serving

Run the script to install ModelMesh Serving CRDs, controller, and built-in runtimes into the specified Kubernetes namespaces, after reviewing the command line flags below.

A Kubernetes --namespace is required, which must already exist. You must also have cluster-admin authority and cluster access must be configured prior to running the installation script.

A list of Kubernetes namespaces --user-namespaces is optional to enable user namespaces for ModelMesh Serving. The script will skip the namespaces which don't already exist.

The --quickstart option can be specified to install and configure supporting datastores in the same namespace (etcd and MinIO) for experimental/development use. If this is not chosen, the namespace provided must have an Etcd secret named model-serving-etcd created which provides access to the Etcd cluster. See the instructions above on this step.

kubectl create namespace modelmesh-serving
./scripts/ --namespace modelmesh-serving --quickstart --enable-self-signed-ca

See the installation help below for detail:

./scripts/ --help
usage: ./scripts/ [flags]

  -n, --namespace                (required) Kubernetes namespace to deploy ModelMesh Serving to.
  -p, --install-config-path      Path to installation configs. Can be a local ModelMesh Serving config tarfile/directory or a URL to a config tarfile.
  -d, --delete                   Delete any existing instances of ModelMesh Serving in Kube namespace before running install, including CRDs, RBACs, controller, older CRD with api group name, etc.
  -u, --user-namespaces          Kubernetes namespaces to enable for ModelMesh Serving
  --quickstart                   Install and configure required supporting datastores in the same namespace (etcd and MinIO) - for experimentation/development
  --fvt                          Install and configure required supporting datastores in the same namespace (etcd and MinIO) and set `enable-self-signed-ca` - for development with fvt enabled
  -dev, --dev-mode-logging       Enable dev mode logging (stacktraces on warning and no sampling)
  --namespace-scope-mode         Run ModelMesh Serving in namespace scope mode
  --modelmesh-serving-image      Set a custom ModelMesh serving image
  --enable-self-signed-ca        Enable self-signed-ca, if the cluster doesn't have `cert-manager` installed

Installs ModelMesh Serving CRDs, controller, and built-in runtimes into specified
Kubernetes namespaces.

Expects cluster-admin authority and Kube cluster access to be configured prior to running.
Also requires etcd secret 'model-serving-etcd' to be created in namespace already.

You can optionally provide a local --install-config-path that points to a local ModelMesh Serving tar file or directory containing ModelMesh Serving configs to deploy. If not specified, the config directory from the root of the project will be used.

You can also optionally use --delete to delete any existing instances of ModelMesh Serving in the designated Kube namespace before running the install.

The installation will create a secret named storage-config if it does not already exist. If the --quickstart option was chosen, this will be populated with the connection details for the example models bucket in IBM Cloud Object Storage and the local MinIO; otherwise, it will be empty and ready for you to add your own entries.

The --namespace-scope-mode will deploy ServingRuntimes confined to the same namespace, instead of the default cluster-scoped runtimes ClusterServingRuntimes. These serving runtimes are accessible to any user/namespace in the cluster.

You can optionally provide a custom ModelMesh Serving image with --modelmesh-serving-image. If not specified, it will pull the latest image.

The ModelMesh controller uses a webhook that requires a certificate. We suggest using cert-manager to provision the certificates for the webhook server. Other solutions should also work as long as they put the certificates in the desired location. You can follow the cert-manager documentation to install it. If you don't want to install cert-manager, use the --enable-self-signed-ca flag. It will execute a script to create a self-signed CA and patch it to the webhook config.

  • cert-manager latest version

    CERT_MANAGER_VERSION="v1.11.0"    # Use the latest version
    echo "Installing cert manager ..."
    kubectl create namespace cert-manager
    sleep 2
    kubectl apply -f${CERT_MANAGER_VERSION}/cert-manager.yaml
    echo "Waiting for cert manager started ..."
    kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l 'app in (cert-manager,webhook)' --timeout=180s -n cert-manager

Setup additional namespaces

To enable additional namespaces for ModelMesh after the initial installation, you need to add a label named modelmesh-enabled, and optionally setup the storage secret storage-config and built-in runtimes, in the user namespaces.

The following command will add the label to "your_namespace".

kubectl label namespace your_namespace modelmesh-enabled="true" --overwrite

You can also run a script to setup multiple user namespaces. See the setup help below for detail:

./scripts/ --help
Run this script to enable user namespaces for ModelMesh Serving, and optionally add the storage secret
for example models and built-in serving runtimes to the target namespaces.

usage: ./scripts/ [flags]
    -u, --user-namespaces         (required) Kubernetes user namespaces to enable for ModelMesh
    -c, --controller-namespace    Kubernetes ModelMesh controller namespace, default is modelmesh-serving
    --create-storage-secret       Create storage secret for example models
    --deploy-serving-runtimes     Deploy built-in serving runtimes
    --dev-mode                    Run in development mode meaning the configs are local, not release based
    -h, --help                    Display this help

The following command will setup two namespaces with the required label, optional storage secret, and built-in runtimes, so you can deploy sample InferenceServices into any of them immediately.

./scripts/ -u "ns1 ns2" --create-storage-secret --deploy-serving-runtimes

Delete the installation

To wipe out the ModelMesh Serving CRDs, controller, and built-in runtimes from the specified Kubernetes namespaces:

./scripts/ --namespace modelmesh-serving

(Optional) Delete the specified namespace modelmesh-serving

kubectl delete ns modelmesh-serving