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abstract = {Overview and guide for country implementation unenvironment.org/water Volume 1 Freshwater ecosystems such as wetlands, rivers, and lakes are indispensable for life on our planet and vital for directly ensuring a range of benefits and services fundamental to the environment, society and the economy. However, they face serious pressures which affect their ability to provide those services, such as pollution, over-extraction and encroachment from urban and agricultural development. One of the main challenges in managing freshwater ecosystems lies in finding the balance between short-term socioeconomic development objectives and the need to protect and restore freshwater ecosystems to support more sustainable, long-term socioeconomic wellbeing. UN Environment has developed a publication series entitled 'A Framework for Freshwater Ecosystem Management'. The main aim of the series is to support countries to sustainably manage freshwater ecosystems. In doing so, it supports national and international goals related to freshwater ecosystems, such as certain Aichi Biodiversity Targets and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets. The series currently consists of four volumes: • Volume 1: Overview and guide for country implementation • Volume 2: Technical guide for classification and target-setting • Volume 3: Case studies • Volume 4: Scientific background for regional consultations on developing water quality guidelines for ecosystems This volume, 'Overview and guide for country implementation', provides an overview of the Framework, and places it in the context of supporting Agenda 2030. It is intended for a wide audience, including decision makers, practitioners, scientists, non-governmental organizations and the general public.},
annote = {Pg 31 indicators categories
pg 33 indicators},
author = {UNEP},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/JKnulp/Documents/07 WORK/NU{\_}HUB/Literature review/min{\_}data{\_}requirem/Framework{\_}Freshwater{\_}Ecosystem{\_}Mgt{\_}vol2.pdf:pdf},
pages = {57},
title = {{Framework for Freshwater Ecosystem Management Series. Vol. 2}},
volume = {2},
year = {2017}