make lint
Env | Default | Description |
Tasks in task directory | Tasks to test. (format: <taskname:version>;<taskname:version>;... ) |
kubectl |
Command to use instead of kubectl . |
Tests may be ran on any of the following platforms via...
Running a full test entails setting up an ephemeral environment. This may be done by running the associated Make target:
Platform | Make target | Scripts |
GKE | test-gke |
gke |
Kind | test-kind |
kind |
OpenShift | test-openshift |
openshift |
make test-kind
Running tests on a pre-existing environments may be done by choosing the right kubeclt
context and executing the following scripts...
→ Install Tektonscripts/platforms/
→ Run tests of our tasks using the same mechanism provided by the Catalog.
Compare tasks against latest version in Tekton Catalog.
Env | Default | Description |
Tasks in task directory | Tasks to compare. (format: <taskname:version>;<taskname:version>;... ) |
git diff --no-index |
Command to use for diff'ing task contents. |
make diff
Setting up a docker registry simplifies testing by not having to provide authentication to the tekton pipeline.
The following solution starts a local docker registry but routes it publically via ngrok so that communication can occur using https without having to deal with certificates.
- docker
- ngrok
- Start docker registry
docker run --rm -e REGISTRY_STORAGE_DELETE_ENABLED=true -d -p 5000:5000 registry:2
- Forward port via ngrok
ngrok http 5000
- Reference images using the domain provided by ngrok (ie.