LineMessaging API.Net을 통해 여러가지 유형의 메시지 생성 방법 및 발송 방법에 대해 아래와 같이 정리하였으니 참고하시기 바랍니다.
LINE Developers에서 제공되는 모든 유형의 메시지를 만들 수 있습니다. 위키 내용을 우선 참고해주세요.
- SendBroadcastMessageAsync method를 통해 X-Line-Retry-Key와 함께 단순 text메시지 발송 예시)
using Line; using Line.Message; using (var client = new LineMessagingClient("your access token")) { try { await client.Message.SendBroadcastMessageAsync(new TextMessage("hello world"), xLineRetryKey: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); } catch (LineException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); foreach (var detail in ex.Details ?? Enumerable.Empty<Detail>()) { Console.WriteLine(detail.Message); Console.WriteLine(detail.Property); } } }
- SendBroadcastMessageAsync method를 통한 다중 유형 메시지 발송 예시)
var messages = new List<IMessage>() { new TextMessage() { Text = "hello world!" }, new StickerMessage() { PackageId = "6632", StickerId = "11825375" }, new LocationMessage() { Title = "location title", Address = "location address", Longitude = 127.0374m, Latitude = 37.5444m }, new TemplateMessage() { AltText = "alt text", Template = new ButtonTemplate() { Title = "button template title", Text = "button template text", Actions = new List<IAction>() { new PostBackAction() { Label = "pb action label", Text = "pb text", Data = "pb data" } } } }, new TextMessage() { Text = "text with quick", QuickReply = new QuickReply() { Items = new List<QuickReplyButtonObject>() { new QuickReplyButtonObject() { Action = new UriAction() { Uri = "", Label = "uri label" } } } } } }; await client.Message.SendBroadcastMessageAsync(messages);
Task SendReplyMessageAsync(string replyToken, IMessage message, bool? notificationDisabled = null);
Task SendReplyMessageAsync(string replyToken, IList<IMessage> messages, bool? notificationDisabled = null);
Task SendPushMessageAsync(string to, IList<IMessage> messages, bool? notificationDisabled = null, string? xLineRetryKey = null);
Task SendPushMessageAsync(string to, IMessage message, bool? notificationDisabled = null, string? xLineRetryKey = null);
Task SendMulticastMessageAsync(IList<string> to, IList<IMessage> messages, bool? notificationDisabled = null, IList<string>? customAggregationUnits = null, string? xLineRetryKey = null);
Task SendMulticastMessageAsync(IList<string> to, IMessage message, bool? notificationDisabled = null, IList<string>? customAggregationUnits = null, string? xLineRetryKey = null);
Task SendNarrowcastMessageAsync(IList<IMessage> messages, IRecipientObject? recipient = null, NarrowcastMessageFilter? filter = null, NarrowcastLimit? limit = null, bool? notificationDisabled = null, string? xLineRetryKey = null);
Task SendNarrowcastMessageAsync(IMessage message, IRecipientObject? recipient = null, NarrowcastMessageFilter? filter = null, NarrowcastLimit? limit = null, bool? notificationDisabled = null, string? xLineRetryKey = null);
Task SendBroadcastMessageAsync(IList<IMessage> messages, bool? notificationDisabled = null, string? xLineRetryKey = null);
Task SendBroadcastMessageAsync(IMessage message, bool? notificationDisabled = null, string? xLineRetryKey = null);
quick reply buttons는 아래 모든 메시지에 포함 될 수 있습니다.
