For the following brokers and apps we are ready to parse the following documents. For some brokers a more detailed explanation is given behind brokername.
Broker / App | Type of documents | Remark |
1822direkt | Buy, Sell, Dividend | |
Baader Bank | Buy, Sell, Dividend | |
comdirect | Buy, Sell, Dividend | |
Commerzbank | Buy, Dividend, Transaction Log | |
Consorsbank | Buy, Sell, Dividend | |
Degiro (DE) | Transaction Log | |
Deutsche Bank | Dividend, Transaction Log (Buy and Sell Only), Depot Status | Only specific buy/dividend .pdf files are supported |
DKB | Buy, Sell, Dividend | |
ebase | Transaction Log | Currently only the .pdf documents |
Erste Bank (AT) | Buy, Dividend | |
flatex / FinTech Group | Buy, Sell, Dividend | |
Gratisbroker | See Baderbank | |
ING (DE) | Buy, Sell, Dividend, Depot Statement | |
onvista | Buy, Sell, Dividend | |
Oskar | See Baderbank | |
Portfolio Performance | .csv file Containing Buys, Sells, Dividends | Must be cleared of splits, only .csv files generated via menu File -> export |
Postbank | Buy, Sell, Dividend | |
Scalable Capital | See Baderbank | |
Smartbroker | Buy, Sell, Dividend, Knockouts | (Portfolio Overview and Cost Information can't be parsed |
Trade Republic | Buy, Sell, Dividend, Quarter/Year report | |
Union Investment | Buy, Sell, Dividend |