1. Text message
var message = new TextMessage()
Text = "hello world"
PackageId / StickerId는 List of available stickers를 참조하세요
var message = new StickerMessage()
PackageId = "6632",
StickerId = "11825375"
var message = new ImageMessage()
OriginalContentUrl = "your image url",
PreviewImageUrl = "preview image url"
var message = new VideoMessage()
OriginalContentUrl = "your mp4 video url",
PreviewImageUrl = "your preview url",
TrackingId = "trackingid"
var message = new AudioMessage()
OriginalContentUrl = "your m4a audio url",
Duration = 100
var message = new LocationMessage()
Title = "location title",
Address = "location address",
Longitude = 127.0374m,
Latitude = 37.5444m
var message = new ImageMapMessage()
BaseUrl = "",
AltText = "This is an imagemap",
BaseSize = new ImageMapBaseSize()
Width = 1040,
Height = 1040
Video = new ImageMapVideo()
OriginalContentUrl = "",
PreviewImageUrl = "",
Area = new ImageMapArea()
X = 0,
Y = 0,
Width = 1040,
Height = 585
ExternalLink = new ImageMapExternalLink()
LinkUri = "",
Label = "See More"
Actions = new List<IImageMapAction>()
new ImageMapUriAction()
LinkUri = "",
Area = new ImageMapArea()
X = 0,
Y = 586,
Width = 520,
Height = 454
new ImageMapMessageAction()
Text = "Hello",
Area = new ImageMapArea()
X = 520,
Y = 586,
Width = 520,
Height = 454
8-1. Buttons Template
var message = new TemplateMessage()
AltText = "alt text",
Template = new ButtonTemplate()
Title = "button template title",
Text = "button template text",
Actions = new List<IAction>()
new PostBackAction()
Label = "pb action",
Text = "pb text",
Data = "pb data"
8-2. Confirm Template
var message = new TemplateMessage()
AltText = "this is a confirm template",
Template = new ConfirmTemplate()
Text = "Are you sure?",
Actions = new List<IAction>()
new MessageAction()
Label = "Yes",
Text = "yes"
new MessageAction()
Label = "No",
Text = "no"
8-3. Carousel Template
var message = new TemplateMessage()
AltText = "alt text",
Template = new CarouselTemplate()
Columns = new List<CarouselColumnObject>()
new CarouselColumnObject()
ThumbnailImageUrl = "",
ImageBackgroundColor = "#FFFFFF",
Title = "carousel title 1",
Text = "carousel text 1",
Actions = new List<IAction>()
new PostBackAction()
Label = "pb action",
Text = "pb text",
Data = "pb data"
new CarouselColumnObject()
ThumbnailImageUrl = "",
Title = "carousel title 2",
Text = "carousel text 2",
Actions = new List<IAction>()
new PostBackAction()
Label = "pb action",
Text = "pb text",
Data = "pb data"
var message = new TemplateMessage()
AltText = "alt text",
Template = new ImageCarouselTemplate()
Columns = new List<ImageCarouselColumnObject>()
new ImageCarouselColumnObject()
ImageUrl = "https://imageurl",
Action = new PostBackAction()
Label = "pb action 1",
Text = "pb text 1",
Data = "pb data 1"
new ImageCarouselColumnObject()
ImageUrl = "https://imageurl",
Action = new PostBackAction()
Label = "pb action 2",
Text = "pb text 2",
Data = "pb data 2"
9. Flex Message
var message = new FlexMessage()
AltText = "flex message test",
Contents = new Bubble()
Hero = new ImageComponent()
Url = "",
Size = SizeType.Full,
AspectRatio = "20:13",
AspectMode = AspectModeType.Cover,
Action = new UriAction()
Uri = ""
Body = new BoxComponent()
Layout = BoxLayoutType.Vertical,
Contents =
new TextComponent()
Text = "Brown Cafe",
Weight = WeightType.Bold,
Size = SizeType.Xl
new BoxComponent()
Layout = BoxLayoutType.Baseline,
Margin = MarginType.Md,
Contents =
new IconComponent()
Size = SizeType.Sm,
Url = ""
new IconComponent()
Size = SizeType.Sm,
Url = ""
new IconComponent()
Size = SizeType.Sm,
Url = ""
new IconComponent()
Size = SizeType.Sm,
Url = ""
new IconComponent()
Size = SizeType.Sm,
Url = ""
new TextComponent()
Text = "4.0",
Size = SizeType.Sm,
Color = "#999999",
Margin = MarginType.Md,
Flex = 0
new BoxComponent()
Layout = BoxLayoutType.Vertical,
Margin = MarginType.Lg,
Spacing = SpacingType.Sm,
Contents =
new BoxComponent()
Layout = BoxLayoutType.Baseline,
Spacing = SpacingType.Sm,
Contents =
new TextComponent()
Text = "Place",
Color = "#aaaaaa",
Size = SizeType.Sm,
Flex = 1
new TextComponent()
Text = "Miraina Tower, 4-1-6 Shinjuku, Tokyo",
Wrap = true,
Color = "#666666",
Size = SizeType.Sm,
Flex = 5
new BoxComponent()
Layout = BoxLayoutType.Baseline,
Spacing = SpacingType.Sm,
Contents =
new TextComponent()
Text = "Time",
Color = "#aaaaaa",
Size = SizeType.Sm,
Flex= 1
new TextComponent()
Text = "10:00 - 23:00",
Wrap = true,
Color = "#666666",
Size = SizeType.Sm,
Flex = 5
Footer = new BoxComponent()
Layout = BoxLayoutType.Vertical,
Spacing = SpacingType.Sm,
Contents =
new ButtonComponent()
Style = ButtonStyleType.Link,
Height = "sm",
Action = new UriAction()
Label = "CALL",
Uri = ""
new ButtonComponent()
Style = ButtonStyleType.Link,
Height = "sm",
Action = new UriAction()
Label = "WEBSITE",
Uri = ""
new BoxComponent()
Layout = BoxLayoutType.Vertical,
Margin = MarginType.Sm
Flex = 0